Brain Guild General discussion

More than sufficient


Send me a message instead of being cryptic

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Would love to get in on the wealth talk


will tommorow, its late for me

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im using them rn lol

@Pano btw mine just came rn. Unboxing as we speak.


Also somthing i did notice, was sense of justice sky rocketed, lol.

The whole calling people NPC seems absurd,

Dont get angry with me phip, but i havnt touched cc in over 2 weeks, i want to build a base

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Nice. Enjoy. I got 2 more coming in. One for free essentially because they sent me a used one with missing pieces. Gotta love that quick refund/replacement policy


How many did you get ?

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Lol I’ve had DoM playing in my pocket while watching videos and making dinner. So easy to forget until you feel the brain build up. Invest in some cheap cargo pants or jackets with multiple pockets and you can have one in each pocket on low volume as you go about your day.

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Only 1 for now, but I’m probably gonna get 2 more after unboxing. Seems very good.

It also has the optimal charging port lol, was thinking it’d be for some 2012 bootleg charger but nah it was great, usb-c.


Yep it definitely does the job. I’m happy with it. And additionally it’s a little safer to have next to you in bed, should you wish to sleep with it, given you can turn off the Bluetooth signaling feature




LOL funny guy.

Touché that was clever

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Lol I told you guys that professor gets funnier and funnier.

He’s the meme machine.

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The device works well. I recommend it, getting my 2nd one rn.


Vest like this would be great

If the volume on the device is at 0 as the field is playing could you still receive the effects of the field?

Also assuming the device is right next to you

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I’ve definitely read that at least one user said that worked.

My logic is that with 0 volume there isn’t any energy being released, so how would we get the field effect.

And then it feels like, it’s worth trying out for few days and then assessing the results

Btw, The Brain Key seems to be the best field to loop while actively learning. Is there anything else, or other suggestions that would potentially be a better option?