The Devastating Effects of Porn on Self-Worth and Manifestation

The Devastating Effects of Porn on Self-Worth and Manifestation – Part 5

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

I am making an additional part on this topic since I still get this question quite often via private messages. The question is “How exactly does watching porn lower my self esteem?”.


Porn programs a deep sense of neediness and desparation.
Porn makes the watcher needy and desperate.

How that?

When you watch porn and see hot body parts and sexual acts in front of you, then you actually doing exactly right that: you are just seeing these body parts and sexual acts.
But you are not touching and participating and you actually cannot touch and participate because it is all just happening on the screen in front of you.

You are literally seeing the carrot on the stick in front of you!

You are seeing something you want to have, to touch and to participate in, but cannot do so. And this creates a strong emotion of DESPERATE CRAVING.

You are craving what you see, but cannot have it, because it is just pixels on the screen.

This emotion of desperately craving what you see is not so obvious at first, because your brain is flooded by dopamine and that creates a perception layer of “being high” and because of this layer all other emotions are ignored in that moment.

However, that strong and deep emotion of desperately craving what you see is still there in the background all the time.

Because of this craving of “what you cannot have” emotion, you start feeling like you are not good enough or even like a worthless piece of shit. This is how porn undermines your sense of self worth, attacks your self esteem and puts you in a state of emotional misery.

And what happens then, is that as usual, “Feeling is the Secret”, those negative emotions of not being good enough, emotions of lack, emotions of worthlessness and desperaration and neediness, do manifest as experiences in one’s personal reality bubble.

Visual stimulus from porn of things that you want to have and do → emotion of desperate craving → a massive attack on and lowering of your self esteem because you cannot have it in that very moment → manifestation of respective experiences in real life

In general, EVERYTHING that causes a feeling of DESPERATE CRAVING inside you, always lowers your self esteem and works as negative manifestation!

It is a form “Negative Visualization”:

You are ASSOCIATING things that you want to have with a negative emotion of desperately craving those very things!

Cognitive Dissonance and brainfucking yourself.
You are literally programming yourself to associate things that you want to have with an emotion of not having and desperately craving those things.

When the PAIN of desperately craving something becomes stronger than the pleasure from the dopamine, you will automatically stop all behaviors where you are chasing the “carrot on the stick”.