How to handle extreme porn addiction?

Forget the blame game which ego likes, let’s address how you can overcome this.

Any addiction is ego’s way of compensating for its inability to get anything or all the things it wants. It is powerless against life so it will do what it can to abuse the body of its host through addictions. Winning over life is what matters to ego.

Porn is a way to compensate for the love you never received while growing up to heal the trauma of not being loved, only superficially.

Together, it is a deadly combination. You will need to do whatever it takes to lower the ego’s hold on you and your life and then try to address the trauma for the lack of love.

It is an exploratory journey, what worked for others may not work for you, so read through the fields which can be tools for your healing process. Don’t beat yourself if you fall back to old ways but keep making efforts.


Read this book

and start to meditate a lot, reflecting on your addiction and why it influences your life. Go really deep. Find a powerful reason to stop and do it. Realize your life would be much better off without it and start to create a new porn free reality for you. Remove every temptation from your phone for a while, use less social media.
It’s probable you’ll have to change your identity and become a new person. Embrace it. Find the root cause of your addiction and tackle it with fields. It’s easier than you think! Read the book and good luck


i also wanted to share the easypeasy method.
Incredible book,must read

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Thanks, reading the pdf instantly helped me especially when he compared porn addiction/cravings to a little monster that wants to be fed.

I was like heck no, I’m starving you until you die. You ain’t getting food and energy from me lol.


This is how I perceive it.

We are just vessels/fractals of the divine with His/Her archetypes operating through us, even if we modify them according to the will of our self and not the Self (capital S). Either way, even the ego is still an unfoldment of the divine and all we create is a creation of our Creator.

Even in the case of Asuras/Demons- they may have inverted their divinity, yet they’re still creations and modifications of divinity, therefore even what they create are creations of the divine too.

For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers . All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.

Colossians 1 16:17

Think of computers or any technology and any invention for that matter. Where did the idea come from? It already existed in the world of archetypes (which are within), which stream down to the mind of man and he or she creates it physically. We are always receiving divine inspiration and ideas from “above”, even if we don’t realize it.

When you realize you are the I AM and the I AM is you, you realize even the cookies you just baked are a creation of God.

The primoridal origin (Greek- “Arche”) of all activity is God. :point_down:


Glad it clicked right away. Use it whenever you have an urge and be mindful of what you think. Ask yourself if you’re actually horny or it’s just an artificial stimulus made up by your brain. Remember the number one enemy is porn: if you really have to masturbate, do it focusing on sensation alone. This isn’t written in the book but helps your brain to start dissociating being horny with pornography since you’re having an orgasm without it. If you’re really addicted you probably won’t be able at first, so just focus on “starving” that little monster for a while before trying. As soon as you’re able to masturbate without porn you’ll find that it’s a much healthier approach and you’re not going to need it as often as with pornography


Yes, there is some origin in the primal centers of the brain but also we are being stimulated to masturbate by thought forms we have created during fantasy or from watching porn. The more we feed them, we give them a life of our own, and it continues to demand to be fed. So yea, masturbating without fantasy or porn and just focusing on the sensation is actually great advice for a starting point. You want to starve those thought forms/creatures.

Etheric Cord Cutter, Soul Restoration Core, and Internal Alchemical Crucible should help with this.


This is why is so important to abstain watching for a while before attempting this. Otherwise you would risk to fantasize about the latest porn you watched and you want to avoid that :wink:



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Agree entirely with Barry!

That said, I am open to other views as well - I mean God/God Consciousness is hardly conceptual/accessible through material senses and logic - so I guess all opinions are correct in their own way.


Dude try sovereign subs subliminal to quit pmo. He has a free version on YouTube. I bought the gumroad version cause he had a lot of good feedback for this one
It’s been a little over a month and I’ve had my longest streaks without pmo. It’s like the cord gets cut. I feel confident that I can quit for good
Another tip I can give you… Lol is don’t let yourself get bored or browse insta or anywhere there’s hot girls. Find some way to be busy
Good luck


Nah bro no one is loving porn only fools and idiots
Porn is manipulating it is like heroin to our brain.

You cant just say something like that it is the same as you would say to a heroin junky “if you love heroin accept it and dont stop till you understand”

That wouldnt be a good advice for the junky and either for people who have porn addictions because they dont really love it they love the feeling of escaping the reality and too feel good because they didnt received enough love in childhood or got abused etc.

I just cant accept self destroying behaviour even If I would love “it” there should be always space for some concsiousness about what we do and how it will influence our well being.

I cant say more because Im still learning but I recommend “The Easy Peasy Way” too its a great book.


Use the “Attract love” (as frequent as you can) field along with the “the Alchemical Revision of Childhood”.

You’ll attract more love into your life, you’ll attract the kindness of people you meet and hopefully you find true love in a partner (if you have a partner they will become more loving or they will disappear from your life). True love exists and it helps with everything, trust me.

I recommend “The Easy Peasy Way” too, as it can help with the brainwashing around porn addiction (read it in one sitting, and by the end you’ll just give it up - it really works).

But then you’ll need love and insights about your childhood upbringing to keep you going!

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I just forgot that everyone is at different growth phase. And that loving and accepting might not work at certain things at certain paths of their life as the oneness of “bad things” isnt fully understood.
I do get confused a lot too.
My bad. And i do see that things i said might cause more harm than good and I deeply apologise.


I agree to that part, anyway, I also agree with Owl, idk if we should make that big deal out of it; the exception would be if porn disrupts one’s activities or life or is an impediment to relationships, etc.

Basically, I see it like many other “evils”, like many other addictions: it’s bad only if it messess with or disturbs one’s life.

But, maybe I am wrong.

Porn is, by nature, extremely addictive. They’re literally using your biology against you to keep you hooked forever. Millions of young men are destroying their lives in this very moment without even knowing. It’s not a case if sexual dysfunctions are at an all time high: internet porn is just devastating for the brain. If you use it everyday, and it’s basically the norm for the vast majority of casual users, in a couple of year your dopamine receptors will be fried, leaving you with no motivation to improve yourself; your perception of sex and women in general will be distorted, and you will start seeing them as sexual objects; you will start to be insicure about how you look and how you perform, and start having unrealistic expectations from both yourself and your partner.
It’s just a matter of time before the knowledge about the damages this shit cause will be known to everyone, but for many it will just be too late. I think educating the new generations should be one of the first priority in our society.


I disagree: it’s not like trying to stop smoking cigarettes. It’s so much harder. It takes a lot of work to get out of that trap, a lot of trial and error, because the new generations have a fast internet access and a smartphone since the age of 10, maybe even earlier. The damages caused by 6,10,15 years of porn cannot be easily reversed and willpower is not enough. You need knowledge and help. Look around online forum and see how many guys are trying to quit without success. Think about the depressed young men whose confidence was destroyed by porn induced erectile dysfunction and have suicidal thoughts. And for what? For a cheap dopamine shot and literally zero advantages.


i find it stupid to categorise somebody who like siómething an idiot and a fool.

second we have a topic on porn already.

lets not make a new 1000 posts on the same subject. please write there.

am also really tired of demonizing things.

there are posions,dosage, and the indiviual who takes those things.

some people will take full on impact of the negativity from porn, some will search for sources that dont do much damage, some will become doghound addicted and loose their link to the living world.

same with the law of the jungle.

but every human being will be alot more damaged if he/she looks at something neutral (like porn) with blaming eyes and fear or prejudice. there one should be very careful esp. if energy sensitive.

as most of our culture here on this forum says the negative enteties will attack and feed of negative emotions first.

so very bad idea to look porn streamsites and think…hm…is this site obsessed… is it bad for me.

badd idea.

as we are on the so called spiritual path the first lesson is to learn to observe.

that i fathom we should do with porn too. not judge, be afraid and await things.

entertainment can be addictive. the real world in most part is too bitter to bare.

it is normal that one can hook up at easy pleasure.

all is a matter of brain,heart, priorities.

does the addicted like his ways? does he see him/herself in a real world relationship?

does he have deep traumatizing isolating experiences as a child (even nightmares count)…?

those things make the easy fix from porn really sticky for it provides for an empty space.

i really mean to say with all this we should stop blaming and start observing. this will lead us in the right direction.

i know what you mean by love.

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Brain regeneration and PTSD help are good.