Addition to my original post above:
The “Sexual Arousal, Becoming a Cone of Power” Effect
I wanted to add another important aspect to my main post above about the negative impact of porn on manifestation that is overlooked by most people.
Now keep in mind that this thread here discusses only porn’s negative impact on manifestation. The other negative types of impact, like frying of dopamine receptors, becoming infested with lower astral parasites etc. are to be discussed in other respective threads on this forum.
So here is the other aspect:
As you all know:
“You energy flows, where your attention goes.”
This is especially true with screens.
Whatever is shown on a screen and that you watch, is receiving your Chi and Shen energy just by you looking at it and having your attention and focus on it.
So in a sense, one is always manifesting someone else’s desired reality when one watches stuff that is not what one personally wants to manifest.
This is almost always true with social media, news, YouTube stuff, movies, Netflix, series, commercials, music video clips etc. (!)
Now with porn it becomes especially hideous, because when you are sexually aroused – and the life energy goes up your spine, especially during an orgasm – you and your body become like “Cone of Power”, a pillar of manifestational energy, that is then directed to what you see on the screen, and then respectively heavily fueled to be manifested.
So with you being a sexually aroused personal “Cone of Power”, the reality you are watching on the screen becomes amplified manyfolds!
In most cases people watching porn are watching OTHERS having the sex, which then manifests a reality of “being a cuck”, where it is the others who have the sex and not you.
And in most cases it also is sex that is NOT expressed in a loving way, plus all the other negative subliminal messages and implications that are usually in such movies.
So by being aware of this “Sexual Arousal Becoming a Cone of Power” effect, one can learn to direct his energy to one’s personal goals, instead of manifesting negative low self-esteem sh*t in one’s life.
One can use this arousal effect for manifestation of what you actually want, but this has to happen by you focusing your attention on your visual manifestation board or imagining and feeling something that you want to manifest.
In no way can you do this by looking at a screen that shows something that has a negative implication and message to the subconsicous mind (see original main post above)!
You can check out the Cone of Power thread to learn more about how this works with manifestation.