The Devastating Effects of Porn on Self-Worth and Manifestation

Part 1 (this post)
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

I would like to share something that most people and porn users are not aware of at all:

There ARE CONSEQUENCES in life when watching porn.

The main conscequence is porn’s extremely negative impact on one’s self esteem and self worth.
And high self esteem and self worth is required to reach any high goal in life!

Let me explain:

Most here will be aware that we constantly create our own personal reality according to the programs in our subconscious mind.

And that literally EVERYTHING that we consume information wise (news, social media feeds, porn, movies, radio, YouTube recommendations etc.) goes as a programming into our subconscious minds.

And guess what, with porn, the subconscious mind is programmed to associate lust with one watching how other people have sex. The message to the subconsciousness here is that it is not you who are having the sex here and that you are just watching other people and jerking of to them.

The subconscious mind is always listening and watching what you are thinking, feeling and doing. And it takes everything literally.

Let me elaborate in more detail:

Let’s be honest, most people watch porn NOT because of some additional leisure acitivity and like a regular hobby, but because they believe they have no other outlet for their sexual desire and do not know how to otherwise fulfill their sexual wishes.

And because of this, when you are watching porn, you are literally feeding your subconscious mind with negative messages…

…“that you are not good enough and not worthy enoufh to have real sex with hot women/men”
…“that you are not adequate enough to live out your sexual wishes in a healthy way in real life”
…“that the available women/men in your life are not enough for you”
…“that there are not enough women/men in your life with whom you can have sex with”
…“that you are not getting enough female/male attention in your life”


Also think about this:
The ACT OF JERKING OFF TO OTHERS HAVING SEX, implies to your subconscious mind…

…“that my sex life sucks”
…“that I am not good enough to live out my sexual desires in real life”
…“that I don’t have sex in real life”
…“that I am doing this jerking off because I don’t have sex”
…“that porn is my only source of sexual dopamine”
…“that the hot girl that I want to have sex with is not having sex with me but that other guy in the video”


Just think about this for a moment. All those negative implications that you are feeding your subconscious mind with when you are watching porn for the wrong reasons (which is the case in 99% of the cases).

Additionally, porn…

…lowers your vibration (to understand how important vibration is, check out the Ascension tag thread)
…does not make you happy (it is only a dopamine rush)

Furthermore, watching “erotica” (pics, sexual art etc) is also negative when you do it for the wrong reasons:

Because when you consume this stuff to get aroused, you are again, telling your subconscious mind that you are not being aroused by real women/men. You are telling your subconscious mind that because you do not receive enough arousal in real life, you need to compensate with getting aroused by erotic pictures.
Doing so also implies to your subconscious mind that real women/men are not available for arousal to you right now and/or that you are not worthy of receiving enough arousal-supply from them.

Just think about all of these negative implications and messages that you are giving your subconscious mind. And guess what? Your subsconscious mind manifests all of these as a reality for you!

Now it is a different story when you masturbate by using your FANTASY ONLY and as a CONSCIOUS ACT OF MANIFESTING, because then you are sending completely different messages to your subsconscoius mind.

So the main question is:
Are you proactively manifesting the sex life you want, or are you compensating with the tools that are thrown at you by society and feed your mind with counter-productive messages?

Some people are so depended on their porn dopamine rush that they would even ask the question:

  • “Why can’t I just watch porn from time to time and jerk off to it?”

Instead these people should ask themselves:

  • “Why can’t I have sex with a loving partner or partners in real life for as much as I want to and whenever I want to?”

  • “Why can’t I have the most amazing sex in lucid dreams or via astral travel every night?”

  • “Why can’t I have some crazy erotic experiences with extraterrestials?” (Dream made fields for us to get in contact with these :slight_smile: )

I hope my message and explanation here is clear now and that it is of utmost imortancy with what MESSAGES and IMPLICATIONS you are feeding your mind with.

If you are not feeling worthy of having amazing sex, then using porn and erotica will only make this feeling of unworthiness 100x worse and confirm that unworthiness further!

Instead, abstain from erotic materials completely and work on healing and raising your self esteem and worthiness! With more worthiness you will be able to manifest what you actually desire.

Healthy alternatives to porn:

  • Manifest real-life fulfilling sexual experiences and partners
  • Masturbate in order to release manifesting energy towards your goal
  • Sexual lucid dream (via fields and subliminals)
  • Astral travel and have sex with your astral friends

I find your post very insightful. Especially regarding the subconscious mind. I’m not really invested in this subject, I’ve stopped porn a while ago because I just felt like it wasn’t bringing me anything beside dopamine release and subconscious frustration. I’ll just say that, regarding self esteem, the free video on YouTube is life changing, and very, very fast. It’s an amazing video and it changes so much


As insightful as your thoughts can be, Don’t you think you have too much of something against porn?
Which by nature defies the concepts of higher non duality

I recall another thread where the ideas of porn were discussed and lots of reflective input from everyone was added, enough to consider the multiple views and possibilities of impact.

But what actually got me was sex with aliens.


That’s the proposed healthier alternative?

As if doesn’t reflect the same but it just feels higher?

So by constantly having sex on the astral or with aliens you’re not sending messages to your subconscious that’s you are not only not having sex in real life but you’re also having unseen sex! You’re just really feeling it… but you can’t see it… you make it look like a far fetched enticing energy … and now it takes you a higher force of energy to feel the same level of arousal… Surely higher beings can’t compare with those humans on earth we have around today

Or does it feel higher and feeds sense of superiority?

You know, the spiritual one.


the astral is just as real as the matrix if not more right ?

I think his point wasn’t that it’s superior, simply that you are doing it,.not watching other doing it
So no subliminal message to the subconscious like " I can’t do it " which is the basic thing the subconscious gets when you watch porn.

Also I don’t think it’s bad as you’ve said it’s non duality.
But I think his post was aimed at helping people out
So they can know what possible effects it can have on their psyche, consciously or not, not nicknaming porn evil or something

I mean that’s how I interpreted it personally
Perhaps his words were a bit too harsh / dual


Yeah absolutely! “Unseen” does not mean that it is not happening, but in the “physical” where you are here it gives messages to you of a long far away sexually enticing energy and thus unobtainable
“on current physical plane and earth”

Which means, the point of subconscious messages and attainment of sexual goals are also deluded on the “higher and healthier alternative”

Just differently, albeit the same.

I can’t do it = I can’t have it around here.

Not everyday you meet someone who gets kinky with aliens and other beings :))


The same principles actually apply to News, Social Media Feeds, Music Lyrics, Commercials, Radio, TV, YouTube Feeds etc. Porn is just the most obvious example one that most understand straight away.

This thread here points out its effects on your subconscious mind and therefore on your daily manifestations.

Apparantly, you have yet no clue what Astral Sex is. Before you can do it you need to learn to astral project out of your body and trust me, it is more visible and energetic than anything on earth.
At no point was I talking about you remaining in your physical body and having sex with entities.

To learn astral travel there is now a thread here on the forum which you can have a look into ;-)

Also, the #1 listed recommended healthy alternative was “Manifest real-life fulfilling sexual experiences and partners” (!)



I see what you mean and there is a big misunderstanding here. You need to look into what Astral Sex actually is. You are not doing it with your physical body but when you leave your body.

Don’t focus too much on this particular example. Just manifest in physical life what you desire.


Alright sex expert :D

I’ve always had a thing for unicorns :unicorn: Time to see what’s up with that horn


:confused: really


Of course not haha
Plenty of universe secrets at these Devic realms:)

But ofc, what do I know I never made the effort to get my pleasure in the astral lol


Addition to my original post above:

The “Sexual Arousal, Becoming a Cone of Power” Effect

I wanted to add another important aspect to my main post above about the negative impact of porn on manifestation that is overlooked by most people.

Now keep in mind that this thread here discusses only porn’s negative impact on manifestation. The other negative types of impact, like frying of dopamine receptors, becoming infested with lower astral parasites etc. are to be discussed in other respective threads on this forum.

So here is the other aspect:

As you all know:

“You energy flows, where your attention goes.”

This is especially true with screens.

Whatever is shown on a screen and that you watch, is receiving your Chi and Shen energy just by you looking at it and having your attention and focus on it.

So in a sense, one is always manifesting someone else’s desired reality when one watches stuff that is not what one personally wants to manifest.

This is almost always true with social media, news, YouTube stuff, movies, Netflix, series, commercials, music video clips etc. (!)

Now with porn it becomes especially hideous, because when you are sexually aroused – and the life energy goes up your spine, especially during an orgasm – you and your body become like “Cone of Power”, a pillar of manifestational energy, that is then directed to what you see on the screen, and then respectively heavily fueled to be manifested.

So with you being a sexually aroused personal “Cone of Power”, the reality you are watching on the screen becomes amplified manyfolds!

In most cases people watching porn are watching OTHERS having the sex, which then manifests a reality of “being a cuck”, where it is the others who have the sex and not you.

And in most cases it also is sex that is NOT expressed in a loving way, plus all the other negative subliminal messages and implications that are usually in such movies.

So by being aware of this “Sexual Arousal Becoming a Cone of Power” effect, one can learn to direct his energy to one’s personal goals, instead of manifesting negative low self-esteem sh*t in one’s life.

One can use this arousal effect for manifestation of what you actually want, but this has to happen by you focusing your attention on your visual manifestation board or imagining and feeling something that you want to manifest.
In no way can you do this by looking at a screen that shows something that has a negative implication and message to the subconsicous mind (see original main post above)!

You can check out the Cone of Power thread to learn more about how this works with manifestation.


From a very personal experience i would suggest that the male members of this forum do everything possible not to watch porn movies from all sources.

To heal the damage done rather quickly i can suggest this stack:
three loops of smart cord cutter (or the free version)
three loops of grounding
then clear negative enteties two loops.
exorcism 2 loops
do this daily and use your will not to search for porn.
I think this will take no more then a week to heal and relieve you, it will also show you that your own boddies are built to experience much more pleasure alone as from this that you recieve watching that stuff.
if you have the urge to have an orgasm alone do so without watching porn.

nowadays this industry has become very dangeous. i mysef cannot believe what is become of that so called entertainment. when i was younger i didnt sence this negtivity from it. now it is a poison, and the more advanced you are the more poisonous it is.

perhaps with heavy deffence…but what i the sence of deffending then watching when one knows one is going in the pit there…unnecessary risk.


Also consider the new Point of No Return field on Gumroad which can replace most, if not all, of the fields you listed.


Since I´ve first started semen retention I got more sensitive to it and damn you´re right. Everytime I relapsed and got to a pornsite I felt immediatley “hooked in” just felt like jumping in a trash can despite I am not very energy sensitiv.

I am wondering, can I use a converted mp3 from a video that contains positiv suggestions without attaching cords or entitys to myself? Would like to use it for manifestation without bustin but I guess not. @JAAJ


As someone mentioned Astral sex. I had an experience via dream. I was about 3 weeks in without PMO. I had a dream that I had sex with a redhead that I worked with back then. Next day she saw me, she couldn’t help but keep smiling at me.

The energy I got from her is like she felt as if it actually happened and was super happy. Now back then I didn’t really know about raising vibration. I just knew about subliminals.

I never used anything to get a dream of this happening either. My point is, sometimes these random dreams happen and you should observe the person next time you see them if you have a similar experience like mine. The way she was happy in real life was the same way in the dream.


I don’t understand the question, can you specify please?
What type of video is it?


Some Kind of erotic asmr with positiv affirmations for the listener regarding self love/worth. Downloaded it some time ago and stumpled up again. Thought about using it in meditation for healing and possibly attracting a partner. Since the Source is still a pornsite I have concerns about possible, negativ attachements. Don´t know much about how they work, but cord cutter always brought major relief.
So I can´t feel anything malicious from it. Maybe I need to trust my intuition more?


I would say that since you are no longer on that site and the file is on your computer, what etheric cords rather matter here, would be the ones with the content creator itself. When you listen to her/his voice, you are connecting with that peson.

Questions to ask:

Does she/he also produces negative stuff?
Or does she/he produce only positive stuff?

Does she/he have clean aura or she/he full of parasitc attachments herself/himself?

What type of people usually listen to her/him and go her/his website?
Curious positive people or addicts?

Is the ASMR 100% positive messages only?


Damn that timing just logged in nice.

the crucial point thanks. I will abstain from it.


The need to stay away from porn dropped in hard during a recent ayahuasca circle :herb: