The Devastating Effects of Porn on Self-Worth and Manifestation

The gaze and aura of the guy I posted is clearly different and better

Your guy looks the same every photo

Because my guy took the pictures within a minute and not years apart.
Anyway, I don’t want to debate on that here.

Good don’t bore me with your thoughts

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The Devastating Effects of Porn on Self-Worth and Manifestation – Part 5

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

I am making an additional part on this topic since I still get this question quite often via private messages. The question is “How exactly does watching porn lower my self esteem?”.


Porn programs a deep sense of neediness and desparation.
Porn makes the watcher needy and desperate.

How that?

When you watch porn and see hot body parts and sexual acts in front of you, then you actually doing exactly right that: you are just seeing these body parts and sexual acts.
But you are not touching and participating and you actually cannot touch and participate because it is all just happening on the screen in front of you.

You are literally seeing the carrot on the stick in front of you!

You are seeing something you want to have, to touch and to participate in, but cannot do so. And this creates a strong emotion of DESPERATE CRAVING.

You are craving what you see, but cannot have it, because it is just pixels on the screen.

This emotion of desperately craving what you see is not so obvious at first, because your brain is flooded by dopamine and that creates a perception layer of “being high” and because of this layer all other emotions are ignored in that moment.

However, that strong and deep emotion of desperately craving what you see is still there in the background all the time.

Because of this craving of “what you cannot have” emotion, you start feeling like you are not good enough or even like a worthless piece of shit. This is how porn undermines your sense of self worth, attacks your self esteem and puts you in a state of emotional misery.

And what happens then, is that as usual, “Feeling is the Secret”, those negative emotions of not being good enough, emotions of lack, emotions of worthlessness and desperaration and neediness, do manifest as experiences in one’s personal reality bubble.

Visual stimulus from porn of things that you want to have and do → emotion of desperate craving → a massive attack on and lowering of your self esteem because you cannot have it in that very moment → manifestation of respective experiences in real life

In general, EVERYTHING that causes a feeling of DESPERATE CRAVING inside you, always lowers your self esteem and works as negative manifestation!

It is a form “Negative Visualization”:

You are ASSOCIATING things that you want to have with a negative emotion of desperately craving those very things!

Cognitive Dissonance and brainfucking yourself.
You are literally programming yourself to associate things that you want to have with an emotion of not having and desperately craving those things.

When the PAIN of desperately craving something becomes stronger than the pleasure from the dopamine, you will automatically stop all behaviors where you are chasing the “carrot on the stick”.


How about if I simply like watching nature’s beauty?

What if I join in with VR?
How about a futuristic AI girl like in Blade Runner or Ex Machina?

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Does watching nature cause a feeling of DESPERATE CRAVING inside you?
No? Then you are good to go…

Same. You are still not participating. Just watching the scene from a different perspective. It is still a screen and you are still not there and not touching and not really interacting.

This would be similar to sex toys and the reason why you are using them would be the key to what effects it will have.
Are these tools used as add-ons to your existing awesome sex life or are they used as copes and replacements?
Do you experience emotions of deep desperate cravings when you look at these toys?
Are you addicted to using these tools or can you go a longer time without them?
These toys definitely cannot provide any external sexual validation to you (if you are looking for that) because they have no free will. So using them as copes would simply re-affirm the existing level of low self esteem.
Would you be “having sex” with these toys INSTEAD of having sex with real people or as a tool to deal with your excess of sexual energy?

In this sense, your hands, can be seen as masturbation toys/tools too, since they don’t have their own free will and will do to your sexual organs whatever you decide and for whatever reasons you decide.


Relevant to so much in life - thanks :black_heart:


There is no need to complicate this too much.

Pornography is run by demons. Your consent to and association with their network will result in slavery because that’s how they’re structured. Unless you go enslave others, and level up by attaining various vices, you’ll just be a brainless battery for the unholy network. They have methods to infiltrate into your system and control you.

The simplest way out is to summon the experts through prayer. The holy deities work through compassion (always respecting free will), so you must have unwavering faith in letting go of vices.
Also, have unwavering faith in being virtuous so you stay in the divine network and don’t fall back again.

There’s also another supreme way of being: complete equanimity and neutrality. It’s the real freedom, however, it’s been challenging to maintain such a mindset in my experience. Nowadays I understand why people go to moksha through sattva first.

All that being said, both sides of this coin are acted by the supreme one, so do your transition in acceptance and respect instead of hating the demons. Simply depart. Remember, evil begets evil and love begets love. It’s just not always that obvious due to the illusion of time.


not if you sit on your left arm for three minutes and the pleasure yourself. theen you dont feel what you are doing. please take on the fun side. most of the folk with such addictions, who are not physically ill or damaged simply don,t have any stimulus to let go of it, and of course the outside reallity doesnot help much, and also they dont feel in trouble. most of them dont. this is why the machine goes on. there are not enough really sick men (who are ill from it really badly) so it continues.

btw beautiful post on the psychology of what transpires while watching pornography.

what happens to one though when he learns for example to draw erotic imagery by himself? for self consumption perhaps. just scratching my itching COVID positive brain…

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I agree that most even don’t discover this as a problem until they actually try to proactively improve their life and decide to quit the drug. When they finally do, then they all of a sudden discover that they are indeed addicted and that the drug comes with immense negative effects.

I think this would be the same as using your own imagination to create erotic pictures. At least you are creation mode where you are using your own energy and efforts to create something. Before you are putting it on paper, you are creating the picture in your mind. Which means this is more like a manifestation visualization type of thing, than a cheap dopamine escape.

I don’t think one can become addicted to your own erotic drawings and when using them for sexual pleasure feel a desperate craving. I think it is really more like you are fueling a creation of yours with your sexual manifestation energy.

These are just my immediate thoughts and there might be other perspectives on this too. Either way, this is an interesting question.



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it is indeed. well I imagined after i asked my question, when done with heart …it is all else but positive.

Reading the part 5 of this and being nearly 2 week sober from porn and healing my dopamine receptors aggressively made me more happier.


@OneMind “Pornography is run by demons”. I have already read many people on the forum make that claim. Depending on the context some use that expression metaphorically and some do not. You for example, do you state it metaphorically or not?
My doubt arises because many people claim that pornographic pages are full of lower astral beings that steal the sexual energy of the users.

The Devastating Effects of Porn on Self-Worth and Manifestation – Part 6: The „PMO Aura"

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

There is something that pretty much all porn addicts have in common and I call it the „PMO Aura“. This is the special vibe that (mostly men) give off who consume porn on a regular basis.

It is not just typical "soy behavior“ and being low testosterone, but rather energetic in the sense of being „energetically absent“.

Women are particularly good at subconsciously picking up on this „PMO Aura“ in a man and because of this be intuitively unattracted to the men with this type of aura.

So what exactly is the „PMO Aura“ and how does it happen?

In short, it is the result of the person being energetically non-present in the here and now and through this failing to build a connection woth other people and appearing dead and alive at the same time.

When a man or a woman masturbate to porn, they are projecting their sexual energy (Jing and Chi) and the visual mental pictures from their head (Shen) into a virtual screen world. The energies are literally projected far away into a different reality.

Screens are, as in magickal traditions, types of black mirrors and can absorb those energies and where then these energies are transferred somewhere else. Depending on what is shown and seen on the screen, that energy is transferred to create someone else’s reality.

During the act masturbating to these pictures on the screen, all of these energies are being projected away from the viewer into another world.

The viewer is literally projecting his conscious attention, mental focus and presence energies away from himself/herself.

The result is that is one appears energetically absent to others because one’s energies are literally somewhere else!

One is energetically non-present, like an empty shell of flesh with a very weak aura.

Weak Aura = Weak Energetic Presence = Unattractive = Creepy Porn Aura

People can literally feel that one is not present when interacting with someone with a PMO Aura.

Because of this lack of presence, people cannot build a connection with the porn viewer and neither can the porn viewer build a connection with the people he interacts with.

To build a connection with others you have to be energetically present.

Because of this, a man or a woman who is not present in the here and now, cannot build an energetic connection with other people and thus, no attraction or social empathy can take place. There is literally no energy available to build that social connection.

Because there is no energy to be present in the here and now, there is also no energy to properly fuel one’s aura, chakras and sexual energies through which a human social connection is established.

If there is no „presence energy“ that one can project onto others, then no social connection can take place.

The creepy PMO Aura is the consequence of being energetically absent and other people’s inability to build a connection with the porn viewer, because they have nothing to connect with.

The person with the PMO Aura is an energetically absent walking shell of flesh.

The person appears to be alive (moving body) but also dead (no life energy) at the same time to others. This creates a cognitive dissonance in others of whether the person is actually alive or not and this is why this combination is creepy to others.

A lot of manifestation happens with other people as “manifestation channels” and through the help of other people. For this, one needs to be able to connect with other people. If one jeopardizes one’s own ability to create these social connections (consciously and subconsciously), then one jeopardizes one’s own manifestation channels and potential manifestation helpers.

No connection with other people = severely damaged manifestation channels

Needless to say, that when other people treat the person with the PMO Aura like a creep, that the person’s self esteem will suffer even more.

The porn viewer is treated by others like shit, and ignored, not because he/she is inherently “bad”, but because people simply react to the person’s aura of not being present.

The only way to avoid the „PMO Aura“ is to stop projecting one’s energies (Jing, Chen and especially Shen) into digital virtual worlds away from and instead actually be energetically present in the here and now.


this hurts alot with truth, I was called a ghost not once during my life. I have first been introduced to porn at athe age of seven. Now atleast I know how and what I should heal. thank you for this post!


I mean it literally. but I think I should elaborate on what I refer to by “demonic beings”.

Let’s consider the following analogy by DW.

These “tools” collect and connect to certain qualities (information structures).
Some of these are highly polarized. We can categorize these “tools/qualities” (us) in 2 distinct categories (although we’re still one): Divine (Angelic) vs Demonic.

“unity” vs “separation” consciousness
“truth” vs “illusion” consciousness.
“selfless-serving” vs “self-serving”
“harmonious” vs “conflicting”
“respecting free will” vs “disrespecting free will”
“love” vs “fear” based
… and so on. It’s not always just the left or the right side. there can be any combination of these. There are lots and lots of different types of angels and demons. But I suppose we could say the 2 main categories are “love and respect for All” vs “love for a portion (dualistic)”

Anyways, “the porn demons” are the ones that know about the unity aspect of the universe, but they think they should be the rulers or at the very least have the right to “practice methods of attacks and domination”. The universe being all fair and impartial, allows this. They enslave other beings through various technologies. Let’s remind ourselves that our bodies are highly technological machines.
They are a combination of lots of different software running mostly harmoniously. Eating, digesting, moving, thinking, etc.

Some demonic beings have methods of hacking into other systems simply when one interacts with them. Kinda similar to DW’s energy fields, but for different purposes. DW injects medicine for better health (upon consent). On the other hand, demons inject malicious software to take control without consent aka “demonic-possession”.

Some demons are highly advanced. Like not just an individual soul dicking around but an entire planetary social memory complex is messing around in the universe. No worries, we’ve also got angelic beings with incredible abilities. True experts at purifying and restructuring.

So yeah I suppose it’s a lot like a bunch of different applications on one giant operating system.
The Matrix movie is truly a masterpiece in that regard, except for the dystopic perspective. There is utopia too. I think Star Wars is a much better analogy.