Part 1 (this post)
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
I would like to share something that most people and porn users are not aware of at all:
There ARE CONSEQUENCES in life when watching porn.
The main conscequence is porn’s extremely negative impact on one’s self esteem and self worth.
And high self esteem and self worth is required to reach any high goal in life!
Let me explain:
Most here will be aware that we constantly create our own personal reality according to the programs in our subconscious mind.
And that literally EVERYTHING that we consume information wise (news, social media feeds, porn, movies, radio, YouTube recommendations etc.) goes as a programming into our subconscious minds.
And guess what, with porn, the subconscious mind is programmed to associate lust with one watching how other people have sex. The message to the subconsciousness here is that it is not you who are having the sex here and that you are just watching other people and jerking of to them.
The subconscious mind is always listening and watching what you are thinking, feeling and doing. And it takes everything literally.
Let me elaborate in more detail:
Let’s be honest, most people watch porn NOT because of some additional leisure acitivity and like a regular hobby, but because they believe they have no other outlet for their sexual desire and do not know how to otherwise fulfill their sexual wishes.
And because of this, when you are watching porn, you are literally feeding your subconscious mind with negative messages…
…“that you are not good enough and not worthy enoufh to have real sex with hot women/men”
…“that you are not adequate enough to live out your sexual wishes in a healthy way in real life”
…“that the available women/men in your life are not enough for you”
…“that there are not enough women/men in your life with whom you can have sex with”
…“that you are not getting enough female/male attention in your life”
Also think about this:
The ACT OF JERKING OFF TO OTHERS HAVING SEX, implies to your subconscious mind…
…“that my sex life sucks”
…“that I am not good enough to live out my sexual desires in real life”
…“that I don’t have sex in real life”
…“that I am doing this jerking off because I don’t have sex”
…“that porn is my only source of sexual dopamine”
…“that the hot girl that I want to have sex with is not having sex with me but that other guy in the video”
Just think about this for a moment. All those negative implications that you are feeding your subconscious mind with when you are watching porn for the wrong reasons (which is the case in 99% of the cases).
Additionally, porn…
…lowers your vibration (to understand how important vibration is, check out the Ascension tag thread)
…does not make you happy (it is only a dopamine rush)
Furthermore, watching “erotica” (pics, sexual art etc) is also negative when you do it for the wrong reasons:
Because when you consume this stuff to get aroused, you are again, telling your subconscious mind that you are not being aroused by real women/men. You are telling your subconscious mind that because you do not receive enough arousal in real life, you need to compensate with getting aroused by erotic pictures.
Doing so also implies to your subconscious mind that real women/men are not available for arousal to you right now and/or that you are not worthy of receiving enough arousal-supply from them.
Just think about all of these negative implications and messages that you are giving your subconscious mind. And guess what? Your subsconscious mind manifests all of these as a reality for you!
Now it is a different story when you masturbate by using your FANTASY ONLY and as a CONSCIOUS ACT OF MANIFESTING, because then you are sending completely different messages to your subsconscoius mind.
So the main question is:
Are you proactively manifesting the sex life you want, or are you compensating with the tools that are thrown at you by society and feed your mind with counter-productive messages?
Some people are so depended on their porn dopamine rush that they would even ask the question:
- “Why can’t I just watch porn from time to time and jerk off to it?”
Instead these people should ask themselves:
“Why can’t I have sex with a loving partner or partners in real life for as much as I want to and whenever I want to?”
“Why can’t I have the most amazing sex in lucid dreams or via astral travel every night?”
“Why can’t I have some crazy erotic experiences with extraterrestials?” (Dream made fields for us to get in contact with these
I hope my message and explanation here is clear now and that it is of utmost imortancy with what MESSAGES and IMPLICATIONS you are feeding your mind with.
If you are not feeling worthy of having amazing sex, then using porn and erotica will only make this feeling of unworthiness 100x worse and confirm that unworthiness further!
Instead, abstain from erotic materials completely and work on healing and raising your self esteem and worthiness! With more worthiness you will be able to manifest what you actually desire.
Healthy alternatives to porn:
- Manifest real-life fulfilling sexual experiences and partners
- Masturbate in order to release manifesting energy towards your goal
- Sexual lucid dream (via fields and subliminals)
- Astral travel and have sex with your astral friends