Breath of the Gods [Private Group]

Ever imagined what it would be like to have the endurance of a god? This is the NFT to bring you to that level.

Simple and Strategic approach

Pepck Enzyme concentrated to muscle allowing for more power and endurance

Safely stimulate the production of red blood cells in bone marrow and regulate the concentration of red blood cells and haemoglobin in the blood. (This is what athletes do when they use EPO’s)

The effects of Enhanced APE:
Strength: Increases by about 50%
Speed: Increases by about 50%
Endurance: Increases by 500 to 800%
Healing speed: Increases by 500 to 800%
Fear: diminished by around 800%
Energy: Increased by about 800%
Shielding Protection: Both psychic shielding AND active defense protection, which will help you stay out of harm’s way and help dangerous things avoid YOU.
This is a must for anyone going into a potentially dangerous situation, such as a war zone, people in competitive sports and anyone who likes to live on the edge.
(these levels are also now increased due to the addition of the photosynthesis field)(See full description on

Increase the amount of oxygen your body absorbs and uses during exercise (increased v02 max) (working with lung function/capacity and all the muscles involved)

Switch energy source from glucose to fat , increased oxidative capacity in muscles

Increased amount of mitochondria in the body

ACE Gene for power and endurance

And then a few extra goodies added by Dream :shushing_face:

Audio + Mandala

Private Group


The artwork :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Congratulations! Awesome project! :fire:

How many copies if i may ask?


12 total copies


I notice a human sitting in a kind of yoga posture

Were there also spiritual elements included in this project?


That wasn’t the main focus but some benefits are tied through the increase of prana/life force


One of the most beautiful artworks :heart_eyes:



The energy this gives is insane. I’m guessing due to the increased red blood cell count EPO field.

Lung capacity / oxygenation is noticeably higher as well as the stamina. I found myself not tiring at all during the day (still able to sleep at night of course)

Went to a rave last night and danced for hours. Can’t wait to give this a proper test in the mountains or on a trail run soon!


Wow…great job guys, this is an incredible NFT!

Wish I had it lol

I think you guys hit it out of the park with this one!


Would this be detectable in a drug test for any competitive sports ? @Dreamweaver

Interesting question. I read the description as producing an effect in the manner of EPO, not necessarily the field producing EPO as means to higher red blood cell count.

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Audio has been released…pm me if if you have the nft and need it

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I suppose your system would not appear normal.
But you have not taken any drugs for it, so there should not be any metabolites to test for.


How can I buy this?
Does this also include audio field?
can we hear it?


U buy from members of the group.
Yes and u can only listen to it after buying/trading for the nft, because the previous owner will send u audio.


Finally got to test this properly on a run over the weekend. I hadn’t been on one in a few weeks.

My friend is training for a marathon in Berlin this month, so I joined him for a 5 mile run while we were at a music festival.

Didn’t sleep much the night before, thanks to the awesome DJ’s lol.

Still managed to run a 7:11 min mile pace for the full 5 miles and felt great!. My friend has been a runner most of his life and was shocked at how I was able to have conversations with him while keeping that pace.


How much is it

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contact @anon97680796 , he has the last available copy

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Summited a 12,000’ volcano yesterday in just over three hours with this gem :grin:

My lungs weren’t even in peak shape (recovering from sickness)