Brain Guild General discussion



See that someone has the spirit at least


Pro active brain stopped working on me, so right now am taking a break and pro active and opus is the only thing am going to play.

Hopfully i can grind this shit out


I talked to someone else about that, if you spam 24/7 youā€™ll be tired and out of motivation.


because i developed the connections, but am just so annoyed about everything.

Its why when i stop fields, all the field effects start to stack up

Hey Fellas, Some advice here:
I highly recommend only looping fields(brain) 1 hr a day if its an emergency, if you are brand new to brain fields for example and school is starting soon than go for it, but there comes a time where you need to stop. You will be fatigued, tired & unmotivated b/c ur brain is working so hard, even though ur smarter by the day.

I now go back to 3x a day for my brain stack & im doing just as fine :slight_smile:

In september 2023, I started my 1hr journey and the changes have been massive to now(i only took a month break in december when school was over), honestly i am better in alot of things but i also got super tired, super drowsy, lots of sleep, be cautious of these things, even with PBOY & brain key is the biggest kicker, that shit will kick you in the butt.

Like I said, only for new brain field users I would recommend looping and do it for only a couple months than you can slow down, unless you bought a new field than it makes sense to loop.

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Recently I started to listen to a few brain fields on a daily basis - itā€™s time to show my brain some love.

Since Superhuman Genius helps with learning or becoming better at anything/any field, I decided to put it between 10 minutes of brain Regeneration before (SHG) and 10 minutes of BR after it.

Iā€™ll use it with other fields too, like Permanent Brain Enhancement, but first Iā€™ll focus on healing my brain, later on improving/enhancing it, although Iā€™m using PBE, just without SHG and maybe not a daily basis.

I also started using Enhanced Hemisphere Connection (almost) daily and Iā€™ve noticed interesting and Amazing results: my movements are more flexible, more precise, I move so much gracefully/with style lol, I did not expected this.


Fire bro!


Thank You, Bro! Youā€™re a Legend, and Iā€™m a Rookie lol (but Iā€™ll improve my brain and my mind too, just not on hardcore mode lol).

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Lol I wish but nah. Thereā€™s too much to learn Iā€™ll be a rookie for the rest of my life. :rofl:

Goodluck on your journey though man and feel free to reach out.


Oh, you know me, if I have questions, Iā€™m not shy lol.

Thanks, My Friend.

I Gotta go to sleep lol, at least at 6 A.M.

Probably thatā€™s the best way, Brother.

Anyway, I Wish Everyone Reading this a Good Night/Day.


Goodnight man.

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Iā€™ve found the brain fields have helped me a lot with my perfectionism.

Used to be obsessed with trying to get things completely right from the get go when working on projects, but now I recognise how itā€™s better to start with a basic foundation, then iterate on that, layering more on top gradually and making changes where needed.

Itā€™s really boosted my productivity and released me from a lot of anxiety and stress.

A benefit I wasnā€™t particularly expecting but welcome nonetheless.


Dr. Manhumor

Dr. Manhumble

Dr. Manhistory
Dr. Manhuddleup


I know you did not just do this :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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You guys will have to decode for me


I need help with a decision. I will in time buy all the Gumroad brain fields but right now I have Manhattan Method and Plasma Brain of the paid fields. This summer I need to ace a 15 credit course. For booster do I get Brain Key or Opus? There seems to be some overlap between them. What would you choose?

Letā€™s go in order of release and hop on the brain key.

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Thanks :pray: I think this summer will be MM, BK and PB and later maybe ABP to get the basic building blocks right. Should be a nice foundation.

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Hey guys - so I had a question. Iā€™ve got opus, MM and proactive brain in my brain stack. Do I need to include PBOY in my stack to avoid overgrowth??