Brain Guild General discussion

Thank you so much!!! I hope you have a wonderful day, btw, what’s your feedback so far?

You said GOAT so…
you get what you asked :)

I would start with Manhattan Method then Brain Key, White Matter and then Snapping Synapses or Conceptual Conglomerate.

In case you don’t have Brain Key you still can use Superhuman Genius 1-2x before any stack.


Is it fine to use different wiring fields in the same stack or even the same day?
If different regions in the brain are being wired, will they sort of clash or will the effect be reduced/different to what was intended?
I have Manhattan method, white matter, proactive brain, stress and anxiety, Kinesthetics intelligence & want to use in the best way possible to get their effects
Conceptual realizations is a wiring one too, I believe.

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You are good to go :slight_smile:
Think of the stack as a giant brain field


Thank you. I will use all the fields in my stacks now

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I’m not gonna say anything, but I like what I see. :star_struck:


Today was intense, been wiring the whole morning since 6 am till now let’s say, and had a day full of cognitively demanding tasks, a couple of hours of Plasma Brain for me and tomorrow morning I set the schedule based on the insights my body is telling me and not on an hourly target.

So far so good I’d say, can’t really go for boost and wire all-nighters at the moment but I really am not in a big physical discomfort, just a little bit oucie sometimes.

Results are there but I will let a few months pass before sharing anything relevant as each day it’s a new day for the moment.


So guys i Have never made a project and dont even know how to do something like this.
But i have seen the David Goggins and Andrew Huberman Podcast and as we all know David Goggins emodies these traits. Andrew Huberman took a neurological approach to these characteristics and mentioned something very interesting.

The Anterior Mid-cingulate Cortex. A part of the brain that literally can grow if we do hard and difficult thingsn (we don’t want to do).
Literally building brainpower in terms of will, discipline and tenaciousness.

Not sure if there is already a field like this but if not this would very much be a very useful field i think. I would like this to be something everyone has access to so everyone will be able to withstand and quite literally grow stronger mentally. Help me on this one guys.


That’s in the ProActive Brain field.

also, Dr_Manhattan mentioned this about the stress and anxiety field


Oh okay, thanks for telling me

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When my brain heals this time…

I can only imagine the level of mental operations.

Anybody else grinding super hard?


You have no idea. Lol.
The abuse my brain and energy system can handle now is on another level.

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I’m guessing sleep sessions too then?

Something about waking up just that much more intelligent is a blast.

Grinding but gently, office hours kinda of brain frying, from 6 to 17 with a break for lunch, actual works start around 7, because from 6 to 7 I have my SLR3 and Resilience + Detachement session.

Then from 17 to bed time I go with Plasma Brain (I tend to sleep early/wake up early) and during night, YEB in loop.

One break per week from brain forging which I dedicate to mantain the self love, then back hammering.

APB and Manhattan Method to come within March, when I may be 500 Hours into the Conceptual Conglomerate and 150 into ProActive so I can re-shift some specific in the stacks.

APB can reinforce the previous works with CC and give an overall boost in intelligence and perhaps also endurance, and MM we all know.

During the year I will complete the brain stack with everything, wiring priorities in quarter 3 are speed readings for sure📚 plus something for the endurance so I can be in the zone for many more hours per day


Sometimes I’ll sleep with ABP.
But what I mean is I’ve been using 11 wiring fields at once 14 hours a day.
Plus more on top (Karma Crucible, Eternal etc).
At one point I had around 90 fields working on me at once, but I’ve reduced it for now.


That’s awesome bro! Congrats on the gains.

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90 fields :OO how?

How much more smarter can one realistically get ? With fields this has been accelerated 10 fold bur yeah let’s say I listen consistently for 10 years, would I be on the same level of intelligence as lets say doctors?

I’ve never been a smart kid at all and abused my brain a lot, failed all my exams and barely listened or spoke in school was basically a zombie for most of my teenage years barely having thoughts, do u guys think I could get that smart ??? Ive basically not used my brain my entire life bruh, I want to be able to read complex books and topics and understand them fully and be able to engage in intellectual conversation. I wanna learn things easily without having to do it over and over again

Feeling like Charlie from Flowers from Algernon rn (great book you guys should read it)


How often do you listen to PBoY?