Brain Guild General discussion

Can you guys help me out?

I’ve been using MM for almost 5 months now, and for the last month I’ve been looping it for 12+ Hours everyday, yet I’m still not seeing results. What am I doing wrong? I play brain key right before MM and in between loops as well. I also use white matter ever since it came out

No offense bro, but your time is not what you think it is. You haven’t put in as much time as you believe. Especially because you weren’t mass looping much until a month or less.

How have you tested that intelligence (don’t use the fake IQ test as an example.) What ways have you went out of your way to test your mental fortitude?

For me I tested it by going to college and getting the highest grades I’ve ever had without ever studying and sometimes I even left class to go get a pack of skittles or chill lol.

Maybe you need a week off with no looping to let your brain recover and then you can see the results.

But you aren’t even 25% done with Manhattan Method for sure. There are guys who have looped 8x more than you, yet they know that it takes time to get those massive gains. Some of us have done like 300-500+ hours on this field. Along with things like energy body repairing, energy cleansing, etc.

Do you have bad habits? Addictions? Dopamine snatching activities? These could also halt your gains. Low dopamine and brain fog can make anyone mentally handicapped tbh.

Have you done anything “abstract” or difficult? Or just comparing the fake IQ test results?


How many fields you listen to?

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Yea bro I was in class yesterday for precalc, but I struggled to get some of the concepts and I didn’t feel much smarter than say, 4 months ago.

I also tried to test my working memory, but it feels like it hasn’t improved all that much either tbh.

I only listen to about 9-10 fields daily, and the fields I listen to are mostly brain wiring or boosters all day.

I think I have about 300 - 350 hours on the field so far


That’s why bro.

Your brain is fried.

Let me guess you wire in your sleep too sometimes?

Just take a week off, let your brain heal.

Continue to rest and don’t play any brain fields besides pboy, brain and spine antioxidant, brain refresher. Sleep good, fix your habits if you are having problems in that area. Then for 3-5 days don’t play any brain fields at all.

Yeah your brain is a muscle, you need to sleep and actually sleep well for it to heal well. Some of us don’t wire in our sleep+ we take days off, that’s 2-3x more rest than you’re getting.

Get some vitamin b12 and take a week or 2 off. If you don’t rest results will come very slowly.


Yea bro I wire during my sleep and use booster too lol. I mean, I thought it was okay cause my brain could keep up and I didn’t feel overwhelmed

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Are you taking supplements?

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Alright bro I’m gonna do that. No more brain fields for this week. Just Pboy and my regular energy stack.

I only take vitamin supplements but aside from that I eat a pretty good diet and get all my nutrients, etc. plus I get about 12 hours of sleep everyday


Even Dr_Manhattan will tell you that sleeping with brain key 24-7 is just not sustainable bro, he stopped doing that himself. Your body wasn’t made for that.

Wiring all the time, frying your brain while sleeping and then continuously doing a multitude of cognitive tasks just isn’t the right thing to do lol.

Also for things like calculus or any mathematical and higher level scientific studies, I’d recommend reading the book to have concepts to choose from my guy. The field isn’t made to make you understand random things you’ve never come across or different algorithms you haven’t seen ever.

It’s supposed to make you smart enough to understand them more easily. Give your brain some rest and some preworkout by studying a little before class and watch the concepts click quicker.

Me personally, I had moments where in class I didn’t automatically understand wtf the teacher was saying. (Part of that was brain key ruining my sleep and I didn’t even sleep overnight with it, it was just a side effect from mass looping lol. I only got 6 hours maximum and many days less of sleep every single day of the semester yet still got a 100 in the class.) But I asked the teacher a question or 2 after class and things starting coming together rapidly.

If I had a higher level math class I would at least do like 20 mins of studying a day for that. Don’t try to be super man with 1 month of looping and poor sleep quality lol.


I’m surprised how hungry I got after looping my Brain Game playlist just once. This was also <2 hours after what I would consider a large lunch. Have not noticed this effect with other audios. Brain is hungry for fuel on these tracks. Good to see.

I can feel them working and have sensations all over my head. I actually found that Manhattan 8k RES was noticeable in my chest on first few plays and not the brain.


Btw, if you look into many gifted student stories, you will find that many of those who did not study all the way up to college fell off HUGELY once they got to college.

Many people in that “gifted” category never studied in highschool they just walked around flowing, diving, swimming in concepts like it was easy :rofl:.

But once they got to college they fell off big time. They didn’t have study skills and now they’re struggling in college because it’s a different ball game. Don’t be like them, be better. Come back in 3 months of mass looping with better sleep quality, a day or 2 off every week until you adapt completely, and then judge your gains my guy @lol.

You’re an upcoming genius, so find the most productive and optimized ways to garner that intelligence into everyday functions. No need to burn yourself out.

I myself could do some crazy operational activities but then still did stupid mistakes in public because of low sleep or poor sleep quality… It gets the best of us :rofl:. Love you bro, stay strong. :muscle:


Some M8k Res enzymes are targeted to more areas than just the brain :muscle:.


Take atleast 3 days away from brain fields and just use restorative and healing audios and watch the improvement.

Hardcore looping with breaks in between goes a heck of a longer way than crazy looping everyday. Your body and brain has to assimilate and equalize the new changes and abilities.

Like me and @Jojo were discussing some days ago that before white matter, tri-looping was sending our brains to the graveyard. Simply because each brain field has multiple subfields in them that make up the entire field.

So imagine how rough it is on the mind and brain when we’re spamming 3 or just looping like crazy all day with boosters and no rest outside of the PBOY, brain key and other brain healing rotation.

When noticing diminishing returns that’s my body telling me to chill so it can catch up with the new installments. So just ease up for a couple of days you’ll advance far faster than going without natural rest and rejuvenation.


Alright bro that’s what I’m gonna do. 1 week break from brain fields then hop back on the grind. I won’t loop the brain fields during my sleep, except maybe ABP or BG when I get them.

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I agree with Phi as per usual but you need at least a week bro. You’ve been sleeping with brain key, etc.

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You’re starting to sound a lot like me :muscle: :smiling_imp:

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Oh snap I overlooked that. Yeah do what Jojo said @lol. Your neurons are probably screaming right now.


Lol, he got the point where his brain is so fried that it doesn’t even feel fried.

Like he fried it so much that it’s working :rofl:. I suppose it’s brain key exciting those neurons so much he doesn’t even feel fatigued. The smart amphetamines’ from it probably also contributed to a further improvement in focus and a slight slap of dopamine on top of it.

He’ll recover nicely though, he may notice some new gains, but he may have stunted his own growth due to inadequate rest.

Guys like Dr_Manhattan have slowly built themselves up to that stuff over YEARS. Not a month, not 3 months not 1 year not even 3 years. We’re talking 5+ years of slowly moving the goal post and furthering that margin.


It’s good news btw @lol if you did stunt your growth, you can keep spamming and find more mental operations :fire:… I wish I could start over bro :frowning:.

But I myself am probably just barely halfway done with Manhattan Method…


Thanks bro i appreciate the advice! Im gonna take it simple for this week and probably the next with just plasma brain of youth.

My bad for looping so much lol. I thought that the healing from brain Key would suffice and my brain would be alright, but it seems i fried myself too much lmao.

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