Brain Dancer

If captain dont write a recommended dose then u can listen as long as u want if u arent sure than 2-3 times is always a good dose.
Dont forget, sometimes listening less is more!


There are some audios with no recommended limit set by Cap but he has later comment under the thread saying 2-3. Like the Mstate gold and silver audio.

Since this is a brain field I would suggest not looping it :slightly_smiling_face:


yes it is a brain training field and overdoing training isnt effective.
But fields like brain regenaration on the other side are ok to loop.


I used this 3 times yesterday, had a headache all night and also didnā€™t sleep very well
So starting off with 1 or 2 times a day is best


Oh my good god. What an amazing releasešŸ™šŸ¼
I love the brain refresher now we got this to enhance the memory after giving it some nutrients :brain:šŸ’†

While I sip on water charged in my stem cells tumbler that just arrived :clinking_glasses:


and after that some brain magnetic stimulation for a good sleep :D


this is great, really does magic on my brain
the track is :fire:

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No this is just called brain dancer as a cyberpunk tribute.

Not related to any nfts future or past.


Oooooh, that TUNE. Field or no field, me love.


Just wondering if anyone has any helpful comments on the above conversation with my 18 year old? He has a flat head at the back and notoriously bad memoryā€¦

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its perhaps a-shaking a-wakening something?
i mean play it somewhere safe, see how he feel half hour onwards after listening
in his case,
use it like a treatment.


Great, thanks captain. He doesnā€™t live with me anymore (boooo!), Iā€™ve sent him a screen shot of this for his own reference.


If it helps you, I had a lot of twitching sensations on my first listen, and it felt like my eyes were being reconfigured lol. It reminded me a lot with enhanced visual processing but on a totally opposite spectrum (for hemisphere reasons and nerves related)

Nonetheless, my whole arm also had a readjustment moment, and generally my right side of the body. I listened once, then took a break, then listened once again. 30 minutes after my body had adjusted I was feeling much better overall, and ā€œeasily processing the present momentā€, which reminds me of what he said,

I think itā€™s a pretty positive effect if it made him stop thinking for the moment and on to ā€œreprocessingā€

Next morning I noticed I was open to more communication, a few more stuff revolving around communication but not from a left hemisphere perspective :slight_smile:

I proceeded with listening as usual 3x next day (until now)


Funny the first time I didnā€™t get much. But playing it after a nap :fire: I was a bit groggy and while some of it might be the track, now I feel wide awake and ready for action, loving this! Somehow vision seems enhanced also!

Very much this! WOW! If I ever DJd again, Iā€™d play it! Very well chosen for a cyberpunk named release.


Thanks lovely, I sent him a screen shot of your reply too. Heā€™s too old for me to be too pushy, hopefully he will try again. The thing you said about your visuals is interesting, he has a nystagmus (wobbly eye muscles, his eyes tremor constantly when not looking at a screen). I wonder if it would help that :thinking: heā€™s very picky about music and would just not listen unless the tune that the field lives in is to his tastes. Itā€™s a good coincidence that this one really is plus the field itself is something that could really help him in various ways. BUUUUUTā€¦you can lead a horse to water, and all that. :wink:


Yes probably! There are a few fields that can help with it actually, but for now and to just get him on the fields I think this brain dance can greatly help!

Yeah hahaā€¦ Youā€™re totally right! But if the experiences around would help, then sure, pleasure :slight_smile:


Reminds me of old memory item field. This one is probably updated and stronger. Would be nice if this had an upcoming nft edition like tower

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I concur what others have said not to loop it, I ended up listening thrice, my brain was throbbing and felt a bit weird for about an hour. Nothing bad at all, but Iā€™ll stick with twice for now!


Pure Gem.
In an hour, I perfectly learned the entire text for the presentation of the final project. I told the text without a single mistake and was able to memorize the circuit of several generators in a couple of seconds. Memory has improved significantly in a fairly short period of time


This is actually great while driving.

Memory is spot-on

Love to memorize and recall driver license plates with this, you guys should give it a try.