Brain benefit report

I thought about having this thread here so people can write about their benefits from using brain fields.

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I guess I’ll give a benefit report. I only started listening to wiring stuff recently and I’ve been doing a lot of looping. Due to the very brief time with the audios I have only gotten modest benefits from them. I am experiencing that I tend to think more metaphorically, I’ve noticed subtle changes in me and my association and memory. My posture feels more upright and I am noticing and appreciating how straight something like a streetlight is and how curvy the asphalt can be, I’ve been noticing the shapes of things a bit more.

My body feels different in a slightly better way. I am noticing the sensation of experiencing my own body in a slightly improved way. My texting has gotten a little faster and the typing on my keyboard has gotten faster as well. I’ve been thinking toughts like “the old me would not think like that”, this is just like a wholistic listener would say. I do feel more creative and that I am comparing things more. I’ve been having thoughts like about the cognition of squirrels and how they know exactly how far too leap which is totally uncharacteristic of me, it was especially uncharacteristic to compare the squirrels precision in body mechanics to a basketball player shooting a hoop.

I am noticing that my consciousness is different, but in a sober way. I am in a good mood and lot of times I’ve been very relaxed. I am noticing that I am more considerate and that I am choosing my words more carefully. I experience that I am more confident too. I notice that my movements are different, they are more effective. I am getting the seatbelt on with the least amount of movements. I noticed and contemplated how long I would have to walk to the nearest street light.

Overall brain fog has reduced and being inside seems more natural. I’ve been a little bit better on guitar too.

From the time I got aphasia I got into the habit of using my mouth a little bit to think thoughts inside my head. For some reason the r sound in my head is a bit harder to generate. I’ve been noticing that I haven’t used my mouth to make that r sound as much. What I mean is that when I think thoughts and I have to think the r sound I put my tongue on the bridge of my mouth similarly to how I would do If I was going to say the r sound out loud.

I’ve been less irritable, and I’ve experienced less hatred for people who has wronged me. I’ve been more pragmatic about things. I don’t care as much about the limiting belief videos anymore since gaining intelligence will take care of that anyway.

To reiterate; I haven’t been listening to wiring stuff for that long, but I am noticing changes.


I have been listening to MM, SS, ABP, MMM since mid-Aug. Visualization skill has improved hugely, I can visualize myself walking/floating in a space, and zoom in/out when looking at things.

I did not expect that, as I wanted to improve my mathematical skill at first.


My guitar playing has improved. I am not playing in the same old patterns of mine. Here is a link of me playing guitar. It didn’t feel like I hit any wrong note at all even tough it was improvized. I was feeling it. I can tell something about my playing was different and improved. Guitar practice - YouTube It seems like wholistic thinking and the power of numbers did something to my playing.


to me it seems if you were in resonance to the sounds you were playing. and not vice versa. like you weren’t not actively thinking, but more responding.
some goku ultra instinct going on here. i love it.


Yes, that’s right.

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Old memories are returning and the old memories I get happens much more frequently. I remember more things that has been said in conversations from years ago. I remember finer details like the shapes of peoples heads, what was said, the silence, what we laughed about and some points that were made.

The past seems a lot less distant and vague and a lot more clear. This is by far the more impressive feat of these audio’s. I realized that these audious might recover old circuitry.

I remember a lot, even the points without verbally thinking them.

I would still classify the benefits as modest. My friends or family wouldn’t notice any difference.

  1. Reading comprehension has increased
  2. Quicker reaction time
  3. I am better in conversation
  4. better spelling and spotting spelling mistakes
  5. more thinking throughout the day
  6. I no longer forget English words momentarily and I doubled my verbal memory score
  7. My inner monologue has become more fluid and certain letters are easier to pronounce in my head
  8. Slight decrease in brainfog
  9. Driving seems easier
  10. Some other improvements on human benchmarks and I use less tries in remembering 10 digits. I was able to memorize an 8 number digit by being told it once and then I memorized it throughout the day
  11. Some long term memory improvements

I still consider these benefits as subtle and modest ones. So far they have been motivating me to strategize and listen more. I’ve been keeping the listening very consistently and I listen more than 12 hours everyday if not more. I haven’t really applied myself to studying much or improving my skills with the exception of using brain fields. There is some increase, but not so much that my friends notice that I have changed.

How much could I change without noticing any difference? If the cognitive benefits happens extremely gradually then it might not be easy to spot it. If I don’t apply myself or try to learn new things then it’s not like I will notice much intellectual benefits anyway.

I decided to take my training to the next level. I plan on replicating some of my success with the old school fields back when I was on nofap. I noticed that the fields increased in potency and that my sensory perception increased a lot. It increased so much I knew this couldn’t have been just nofap. My hedonic functions back then were inhuman as well and it would make being a 300 IQ guy in the future a lot more fun.

I will listen to the new stuff 99 percent of the time still, but I will just change the strategy by being on nofap.



I am on day 11 on NoFap. Nofap has never been this easy before and I’ve been on some long streaks including a 90 day streak. Unfortunately I haven’t gotten the typical benefits I used to get, but it has only been 11 days.

It must be the fields that has been making it easier.


I had to listen to my mothers unhinged tantrum today like I do everyday. She screamed and said abusive things as usual. She wanted me to do some work as usual and I told her that I’ll drive her if she can remain calm for 10 minutes which she couldn’t. It’s been speculated that she has Borderline Personality Disorder, what a nut she is and there is no days she can ever not scream and be abusive. Even after helping her more than I should have in 2023 and doing her every daily request I still got insults and unhinged behaviour from her. The best way to describe her is more of an unhinged and evil Karen.

The unusual thing was my reaction to the whole thing this day. I wasn’t even that bothered by it. At most I was just slightly annoyed. I’m always bothered, depressed and stressed when she acts like it, but now it’s more like I was slightly annoyed. I’ve noticed a decrease in my negative reaction to that bitchy behaviour lately, but it’s never been like it’s now. This is totally unprecedented for me and it’s not like I am in a good mood or anything. I am surprised I am even calm.

I guess I need to move out soon. I have to look for places to live and cut contact with her forever and it’s very clear I have to do that. It’s not like my existence is useful for her since I do what she tells me and she is extremely pissed by every miniscule little detail.

This does remain me of the anime parasyte. The protagonist’s personality changed in a few episode after he fuses with that monster thing and he becomes a more resilient and unfazed person. A similar thing is happening to me and I am very sure that it’s the fields doing it.

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Day 19 of nofap. This is going better than I thought.

I am noticing that my inner monologue happens now without the aid of my mouth. I had this thing where I used my tongue on the r’s and other consonants even tough I didn’t really have aphanstasia. Now I never use my mouth to assist in certain consonant sounds when I think. I didn’t really notice it exactly when it happened, but now I am noticing it when I think about it. A lot of these changes go undetected for a while since it happens so gradually.

I am also reflecting on some of my past behaviours. I used to say I got realizations and epiphany’s a lot, but instead I could have said that I figured something out. I guess talking about realization does give the impression of some grandeur or great understanding. I guess hyper technically it means that one figured something out, but one can just say “I got it”, “I figured it out” or “ahh, I see” as a more informal expression.

I have less brain fog now and everything is more in focus including the peripheral vision.

I treat my social interactions differently. If I get the sense someone doesn’t want to talk then I end the conversation. I give a little try and that’s it. I have less of a need to socialize. This isn’t something major. Some months ago I would have tried way too hard to rectify an old conversation.

I’ve got to say that the fields makes everything seem more meaningful because it is. A simple trip to the grocery store used to feel like a burden, but now I can listen to fields. No matter what I do I get the sense of moving towards a greater goal.


My friend asked me to read his articles that was written on medium. I told him these articles were written in a simpler way with simpler vocabulary and in a less convoluted way than the one’s on his community posts on youtube. He revealed it was the same articles on the community posts. I am reading faster too and I can talk faster while reading.


Martial arts benefits (only light sparring)

  1. Better defence such as headmovement, parrying, footwork. My defence against kicks has improved. I also learned the skill to stop punches before it even gets going by pushing at the shoulder and biceps (I’ve learned that by watching George foreman). I am also better at using the shoulders. Countering ability has improved. Kicking defence has also improved.

  2. An enhanced ability to roll with punches. It seems 85 percent of the time I am hit I roll with punches.

  3. My depth perception was always good so I don’t think I’ve noticed any improvements in that, but I’ve messed with the range by stepping in further to catch sparring partners off guard. Maybe I can find a way to further improve an already good depth perception.

  4. Enhanced creativity. I’ve been able to fake flying knees to land a straight cross or hand trap to fake a punch to the head, but then I land to the body instead.

  5. Eye tracking has improved.

  6. Enhanced feinting.

  7. Enhanced memory of each sparring match and post sparring analysis.

Stuff to work on: I have a hard time seeing when a punch is targeted to the chest area or the head. It might be because the starting motion is identical. It is much harder for me to defend body punches.


Which field(s) are you working with? can’t find a single mention of a specific field


For the one’s from sapien medicine I listen to manhattan method, wholistic thinking, brain key, snapping synapses, brain game and plasma brain of youth. I also started listening to multiple sclerosis too even tough I don’t have it or never had it. Most likely I have a bunch of gliosis.

From Quadible Integrity I listen to the full body healers. I also listen to the full body healers from maytreya fields. I also listen to the nutrient absorption booster many times a week and the enhanced cellular nutrient absorption by sapien medicine. Before, after and during a hot shower I also listen to thermotherapy healing and gentle brain regeneration.

My perspective on things has changed. It’s not just the brain that has to be on point. It’s the entire body. Each organ should ideally function optimally to it’s best capabilities. Full body healers seem to be very potent at optimizing the body’s health, but it also works on the brain which I also like.

I also forgot to mention that I started listening to artemis fields and healing and morpheus fields. I saw Morpheus fields has something like cellular glue which seems very interesting to me. The main priority is obviously the sapien fields.

I forgot to mention that I listen to flow of jing and Ojas refined and defined a few times every day.

I was coached by someone on here for a while. I was a horrible student I guess. That’s why I didn’t post so much for a period.

If you can get kinesthetic you should it will help with combat sports tremendously

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I almost hit a duck when driving. The duck flew from one side to the road to the other. I managed to hit the breaks, but I couldn’t break that much because there was someone driving behind me. Not saying the fields made me able to do this and without the fields I would have never been able to do it, but I wanted to share it nonetheless.

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