Brain Dancer

Mine has greatly improved as well. Had a quiz which required me to remember 20 verb/noun forms and I would usually need to study for an hour, but after listening to his, the time has greatly decreased.

I could also feel the stimulation on my hippocampus.


One thing I have noticed that I am LOVING (I am also using Ganglia Massage, not sure if it also helps), when I focus on something I can really hone in on it and maintain. Fantastic to release in the Freedom Course :smiley:


I had totally missed this release :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Not only does it have extra-fantastic music :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: but wow the effects! I only listened twice last night and today I recalled long ago memories randomly (right upon waking up from sleep) with lots of details. Excited to see where this will go overtime :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Thank you so much, Captain, for another gem :sparkling_heart: !!


Will it be on spotify?

I just found this new release two days ago.

For now I use it as a study music. I found it not an issue to loop for a few hours. But thatā€™s just me perhaps.

The beats are very good. So good in a sense that I have to repress the urge to loop it longer simply because I like the beats.


Forgot to add a review early but this is amazing both to use and just to listen too. Been using 2x first thing every morning since release and itā€™s the perfect way to sharpen me up for the day. Tried this in a combo with the K2 field this morning and it was even better!


Whatā€™s the K2 field? :slight_smile:


This incredible clarity gem!!! :slight_smile:


@Cooldude & @Desiree oh my god, guys, THANK YOU so much!!! (I had searched for K2 but itā€™s not enough letters to yield results)

In the last three days I was fully immersed in releasing sessions around anger (itā€™s the emotion I have suppressed the most by far and the one I have the most trouble tolerating) and today it was kicking my butt, I was a mess. I knew I needed to finish the release but I couldnā€™t focus anymore and wasnā€™t in touch with my inner guidance. So I asked for help a little earlier and you just gave it to me :heart_eyes:

Just listened to it and am much more grounded and connected. A million thanks. Iā€™m going to keep this one in my pocket! Ok, back to you anger, now let me kick your butt :stuck_out_tongue:


Thatā€™s so nice to hear! Itā€™s not a common theme for me but weirdly these last few days anger has been troubling me and causing me to need to clear and release as well. Got so anger yesterday, which never happens for me, that I was really cloudy too. Playing all the individual chakra audios (sacral and solar plexus in particular) and K2 helped me get back to baseline.


Thanks for jumping in Desiree. Glad Iā€™m not the only one still using this underrated gem


Same as you, anger is very uncommon for me, I had no idea what to do with myself :joy:

That being said, I would love to track people from the forum as they encounter challenges, something tells me we might tend to have similar ones at the same time (and seeing it a lot in the Freedom Course group). HAHA it reminds me of this image I made a while back:


I even notice the same patterns emerge at the same times in my non sapien listening friends. A lot of spiritually in-tune people tend to ride similar waves regardless of the types of practices they are doing, in my experience. But I have always been interested in regards to how certain fields clear and interact with everyone in here.


That is true!

There was a super interesting study made which showed that when someoneā€™s life circumstances change positively, 27% of the people living in their area also showed increases and when it was negative it was 13% (I canā€™t be exactly sure of the numbers but in the vicinity of anyway). People who donā€™t know each other, they just live nearby. Nice demonstration of how we are indeed linked but almost more importantly that positive affects more than negative :smiley:

But yeah, Iā€™d imagine that as soon as you add a spiritual journey, then listening to SapienMed, the odds increase :smiley: Iā€™d love to see the underlying connections under all that. In Application of Impossible Things, Natalie Sudman said that during her NDE she knew that even a tree leaf falling on your path is intertwined with your own existence, that nothing, however how minute, ever happens for no reason. Fascinating.

<cue to saying ā€œwe are all in this together!ā€> hahahah

Anyway, forgive the off topicness. A subject I love discussing!


Any updates on how he is feeling? Hopefully heā€™s doing well.


Iā€™m using this as I have my college exams. Is this basically a photographic memory field?


I donā€™t know about photographic memory, but it certainly improves it. Iā€™ve noticed that I do recall with more ease, information just floats up to conscious levels without much effort (to the point where sometimes it feels almost like a connection to the subconscious). And Iā€™ve been consistently sleep deprived in the last 5-6 weeks so itā€™s definitely the field :joy:

It also seems to reduce brain inflammation, because I usually have some when I wake up and I listen to this first thing as I wake up and it definitely seems to clear the cobwebs :smiley:


He is his usual bright self. I really canā€™t get him I to using fields consistently, and given that heā€™s an adult, must really respect his decisions, like them or lump them :smirk: thank you so much for asking!!! :heart:


Hoping this hits Patreon soon!


Brain Dance ā€“ The Sound Weave

Available here to buy and download. Downloads include choice of MP3, WAV, or FLAC