"No one comes to the Father but through Me"

Well, I’ve known this for a while and I bet many of you already know it as well.
Still, I decided to share this topic as part of why I’m going to buy Architect of Reality and 8-arms Yoga fields.

I keep seeing these debates on YouTube podcasts about accepting Jesus as their lord and savior, yet many of them are clueless, striving to get to heaven for selfish reasons only. I am myself still like that a bit, but I’m willing to change because I also get this indescribable gravitation toward “…”. I think I ended up here through mostly Jnana (Knowledge) Yoga, however, I’m moving to a stage where I meet/understand “the All-attractiveness of the Godhead”, falling in devotion helplessly. It’s weird in a way… because I never desired/intended such a thing, so that title of “stealer of hearts” makes perfect sense now, but you can’t call the cops because it’s the sweetest thief ever… The thief itself is a savior and a treasure at the same time. It’s like he broke into your house, did your laundry, wiped the floor, and left… Then you’re like… “wow, that’s nice, I wish he came back again” and then he does it again… he does it each time you ask… and guys I have asked so many times… No one on earth would put up with that.

Then you realize that this “thing” answers your questions perfectly whenever you ask. He leaves you alone if you don’t call him, but of course, you want to keep calling him. If you’re an analytical person like myself, you think “what a weirdo… what is this?”… Then you eventually associate it with figures such as Jesus and Krishna. Studying their lives, you are left in awe again… Earth doesn’t please you anymore… You realize how temporary sense gratifications are the source of future miseries, how lust/desire is innately insatiable (it’s like trying to put gasoline into a fire). Greed makes life difficult for everyone… and so on… There has to be something better.

Anyway, allow me to share an example of my mistakes and victories, so that perhaps they may help at least 1 person.

A basic mistake: listening to Soul Restoration with the intention of “I will cleanse and upgrade myself to be better, stronger, and more capable” or “it’s good for ‘me’”. It’s just paradoxical.
A victory: listening to Soul Restoration with the intention of “I am here to make things better for everyone”.

I think the first time I realized it was couple years ago when I did genuine Ho’oponopono for every person I got angry with (and could remember), from that day to my childhood. It took 3 hours of meditation and my chest was sore for 3 days. (I could feel “the energy working”).

That level of intensity never happens when I do spiritual practices with “a desire to get something”.

Anyway, I’ve already written way too much than I intended. I was just gonna share a few screenshots with you guys because I ran into too many podcasts where people say “Jesus is the only way to heaven”, but their understanding of Jesus doesn’t seem to match what he represents… or perhaps It’s just that I misunderstood. I’ll leave my thoughts here nevertheless. :)

Lust and greed are like the polar opposites of Divine Love, so, in conclusion, this post is an emphasis on the importance of getting rid of lust and greed.
I’d like to write a bit more about the insatiable nature of lust, but right now I’ve got other things to attend to.
Perhaps more people will be interested in Architect of Reality and 8-arms Yoga after this post.


Appreciate you sharing your reflections. I would like to address some of the points you raised, the 8 limbs of yoga helps you overcome the hindrances of lust and greed, by aligning with the practice of Brahmacharya.

Brahmacharya is a vital aspect of the yogic path, emphasizing the right use of energy, often misunderstood as mere celibacy but encompassing the conscious direction of all forms of energy towards spiritual growth. The struggles with porn addiction or the desire to practice “no fap” stem from unresolved mental defilements and samskaras, which can be overcome through total purification of the being. Achieving true Brahmacharya involves not just physical celibacy but also mental discipline and spiritual focus, leading to freedom from those afflictions


“No one comes to the Father” is a realization that on your quest Back, you will inevitably come to know Christ, even if you don’t use the name. The name is there if needed, but even if you don’t, you will come to Him due to His absolute universality. It’s impossible not to be the case.


I too was trying to convey that Divine Love is the path and the truth. :) it’s not only the name or person of “Jesus Christ” per se, but what he represents.

Divine Love ~= Unconditional Love ~= Loving without expecting anything in return.

BG 9.29.

“I am equally disposed to all living entities; I am neither inimical nor partial to anyone. But those who worship me with devotion, they are in me, and I am in them.”

John 14:11

Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me,

BG 7.18

All these devotees are undoubtedly magnanimous souls, but he who is situated in knowledge of Me I consider to be just like My own self. …

John 10:30

I and the Father are one.

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My opinion only

There are multiple layers to the Gospels. But one useful division is dividing the statements of Jesus while he was alive (first life) and then his statements post-Resurrection. While alive, Jesus preached at two levels, a secret doctrine to his disciples and a more general messages to the uninitiated (e. g. The Sermon on the Mount).

The pre-death secret doctrine is a sect within Judaism. Jesus is teaching a path to heaven that does not involve his blood sacrifice. The verses you are referencing are part of these secret teachings. His mission when he is making these statements is not to be understood as a limitation on other religious paths. In fact, the universalist message only occurs after his Resurrection. His only deviation is when some Gentiles implored him—and defeated him rhetorically—for a healing (quite moving passages, really).

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