Brain Guild General discussion

Bro wrote it in french, so that only serious people contacted him, as only they would understand what it meant, or they would find the time and effort to translate. But me i was just bored


I didn’t think anyone would check, I assumed they would guess the rest from the english part.

Whatever the language, life, situations and reality stays mostly the same. Context makes it easier to guess.


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Bro I feel you, but it’s part of the deal you could say lol. Ever since I got brain key it’s mostly because of sleep deprivation for me though lmao. I get freaking annoyed sometimes I feel like I’m burning , get some nap and back good lol. And those who say with some ojas and jing etc are good… f u. Just kidding lol, but i wish that solution worked for me. At least coffee somewhat works to delay a bit the symptoms, but can’t use it everyday because of something called… tolerance :rofl::skull_and_crossbones:


Can you elaborate on this suggestion?

The basal ganglia stores our habits and also helps with executive function in conjuction with the prefrontal cortex (with a few other areas) in order make our “wise decisions”. A lot of people can have the potential to be hardcore grinders, but rack up bad habits.

I’m up pretty early today wow. Tons of brain game for me this morning. :muscle:


interesting and would you quote the study just for reference, I tend to love reading up on the various brain areas & their functions. All the brain horse power gained from fields needs to be channeled somewhere
… isn’t it…

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The basal ganglia, habits and the organizational survival | by Alfonso Fernández | Medium.

This is a website that eplains the role of basal ganglia. It’s pretty clutch.


Here’s a list of some acronyms me and other brainiacs have been using in case people don’t know the meanings.

MM - Manhattan Method
BK- Brain Key
MMM - Manhattan’s Mathematical Madness
SS - Snapping Synapses
KtB - A Key to Babel
DoM- Drops of Memory
CB- Cyber brain
CC- Conceptual Conglomerate
BG- Brain Game
ABP - Advantageous Brain Plan
PBoY - Plasma Brain of Youth
M8K - Manhattan 8k Res
WT - Wholistic Thinking

I’m sure there’s many more, but this should be a miniguide if anyone has read our previous comments and didn’t know what we were referring to.


Me AS SOON as I hear the birds chirping in Manhattan Method.


This was the perfect audio for the field. I just feel like the music is invigorating and the more I get energy sensitive, the more nuances I spot in its sound and energy.


Super intriguing. Inspired me to loop the field. Would love to finish entire books in 1-2 days.

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learning the Russian alphabet, shits confusing, my mind is seeing english letters and reverting back to the english sound

Those who have experimented with KtB, do you also experience improvement in your ability to articulate in your native language as well??



found this on KtB thread.

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This one hasn’t been released yet.

Included in Key to Babel

Why would it improve some but not all articulation ?


ohh well it’s just a silly habit to write “some”.

Got my clarification though, thanks…I’ll start my experiments.

eagerly waiting :raised_hand: :heart_eyes:


Yes. I’ve been having less “um” moments. Overall judt getting the points across is easier and more fluid.

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Waiting on that one and the one for either dancers or full body coordination. But seeing how detailed the brain series is I’m sure it’s going to have all that and much more.

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my vitimans just came, time to level up with the brain fields.

BTW, Brain plan, hurts my brain so much lol.


Dont go in too far. Makes sure to measure you extreme. If need be use PBOY and mitigate the pain.

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