Bad luck whenver i relapse on SR?

Guys this is insane. whenever i relpase on P i get extreme bad luck for the next 2 weeks

this makes no sense, its literally Semen why does it determine wheter i have a normal life or not

People also ignore me a lot when im not on SR aswell but when Im on it it seems like everyones receptive to me and my words lol this is so weird

I had 11 incidents of bad luck today . just relapsed yesteday

can anyone explain this phenononom ?? I searched it up on reddit and to my amazement other people have experienced this aswell!!! wtfff

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Did you felt guilty or you had any bad emotions associated with that event of releasing?


Relapse is a nosedive from a high vibrational state of SR and on top people beat themselves up that they relapsed and they think about every time they failed, so negative emotions follow.

A nosedive means the negative emotions you have will also be at a very low level so it is easier to attract bad events. This happens with any spiritual practice as well many think so did I that the practice should somehow make you dodge bad things but bad things are bound to happen, till you stabilise in your practice it is always a nosedive.


Nope i used to beat myself a lottt over it but this past month i have felt zero shame or guilt lol

in fact I still feel confident when i do it and literally no bad emotions and i still feel extremly high vibration.

This makes me even more confused lol. I used to think okay yeah the bad luck and ignoring occurs because I beat myself up for it but nope im still getting these weirddd side effects lol maybe theres some merit to this :thinking:

How long do you stay in high vibration post orgasm during the next 2 weeks?

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Forgive me, what is SR?

Semen retention.

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From PI?

I think he meant that he practices semen retention (no porn, no masturbation, no sex)
Not necessarily a field.

@Mouldytea, it does make sense once you see the underlying elements.

  • “Semen” or aka sexual energy is used by your body to run your other faculties that lead to higher consciousness, power, and magnetism overall.
  • In addition to that, possibly more importantly, porn content and actors emanate their own “morphic fields” which are full of parasites that feed on low-vibrational energies such as shame, grief, fear, desire, etc. They may influence you to experience more of those situations, so they can “feed”. If the parasites happen to be more intelligent, they may transfer/store the energy elsewhere for their “overlord”.

These fields should help

Free: (in this order)


All that being said, the 99.99% of the game is mindset. If you keep jumping back to the swamp after showering, there is not much point in it. Perhaps just temporary relief.

If you are spiritual/religous at least a little, calling Jesus or Krishna for help is probably the most efficient solution in terms of both effectiveness and gentleness.

Keep in mind that divine beings are highly non-possessive, and they’ll disappear the moment you change your mind, respecting your free-will. So it’s a good idea to communicate continuously with them until you’re completely free.

On the other hand, parasites (demonic beings) are highly possessive, meaning that you’ll have to kick them out consciously, and not let them back in. It is indeed a war until you establish yourself firmly in the divine qualities. Or take the other path. it’s up to you.


Also balance hormones so take into consideration the endocrine system.


Indeed I think it’s a continuation of the subconscious thinking that relapsing is a failure. And there’s logic to it, as semen are life force.

So of course, a relapse implies a depletion in life force. Such a state is ripe grounds for low vibration, negative thoughts, bad luck, etc. All potentials.

I remember someone on the forum asked a question once about SR as apparently he was feeling down after relapsing sth like a 1000 day streak. I told him to put that into perspective, as he actually succeeded like 99,9% literally.

So that means the root of this is still more importantly in the subconscious than in the actual relapsing itself.

But think about it… Even the word relapse is really not ideal. It makes it easy to feel guilty. That’s why the SR community also has extreme elements in it.

I would advocate an approach that is not extreme to either side. Let there be no force, find a middle way to transcend it, then after a relapse you might only feel low energy but with no other side effects. And the low energy is evident as this is life creating power.


im in high vibration all the time now thanks for spirtehon max lol!!

maybe it is just a suboncious thing because conciously i feel nothing lol

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I agree with what @Nice2knowU said.

Sounds like you are subconscioulsy seeing “relapsing” as going against god’s will and the whole world, then feeling guilty about it and then punishing yourself through manifesting that punishment.

It is a self-sebotage based on toxic assumptions.

Relapsing is never a problem, unless you see it so and then apply a penalty to yourself.
Bad luck manifestation could be the manifestation of your own penalty for yourself.

And of course, if you do not accept yourself as someone who has just relapsed, neither will the people you meet. Because those people only treat you how you see yourself. They are mirroring it all back to you.
If you see yourself as a “guilty low-energy unowrthy relapser” the minute after you have relapsed, then people will subconsciously instantly pick up on that and treat you accordingly

The solutions are:

  • Integrate the belief that life force and semen are abundant and always replenish themselves. Especially, now since we have fields this happens very fast.

  • Stop beating up yourself for not having used that semen energy for something more productive. Detach from those nofap community assumptions and beliefs.

The nofap community is all about maxing out the usage of their semen energy and if they don’t do so, they feel guilty as hell and beat themselves down (punish themselves).
This is very dangerous because these people are actually conditioning themselves to not value their life force energy for its multi-purpose use, but to fear it because they only accept it when they are able to channel it in “the right” ways. They replace one self-mindfuck with a different one.


I think you are confusing having a brain high with being actually high vibration.

Just because your neurochemistry now allows you to feel “higher”, does not mean that your core beliefs, assumtions and energy body have changed. You still have to work increasing your vibration.


i geniunly dont beat myself up for it anymore thoughhh thats why i think there must be some merit ffor this semen retention stuff

Maybe its all happening in the subconcious then like u say :thinking:

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Maybe when I watch P , the entites latch on to me and thats what causing this bad luck, low charisma etc…

Yes, this. Your outer manifestations usually reflect your inner subconscious world.

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No, it is not the entities lol. They don’t have power over you in most cases. They are mostly an annoyance, but too many people blame their problems on entities these days. While it is mostly the people’s own thought forms and self-sabotage patterns that are blocking them.

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