Magician of the Beautiful

Magician of the Beautiful - A Neville Goddard NFT

Neville Goddard was sometimes referred to as the “Magician of the Beautiful.” This title is attributed to him due to his profound teachings on the power of imagination and the transformative ability of human consciousness. Goddard’s emphasis on the beauty of creating one’s reality through the imagination likely contributed to this epithet.

The term “magician” in this context doesn’t refer to traditional stage magic or illusions but rather to the idea that individuals have the power to shape their lives and experiences through the intentional use of their thoughts and imagination. The descriptor “of the Beautiful” reflects the positive and harmonious nature of the transformations that Goddard believed were possible through the conscious use of imagination.

While the term may not be as widely recognized as some other titles given to spiritual or philosophical figures, it captures the essence of Neville Goddard’s teachings and his perspective on the creative and beautiful potential within each person’s mind.

Some key points in Neville Goddard’s teachings include:

• The Power of Imagination: Goddard emphasized the creative power of the human imagination. He believed that our thoughts and mental images have the ability to shape our experiences and influence the events in our lives.

• Concept of “I AM”: Central to Goddard’s teachings is the concept of “I AM,” representing the awareness of being. He suggested that when we say “I am,” we are making a powerful statement about our identity and that our inner dialogue and self-talk play a crucial role in shaping our reality.

• Living in the End: Goddard encouraged the practice of “living in the end,” which means assuming the feeling and mental state of having already achieved your desired goal. By living in the end, one aligns their thoughts and emotions with the desired outcome, making it more likely to manifest.

• Revision: Neville Goddard spoke about the power of revising past events in our minds. He suggested that by mentally revising and reimagining past experiences in a more positive way, individuals can influence their present and future circumstances.

• The Law of Assumption: Goddard believed in the law of assumption, which posits that assuming a certain state of being or outcome will eventually lead to its manifestation in one’s life. This aligns with the idea that our beliefs and assumptions shape our reality.

• Scripting and Affirmations: Neville Goddard often recommended the use of scripting, where individuals write down their desires as if they have already been realized. He also advocated the use of affirmations to reinforce positive beliefs and intentions.

Neville’s Story:


Neville Goddard was born on 19 February 1905 in St. Michael, Barbados in the British West Indies, to Joseph Nathaniel Goddard, a merchant, and Wilhelmina Nee Hinkinson. Neville was the fourth child in a family of nine boys and one girl.

In 1922 he came to the United States on board the S.S. Vasari to study drama at the age of seventeen. He became a dancer, and during this time he married his first wife, and they had a son together, named Joseph Neville Goddard. While touring with his dance company in England he developed an interest in metaphysics after striking up a conversation with a Scotsman who lent him a series of books on the powers of the mind. Upon his return to New York he gave up the entertainment industry to devote his full attention to the study of spiritual and mystical matters.

Neville Goddard’s first marriage was short lived, and he remained single for years until in the 1930s he met his second wife, who was a designer. After they married, they had a daughter named Victoria or “Vicky”. In 1943, he was drafted into the U.S. Army at age 38, which he did not want, especially since he felt he was too old to become a soldier and had a wife and daughter at home to take care of. Through the power of imagination, as Neville told it in his March 24, 1972 lecture, he was honorably discharged after just a few weeks of training. One consequence of his brief Army training was that he received full United States citizenship, having been a British citizen up to this point.

Goddard’s interest in esoteric interpretations of the Bible deepened after he met Abdullah, an Ethiopian Jew who lectured on Esoteric Christianity and taught both Goddard and Joseph Murphy. Neville went to hear him somewhat under protest to satisfy the constant urging of a friend, saying “I recall the first night I met Abdullah. I had purposely delayed going to one of his meetings because a man whose judgement I did not trust had insisted on my attendance. At the end of the meeting, Ab approached me and said: ‘Neville, you are six months late.’ Startled, I questioned how he knew my name, when he said: ‘The brothers told me you would be here six months ago.’ Then he added: ‘I will remain until you have received all that I must give you. Then I will depart.’ He, too, may have longed to go, but he had to wait for me.” From this introduction, Neville studied with Abdullah learning Hebrew, the Kabbalah, and the hidden symbolic meaning of Scripture.

After traveling extensively throughout the United States, Neville eventually made his home in Los Angeles where, in the 1950s, he gave a series of talks on television and radio, and for many years lectured regularly to capacity audiences at the Wilshire Ebell Theater. In the 1960s and early 1970s, he confined most of his lectures to Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco.

In his early lectures and books Neville dealt solely with what he called The Law, the technique of creating one’s physical reality through imagining. It is this portion of his expression that most closely accords with the teachings of the New Thought movement. In describing The Law, Neville related how he made a sea voyage from New York to see his family in Barbados during the Depression, without any money of his own.

He related how, by the use of imaginal power, he was honorably discharged from military service to continue his lectures during World War II. He gave his audiences in San Francisco in the 1950s and 1960s accounts of how others had made use of The Law. He discussed it on television in the Los Angeles area, saying, “Learn how to use your imaginal power, lovingly, on behalf of others, for Man is moving into a world where everything is subject to his imaginal power.”

In the year 1959, he began to experience what he called “The Promise.” He later wrote, “I did not know of The Promise until I began to experience it and have it unfold within me beginning that summer and continuing during the next three-and-one-half years. And this is Scriptural; read it in the Book of Daniel where it is referred to as ‘a time, times, and a half.’ It comes to 1260 days in your experience of it.”

In the latter part of the 1960s and early 1970s Neville gave more emphasis to The Promise than to The Law. One could use imaginal power to change one’s circumstances, he said, but it would be temporary, “…and will vanish like smoke.” He went on to explain that The Promise superseded The Law, claiming “Oh, you can use it [The Law] to make a fortune, to become known in the world, all these things are done, but, your true purpose here is to fulfil Scripture.” After subordinating The Law to The Promise, he became as eager to hear accounts by those who had experienced The Promise, and sharing such accounts, as he had earlier of those with The Law.

Neville’s theological view of The Promise includes both the cosmology of union with the Godhead after death, and future restoration for those who do not accept The Promise during their lives. Of The Promise, he said “You do not earn it; it is a gift, it is all grace. God’s promise is unconditional; God’s law is conditional.” and comes in its own good time. If you do not experience it in this life, he said, “You pass through a door, that’s all that death is, and — you are restored to life instantly in a world like this, just this world” [and] you go on there with the same problems you had here with no loss of identity – not old, not blind, not crippled, if you depart this life that way, but young.” In this restorationist afterlife, he said of people there, “They grow, and they marry, and they die there, too, with all the fear of death that we have here. And if they die there without experiencing The Promise, they are restored to life again and again in a place best suited to the work yet to be done in them. And it continues until ‘Christ be formed in You’ and as ‘Sons of The Resurrection’ you leave this world of death never to enter it again.”

In response to questions about the fear of eternal hell and damnation that many have, Neville replied with a quote from Scripture, “’Not one shall be lost in all my holy mountain.’ You are God and how could God eternally condemn Himself?” Until we awaken and make this discovery, he said, we are privileged to use a Law, given by God, to “cushion the blows of life.” The Law, stated succinctly is this, In Neville’s words: “Imagining creates reality”.

In the last years of his life he said, “I know my time is short. I have finished the work I have been sent to do and I am now eager to depart. I know I will not appear in this three-dimensional world again for The Promise has been fulfilled in me. As for where I go, I will know you there as I have known you here, for we are all brothers, infinitely in love with each other.”

Neville Goddard died at the age of 67 on October 1, 1972, in Los Angeles. His work is being preserved on the Internet.

And his work is now being preserved by Sapien Medicine and the blockchain :blush:

The Neville Goddard NFT – Magician of the Beautiful

Main Field 1:
Nevillization of our Beingness

A: Entire knowledgebase, teachings and wisdom of Neville Goddard (his consciousness + smart access to all his techniques) alchemized into our being as a quintessence
B: Taking this quintessence and infusing it into our body, mind and spirit (and into our subconscious + higher self, if needed)
C: Elevating our consciousness (+ elements of alchemical revision of the past, as if we had always had this new level of consciousness) as a whole based on these quintessential upgrades

Main Field 2:
Upgrading our Nevillized Beingness with Sapien Medicine Magic by supercharging our desired goals

A: Woven Worlds concepts + gratitude + unconditional love shall be applied upon all our manifestations from now on
B: Solidifier-like powers shall be granted upon all our desires from now on
C: A sprinkle of Cone of Power + Schumann Resonance shall be added for flavour, power and groundedness

Main Field 3:
Becoming A Beautiful Magician ourselves

A: Achieving a consciousness of complete freedom
B: Realizing the best possible life for oneself and others in this world and beyond
C: Fulfillment of The Promise

Let’s do this…

Thanks everyone who joined the group :slight_smile: Thank you for creating something truly beautiful @Captain_Nemo :pray:
Thank you to the staff team for all and any guidance :tada:
Thank you to the entire forum for this opportunity :rose:



First manifestation done



What a super Epic NFT!




My favourite ever🌟

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Personally for me, out of all the NFTs, this is the one I am the most excited for.


Likewise! Just got it, can’t wait to use it



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Seems lovely!

I will get this if this comes up for unsold copies auction at some point :slight_smile:


poooh, this just surpassed Psychic Mastery as my new favourite NFT!

The shift in mindset and consciousness is immediate, from

“I hope/I wish I can get this or that/or a smaller version of it (it´s more likely to manifest faster anyways)”

to a calm, positive and grounded outlook

“You got this, doesn´t matter how much money or energy you have, your current physical state doesn´t matter at all, you can make anything happen anyways. Easily so, no reason for it not to be easy.
Do you feel the absence of anxiety? This is how you are supposed to feel as a beautiful creator
being…so…what do you actually want to crystallize from the realm of infinite possibilities my friend?”


While listening to this there was a tranquil feeling that “it is done”. No need to do anything.


I just took the plunge, number 7…magic


I really think Neville Goddard is out there watching y’all reviews


i think he knows or like has a sublime hand in this


The Artwork of this NFT is truly breathtaking…it is perhaps the most beautiful NFT artwork I have seen so far for Sapien medicine’s NFT’s.


How is everyone doing with this? Loving the feeling of contentment so far.

I am currently rereading all Neville’s book and lectures to reinforce my knowledge.


If you haven’t yet, check out Edward Art, a great interpreter of Neville’s teachings.


Great addition, thank you.

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Why is a passcode needed on sapiens website when I want to search for this nft?

Only members of the private NFT group have the passcode and can access this


Alright thank you for your fast answer