Booted Bhoots

My first encounter with this field was primarily a mental experience. Today, it’s more of a physical one. Different parts of my body have a ticklish feeling, others were a bit heavier, some have a dull pain, an electric shock (minor—don’t be afraid of this) here and there, and others I won’t bother with trying to find the exact words. It’s hard to construct a plausible account of these differing responses having much to do with the placebo effect.

It’s a good reminder of how complex our spiritual and energy ecosystem are. It’s also a nice wake up call of how limited our our everyday understanding of the world is. I mean, something is happening with my knee right now, but what it is baffles me. I’m pretty much left with the description offered for the field, and that’s a bit unnerving to think about. It’s like the difference between believing that aliens and UFOs are a thing and actually seeing one.

This is pretty inexpensive method to access a wider reality.


About this “different”. Recently I started feeling the victim program surface once again. And then I finally got it, it wasn’t mine at all. My grandad’s. So this karmic shite kicked in, and I was guided to use BB just an hour ago, it appears to be cleaning out bloodline garbage as well. Now def will loop it overnight. So much crap literally twirling in the skull now its unbelievable.


Multipurpose! I often use this at the beginning and end of the day. Possibly too much but it feels super good :sparkles:


It is not too much, I would say. It is not overkill, it is what you personally need here and now.

It appears that I am dealing with several curses, including from previous lifetimes and also some bloodline stuff. I loop BB and also use Psychic University’s Journey to Discovering Your True Power Pts. 2 & 3. Massive negative garbage clearing, also clears those “borrowed emotions” and negative projections as well.

Remember this: if you are Light, attacks don’t stop. Leeches and lurkers and energy vampires such as narcissists and sociopaths view you as a very juicy morsel they want to feed on. It is close to impossible to block out lower negative vibrations fully in the modern world.

It could theoretically be possible using the Tapasya of Savitur that burns your own negativity, so that you stop accepting others’ garbage on your consciousness and subconsciousness and energy levels altogether. That’s one of my next planned buys.


You’re probably right. I have far fewer attacks these days though or I might not always sense the leeches. I’ve been playing cord cutter a fair bit too and that works.


I have figured out an interesting combo for specifically dealing with leeches, but you will need 2 devices. Run Shielding 3.0 from Sapien on one, and on another run PU’s (Psychic University’s) Higher Self Cord Cutting. Do it overnight. Does wonders.

Also, Archangel Cord Cutting from Sorcery Supreme (there is a topic dedicated to it here) is also super-effective.


I don’t use anyone else’s work so I’ll check them out!

PU is by far - this is my IMHO - on par with Dream in terms of effectiveness. He has amazing mental health fields both on Patreon and Gumroad (look for Aesthetics University).


Just got this field and it’s very relaxing! Especially with my subwoofer kicking that nice bass!


Wanted to include the description, and then highlight those parts.

The first few times I played this I wasn’t really understanding. I could feel a little bit of protection but was otherwise not able to see/follow.

I’ve been working with this after the curse/spell removal and the de-Inhabitor combo, both of which are excellent in their own ways, along with some improvements in sensitivity and consciousness, and now im becoming aware of what’s happening with this.

Curse/spell removal feels like the name. Negative energy and ill will being removed. Improving understanding helps. De-Inhabitor combo has three ways for similar purposes. Banishing, exorcising and depatterning feel good to me in describing.
With Booted Bhoots, initially protection, and then relief & release. I had some recent memories of lite incidents where I felt I was wronged or violated in small ways but at inconvenient times. There was like anger, and some jabbing. Was really feeling all that and kind of like it was rising to the surface. Like maybe I was processing it, and how I would have wanted it resolved. In real life those incidents ended but without any resolution. Anyway as these feelings and reliving of recent memories were rising to the surface, it felt that they started to exit my body. First the physical form and then the energetic/auric one, and then seemingly out of my existence, or perception of reality.

I could imagine like a white spiritual ball, with little flames at the end. Very similar to depiction of sprits in cartoons or anime. I started visualizing and feeling multiple of these spiritual balls moving out of different areas of my body. Maybe from distant memories, as well as this sense of connection to past lives, reasons for behaviors and actions in different times, historic or eras.

Relief & release… I feel lighter. Easier as well. I guess feeling the removal or mental worries. …and I guess worries from the body, or worries that one has in having a physical body. Like living on a physical plane.

It’s pretty good and I’m glad I got it. Thank you.

Oh and its good to ask for the protection as well. Before, during, after. All helps


I constantly lecture @pranic_climber (:joy:) about how important this and Curse/Spell Removal are to keep your energy system and being clean, which is so key to make sure other fields are working at their best.

I used to hardly miss a day of this field especially. Lately, I’m finding I don’t need it as often as I used to though.


What is for you the most powerful fields you have used through your journey?

well, in heightening the ability to notice what doesn’t belong in your system and wanting to get it out, it makes the choice/practice a lot easier.

Clearing and cleaning is an easy step to overlook.

I’m starting to use this daily and it’s been going well. Really glad that you’re in a state where it’s needed less often. Whether it’s related to the field, paths you taken, it’s a good sign for us just starting or moving along.

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Could be it’s own thread. Could be started or find one that already has a similar topic/question. And can invite whoever you would like to participate as well.

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Oh my god! This is powerful stuff. The goosebumps and chills I’m getting on my second loop. Feels like something very bad from me is being pulled and it doesn’t want to let go.


Hello, I can not find the De-Inhabiter audio anywhere and I need it badly. It’s not on gum road anymore. Also is there anywhere I can find an entire list of audios on patreon? (Im a premium member) Please help.

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Patreon Uploads List - Audios - Sapien Medicine

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De-inhabiter is not available anymore but there are others good one’s. :hibiscus::herb: I was mainly looping for hours each of the fields untill some release happened but general rule 2/3 times regularly untill you feel shift . :hibiscus: I hope this helps 🫶 Good luck :crossed_fingers: :stars:


Booted Bhoots is very effective, and I had benefitted from it many times.
However, here’s the thing: unless you change your core habits/behaviors, you’ll attract parasitic beings/entities again, get tangled with their magic again.

I was in a vicious cycle of "purify > go back to being contaminated > purify > contaminated > … ".
If you really want to escape dark magic for good, you must do a resolute commitment to refrain from activities that lead to them.

That is why I advocate the 8-Arms Yoga field pretty much in every opportunity I get.

Not with the attitude of “okay, I’ll add this to my list”, but with the attitude of “I am so done with the demonic activities, transformation is my #1 goal” . Do research, read holy scriptures, and learn more about the concepts.


i’d add “protected spaces” to the mix