Brain Guild Requests

Sounds great :+1: agree :100:

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Sounds trivial but…

A field to like cleaning

I know people who truly enjoy cleaning and I am envious because I make a lot of messes but am not a fan of cleaning them up. I still do it, but don’t like it one bit lol


Smart Amphetamines as a solo release?

Dopamine Overload should help with enjoying cleaning.

Lol that’s funny the idea of me on speed cleaning the house

Maybe there’s another way? Idk I love my
Coffee but amphetamines I’m not crazy about the idea

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Field for manifestation (from JAAJ)

The Vectors of Manifestationi


Lol, I get it, was more for the meme.
(women “speeding up” their chores, is a thing here).

But give Dopamine Overload a try. It made me very charged and willing to be productive.


An updated anxiety relief field would be nice

Thank you

Have you tried Emotional Mastering Protocol?

I haven’t bought the field, no. I was under the assumption that it was more to gain control of erratic emotional states and create a sort of baseline.

But a quick glance at the thread, it makes sense, that seems like it could be useful aid for anxiety as well

Hi @Dr_Manhattan

Going further with:

Does that mean the brain growth integration in a new field won’t be coming? It’s no problem though since we have so much already, I just don’t want to have false hope xp

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It just means that I forgot, now that I remember I’ll make good on what I promised

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Not just you, but you’re the last ones to ask

Some people absolutely want the old brain growth back, some NEED a new updated math field, we’ll mix both and try to release it next early week.

Promises were made, time to deliver

Also, we have a motivated group that wants an anxiety field, we’ll try to push for it also next week.

Than back to the previously scheduled releases


Anyway, after a little diversity we should be back soon enough to the Brainmania with some original creations. Until you guys get sick of it


Holy you’re so elite. INSTANT BUY! :fire:


Ideas - The disciplined mastermind, the mathmatical mindstate/flowstate.


Field for manifestation?

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a focus on mental and physcal enegry.

We talked about briefly a weight loss field here and some have said that the weight loss fields so far have not worked for them. I am included in that list.

No creator has ever made a weight loss field that has worked for me at all, whatsoever for fat loss.

However. Maybe it’s us -

Obvious blocks due to emotional trauma and also

in the way that our consciousness can perhaps have a hard time grasping the idea of something (fat) no longer being there or not being there.

Maybe it would be easier to communicate the idea that something ELSE - IS there.

For those who are looking to be thinner, communicating to our consciousness that we are thin and we are comfortable that way. It’s safe
And healthy to be that way, (ancestral holdovers/famine fears from past lives?)

… and we are at a specific fat percentage let’s say. Hard to determine what percentage that should be since it’s for men and women alike but I think a good compromise for a healthy level would be about 19 percent.

And the inverse for those wanting to gain weight. This could actually be a little harder to communicate, but the idea of being at a certain body fat percentage could also work.

This field will not include working with hormones.
It’s a brain field. Well, a mind field.

A mental weight loss field. A field to impress upon the mind that you are, indeed, already there and here are the details of what “there” means. Also it’s totally fine being there, your inner child and everything feels good being there (don’t need the fat to protect you from people or keep them away)

… and there are no consequences for being there (toxic jealousy from others/fear of success/fear of being seen)

…And if there are you
can handle it.

If it’s possible I think it would be helpful to take us on a tour of what feeling thin all day feels like.

For instance- feelings, experiences and sentiments that go something like…

Putting on clothes is easy.
Food doesn’t cause anxiety because you know that you always stay at the same fat percentage.
You’re often comfortable temperature wise in the summer.
You feel at home in your body.
You can move well, and quickly.

Stuff like that.

If we’ve only experienced that a handful of times in our lives then we are well practiced with the opposite experience and so that’s what we experience over and over like a finger trap

Neville Goddard I suppose originally inspired this idea long ago with his “law of assumption” but what sparked it was a recent episode of the why files “The gateway process” where it’s theorized that solid matter basically …doesn’t exist as such.

So why not play with it in a different way


Brain request idea - a field to wire our brain to become much better at identifying patterns (improved pattern recognition at intellectual tasks) that aren’t seen by the majority of people and to develop creative, out-the-box thinking. Not sure if this is similar to Wholistic Thinking, but decided to throw the idea out here regardless

Another brain field request - a wiring field designed to give us superhuman visualization skills and manipulation of visual memory and visual thinking. Sort of like an upgraded version of enhanced visual processing.

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