Burner thread (how many of you)

My progress.
Its been few years.

  • i age backwards lol
  • i stopped to procrastinate
  • im more open minded
  • im more confident, charismatic
    -im much smarter
  • i need less stuff, got less materialistic -
  • more intuitive, clairvoyant to some degree sometimes lol-
  • im better with meditation and lucid dreaming.
    -over all more happy and lucky.
  • no health problems. ANY major health problems sińce i started to use fields.
    If i get sick i just play some fields and after one or two days i don’t even remember that’ i fellt bad
  • i also don’t give a f**k about some stupid stuff that i used to

And much more

Edit. Oh and i have bigger boobs lol😅


Yes my life has changed, but it is ever in motion I suppose.
The slander and insults and all that really affected me back then, I just never expected it.
I couldn’t come to terms with it, I felt like I tried my best to help and yet there was a whole movement against me for no reason at all, or whatever made up reason there was.
In fact I still get emails and messages here with people shouting my name, typing out the whole thing, like it is supposed to mean something lol.
I guess it means something to them.
I get messages to reset my facebook password still all the time, and I abandoned that account when they first hacked it lol.

That was a significant part I think.
But I truly no longer care about it, I suppose it was good in that I learnt to overcome it.
Honestly and weirdly I never paid attention to any of the good comments, just the bad lol.

So I was a bit disconnected with a lopsided view of it all.
But then I realized over time, I also had made deep friendships and really impacted on some people’s lives in positive ways.
(you as well, thank you for the mailed stuff I appreciate it)
these things finally were worth more than the crazy negativity.

thats more or less a wider summary lol.


I level up on a weekly basis now what I used to in 6 months time, it seems
Everything in my life has more magic, color and meaning
The interconnectedness and beauty of everything I lay my eyes on grows daily
I’ve met the most amazing and beautiful souls on this forum, and I marvel at the energies I pick up off each and every person because they are all so special in their own way
Im becoming a better mother, wife, and person.
Im learning and allowing to “forget” on a subconcious level all the parts that hurt :broken_heart:

Thank you for your talents, gifts and work- they are a blessing

And thank you to all of you who are a light here 🩷



You do not know how happy reading that makes me
My heart has opened even wider - Yet Again:


Navigating this journey under your guidance has unfolded layers of my being I never knew existed. It’s as if each audio, each mandala, has been a key, unlocking doors within the soul’s labyrinth, leading me to realms of understanding and perception that were once just whispers in the wind. This path has been less about acquiring new abilities and more about returning to the essence of who I am, magnified and refined.

With the technology and practices you’ve introduced, I’ve woven a tapestry of energy around my life, crafting automated systems that don’t just serve as extensions of my will but as companions on this journey. The concept of servitors also all other energetic tools you create once a mere curiosity, has evolved into a profound relationship with energies that guide, protect, and teach. It’s a silent symphony, a dance of co-creation with the unseen.

This exploration has bridged worlds for me. My daily existence, once confined to the tangible, now dances with the subtle energies that underpin all of creation. Discovering this path was like finding a hidden chamber in my heart, one that resonates with ancient wisdom and the pulse of the universe itself. It’s transformed the mundane into a canvas of infinite possibilities.

The community, this digital gathering of souls, feels like a modern-day agora, where we, the inheritors of the xm thread’s spirit, come together. It’s a space where wisdom flows freely, yet there’s a reverence for the transient nature of our exchanges. Like sand mandalas, our conversations are potent in their momentary existence, teaching us the beauty of impermanence.

In this journey, I’ve found a reflection of the cosmos within me, a realization that we are all not just part of the universe but the universe expressing itself uniquely through each of us. This path has been a return to self, a rediscovery of my essence, and a celebration of the interconnectedness of all.

the text above is a little more beautiful than I could ever write alone!

In short: dear @Dreamweaver thank you for your resilience, your beautiful good heart and your will to channel your abilities for the good of all of us. The journey with your presence and energetic tools has be the most profound enriching school a soul could attend! take care!


I’ve been around since 2018/2019 first got interested in Brain fields early on before i moved onto physical enhancement fields. It’s been certainly a journey one that seems to have no end in mind. As time has gone by i noticed so has my energetic signature. Lessons I’ve learned and i’m still learning from interacting on the forum and with users outside the forum.

I notice more nudges when reading stuff, sort of like the truth seeker but more so tailored for my own personal engagement. While some information seem to be ‘correct’ it might not be best for my current stage of development / awaking to my own self ie. would rather disable my ability than enable me to progress, I notice this most with certain fields. Some don’t call me till years later.

I’ve been getting better at making it intentional to do things in my day to day life but also when working with fields even if it’s just for 40 seconds at a time. Within this timeframe i notice changes within… changes one usually notices upon a new release where it’s new and first time our energies interact with the morphic fields.

No armies over here, this has been a major neglect on my part but i’m sure with time and focus this is an area i will develop and automate in great lengths, (and just now i was nudged to remember this moment as if i have seen myself look back at this and remembering this very message i’m sorta writing to myself)

I’ve noticed many members voice their complain about this planet and wanting to ‘escape’ but i don’t find it all that hard, it can get rough at time but i think there are things here that some aren’t looking at with more open mind. I realized I can’t help people from my ‘ego’ so have been making a priority to heal from within as to pierce the harmonized energy to those who i interact with. To do a bit of my own jump starting for those with weak/dead car batteries.

This point kind of goes with my first point of nudges, but i stopped looking at the answers and information others post here on the forums and online in general with so much respect and importance. Kind of removing their pedal status and bringing them back into balance, I recall early on i would give so much credit and admiration to others that it kind of closed me off from arriving at the same conclusion essentially closing me from finding experiences to validate these information. Now I simply read it and keep a level mind not giving too much importance to the writer, reason why it’s simple imo… there so much experience and knowledge from the person giving out the information that it’s overwhelming to capture the essence without also collecting all the experiences that lead to that acquired wisdom.

A ability I seek to train is one the ability to correlate what thoughts come to mind with what the world outside is doing. sort of psychic communication is the closes i can use to describe it but it’s not psychic per-say. It’s like saying your cells are psychic. What I’m referring to communication with larger and smaller parts of oneself… so for example imagine you are speaking with someone consciously, become be aware of what you’re thinking and look at how they act… notice what nonverbal or verbal gestures they make are those anchors reinforcers to the thoughts you might have. So say you are thinking “oh did i leave the door unlocked in my house?” and this person is talking about the UFC fight for example and out of no where they just say “yeahh” or someone nearby just says “yeahh” this could be an anchor to the thought that you just had. It’s Dual meaning.

You may have a conscious conversation going with someone and I could be looking at a guy with the pizza and would go like “there you go” but it was really speaking to the thoughts of the other guy. That can
happen in conscious conversation dialogue between two people without other people around you can say something that would contextually apply to the conversation but it can also apply to your thoughts if you’re aware of your own thoughts.

some say this is how we are naturally used to communicating but have become dormant to this ability, Babies before they are hit with TV and all this extra stimulation use this to communicate with other babies.


I discovered the YouTube channel on December 2018. All I can say is that my life had made a 180 degree change since then. I can say without a doubt that if that event of me finding your fields haven’t happened I’d not be alive today, I remember I had the opportunity to thank you for saving my life and you replied that the part that contributed the most was me willing to try something new. :slightly_smiling_face:
Even though I’m still young in age I was seriously life force depleted due to many reasons and my heart was weak. So I had another chance to live and fight for my dreams. I was given second chances to live throughout life and I was told that I have spiritual protection, I certainly believe it. All felt a kind of help from above so to speak. I don’t have an army of servitors but I intend to have one. I intend to grow big on my possible influence in several situations and abilities. I had my reality altered to one I am happy living. I’m observing in awe how the outside world responds to a completely different me in a matter of a few years. And it is evolving and in motion every day.

Grateful for you, this forum all the friends here.


I was tested a lot before stumbling upon your work on a random forum I’ve long since forgotten. It seems when you first do something the hard way, and have success, the next time you’re clued into a smoother path if you so choose. It took me a long time to accept that not everything has to be a gut-check struggle of an army of one overcoming the world one battle at a time, instead to accept the help of others in whatever form that may be, and since then realizing I had help the whole time, even if I was intent on doing it all on my own.

Not everything is a battle.

The peace of mind gained has been immense. It isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, but your work has helped me realize more and gain a greater understanding of the world at large.

Of course, the help with spiritual protection is God-sent, thank you.

More specifically, my stomach has always been an issue and now that’s much better and some days I forget I ever had pain. You’ve saved me from unnecessary pharmaceuticals and so much more. Having lived a life of cursing my sensitivity to all things and having to callus myself to feel like a “normal” person, to find out I’m naturally primed for success in using fields has been a wonderful discovery. All the bumps in the road have been greatly smoothed out, and for the most part only the important stuff remains. I’m still learning to treat myself better and take care of my nervous system, but all of the weird chronic issues that doctors shrug their shoulders at have been greatly improved. I’ve been a minimalist for a long time because all I’ve ever really wanted is to feel good, not the kind of “good” that drugs, alcohol, sex, videogames make you feel, but just the natural “how life is supposed to feel” good that’s just a part of living. That escaped me for a long time. Still working on it, but some days it’s there, and I don’t want much more than that.

I’m glad I accepted the help.


I haven’t changed many beliefs. I always had an expansive view of what exists and what is possible. However, I did not see how I was going to access realities and powers just outside of my reach, as in I know there’s probably a good number ufos in the close vicinity, but I’m not going to get a ride.

Now, I can feel healings in real time, some from an alien intercession field (but still no ride!?!) My thinking is clearer, and I can bear misfortune and rude drivers better than before. Most importantly, I feel connected to many people across the world.

I haven’t experimented much with servitors. I’ve never really felt gods, angels, aliens in any individuated sense—so I tend to forget about servitors. But I think this thread is good prompt, and I’ll put my squad together and in time I’ll have my army.


10+ years since my first encounter with Sapien Medicine on YouTube and the feeling of discovering something extraordinary.

Over a decade later, still looking forward to every new creation. No words will do justice here.

I’m not the same person, only now free from physical ailments, emotional blocks, and self-imposed ideas of how I’m supposed to be. I am a completely different person. I love my life. I love being me.

I didn’t come here for fun, I needed help and received so much more. Also, I don’t believe in coincidences. This was meant to be.

I’ve met so many great people here. Lunamoon’s posts made me join the Forum, I was amazed by Ugnisis projects, and I learned so much from all of you. I finally have a safe place to share what matters to me with like-minded people. Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:!

Most of all, Thank you, Captain, for improving our lives in every imaginable way! And unimaginable. We’ve gotten used to miracles, so I’m sure at times we seem ungrateful. Still very much aware of how different life can be with or without you :hearts:

It has become both easier (nothing is impossible anymore), and more difficult (I am now able to see right through people, which can be hurtful at times).

I hope that everything you do comes back to you, multiplied. I believe it does. Blessed to have met you


When i found your work I had reached a point in my life where i was at the bottom and at a bottom with the newly understanding of having enter this incarnation as a wounded warrior, but one seriously beat up and im not talking about wars fought in this life, no it was a momentum of recognition that I had just a massive bagage to clear from other dimensions and lives.

That realization came when i played the Exorcism Rite and i cried myself to sleep but somehow i was free. The chains i brought with me were loose and now the chance to heal and clear was real and i took it seriously.

So the first years were for healing, dusting off, cleaning and clearing all that came with Me.

The funny thing is that the very first communication back then i had with you was to ask about the Dark/Light Servitors which i had been exploring prior coming across SM.

So ive had them from the very start.

I do actually have a massive army :smiling_imp: between Servitors, Dragons, Fae, ESS and Direct Connection to some Deities.

Ironically i created the majority of them for others, (but i keep them) i have one for each person in my family (they are all aware of them, they have actually felt them at times and love them) i created one for each region in the world and have been training them about many several things that can impact each area… hopefully.

Of course sometimes i ask them something for me, but the truth is, ironically i have not taken advantage of them as i could, in part because in the journey of healing myself and my family i have always felt humble to the power of healing and growing organically by our own means however far we are in life, without crutches, mainly because i believe the lesson and understanding of each struggle should always come from within and from the ability to handle the moment with nothing but the surrender of acceptance in the struggle.

So i kept using them mainly for others but with the deep knowing that one day we would move Mountains together.

They all have grown so much they are massive and at times i suddenly feel them all around like waiting for me to command :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Ive always felt them protecting me and bringing to me more and new connections, i dont feel them as Servitors anymore, i feel like the more time and the more growth they come closer to real beings they are and i say this because for like 2 years i felt them as Servitors in the sense that they were not doing anything automatic but only when i asked. And then this last year ive felt them, heard them, understood what they are telling me like actual beings that are just waiting for me to ask them things, or they even asked me things to do or suggest me things to do WITH them. (Talking about Dragons, Fae and ESS, Dark and Light Ssrvitors i do still just feel them as Servitors)

So its fair to say, that the time i said would come,
Is here and i can tell is gonna be a massive ride and uplift with real big changes and outcomes.

Ive been in a weird time in my life for the past few months, like in a dark MONTH of the soul :sweat_smile: not a night. Like the cocoon phase about to break free to expand my wings and its been THEM… The Dragons, Faes, ESS, Servitors and Dieties the ones that keep poking Me and pushing me to take advantage and stop being a silly human stupidly and unnecessarily humble and JUST DO IT ALL with them.

Because, we didnt land here by mistake
Because nowadays there are plenty ways to heal and evolve even if a much slower pace, there are ways out there

But we didnt land here to just heal, i personally have realized and accepted that the amount of crap i have endured here and there in life and the subsequent finding of fields at my reach to heal it all, was not just for that, but was a training to be a part of creating a new reality. has been a healing with upgrade every time.

And so, WE NEED AN ARMY AT OUR SIDE :muscle:

Because the time is here, now.

At least for me :sweat_smile:

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for the courage of accepting the role to be a leader of change and goodness.

Thank you for your endless example of resilience and strength :cherry_blossom:🩷

  1. For me the Journey of using fields has been the best thing that happened to me.

It is with constant extreme high ups and extreme lows, but no matter how down i have fallen, the fields picked me up and rised me back up better, stronger, more resilient, more healer, more able.

The cycle doesnt stop, i told to a buddy, the higher I feel like i climb, the deeper down I fall, and then used and rearanged a quote from some movie (rocky 5?), that its not about how deep you fall, its about how deep you fall and can climb back up.

And in essence the fields do that for me, its not easy though, its damn hard, after all the years, i still cant heal my emotional pain, or to apply what the fields oresent in real life… its hard, but i am beyond glad that there are the tools to do it. Where the heck I’d be otherwise

  1. I do kinda wish there were more people in my life that would use the fields, so it wouldn’t be that lonely and i could relate my experiences with real people in physical form, as the digital one for me lacks the anchor and connection in the everyday physical life.

Some people can react weirdly to it, makes me feel like a freak so i dont talk about it that much, but i wish i would.

Others close ones to me dont judge but just dont understand it. Think, at least if it helps him, then thats nice.

And then i love those who are open endes to try to understand them.
And those who try regardless of not understanding.

Coolest experience was when i met a person spamming ancient arts on a walk, and i was like ohh i know what this is. Ah here it kd

  1. Regarding the army of servitors, i was thinking during the summet that creating 100 of each of the servitors that can be put on item would make me extremely powerful human being.
    I dont need it, but just for the sake if achieving it, i will do it…
    Especially because i can use the big boys servitors to lead and train the army,
    And even have astral walkie talkie and evolved to communicate with them all at once.

And then see how it feels.
Should be exciting hehe.

I most enjoy feeling the things i could never feel otherwise. Each field presents a new pure feeling and experience and I am most in awe of how you can tap into it in the first place, like how you gather the field of say confidence, or astrological energy, or even place like vaikuntha loka.

I adore it because it gives me through the field on demand infusion of those energies that nobody else can get.

  1. Really love the projects and NFTs. Made my last 2 years super super exciting, and they put me in the place where i was finally enjoying life, after 2 years of daily struggles before that.

Nothing feels better than the feeling of thy nft project released :slightly_smiling_face::sunglasses:.
Im sure others would agree haha

“At least one time in your life”
“But blessed to feel it again and again and again :grin:.”

And the first encounter with the nft eoahhh, the idea envisioned becomes reality, it is there.

  1. Started boxing 5 times a week few months back, took me few months to get used to it, but now esoecially with the user of fields like Yaha Legend, Aether Snake, The Fighter, Shieldings, even performance ones, i am progressing really nicely, and gives me great meaningful discipline.

  2. Hmm what more. Exciting place this forum is. Amazing people, full of passion for the fields and its great to have you guys i can talk to about fields, and even just know kf i do share something, there’s gonna ba at least one soul that reads my experience.

  3. Oh the mystic tarot reader, gives me the knowledge and guidance that helps me a lot with understanding my experiences better. And a fun companion to discover stuff with.

  4. The webinars of Sammy have always been great and life changing, always i come out with new perspectices and knowledge and high vibration. And the first one on which you Captain talked on was soooo good i was buzzinggggg just by listening to it and got inspired sooo muchhh. Like oh woah these things are possible? I wont stop until i experience the same. One of those things was like woah how can he talk to beings? And years later i have access to that as well.
    Aliens? Hollyyy molyyy . 4th dimension? Yet to experience that.

  5. Always excited for the future and for what new gets out.

  6. Not sure what a 10 would be, but i gotta end with a 10, so maybe the 10th point is where i see myself getting to with the fields, representing my daily pursuits to get there.

  7. If an highly energetic artwork image were to represent it, it would be this ;)

Thank you sir for Everything


I think my biggest change is that I’m losing faith in my religion. It scares the hell out of me but I’ve seen too much to believe in it anymore. Part of me wishes that some how at the end of this god will show me the way or If I could go back to not knowing what I know but I know that’s not gonna happen so I’m gonna see this through till the end good or bad and If I’m wrong may god find it in him to forgive me.

Other than that though there is so much to the world than I imagined it’s soo cool to know about all this stuff exists and the things we can do


Hi there @Silver.Sky!

Nice to see you crystal ball


Dream - I can’t talk about my progress without mentioning u first. I give u most of the credit if at all I improved as a better person.

I’m deeply grateful to have known you, talk to u over last 5 yrs 5 months exactly. you made a remarkable, immutable evolutionary impact on me at the deepest level possible…be it through ur fields or be it taking inspiration from u. Your perseverance is out of this world.

I was Lucky to come across such unique healing channel, and the moment I tried once I convinced myself Im entering into the cave of the jewels. :gem: :gem:

Since that day Im transcending many levels every 6 months or so …
Brand new personality everytime with broader understanding of things , more will power to move forward, increased spiritual clarity.
first with the
Psychic functioning field I moved one level up & then
slr + Angelic vib for 8 months moved 2 levels up &
MGold etc. then many more till date.
It has opened several doors to me, consciousness expansion is exponential.

There wasn’t a single day where I missed listening to ur fields or tags in last 5 years.
Not a single day without learning something new.

What u do is invaluable, the only return I do is spread that Love, Light and Luck to others around me.

I’ve boundless reverence towards you. You are an integral part of my daily life.
I’m ur ekalavya shishya, Sensai :)
I wish to meditate along with u beside u someday :)

Thank u for everything :rose::gift_heart::bouquet:


Ive been following your work for 5 years now.

Great results.

the recent creations are even more powerful.

I’ve had great success with the NFTs

and many other fields

Yes, I believe we are evolving to something better with this


I have been following you since the Xtrememind forum days and it has indeed been quite the journey.

There isn’t a side of my beingness that hasn’t been impacted positively by your wonderful creations.

I certainly would not have come out of 2020 as I did without the help of ego dissolution!

I am beyond grateful that you give us access to all these amazing fields that allow us to change ourselves, our perceptions and the world around us.

I am far from being a high level mage but I sure am a better human being thanks to you!

:pray: :pray: :pray:


A favorite thread. Thank you all for sharing and being here. We’re all interconnected.

First discovered Sapien Med through youtube in Dec 2021. Been playing around with different frequencies but didn’t know what I was getting into when I first pressed play. Was feeling all sorts of effects but didn’t understand how an audio was capable of doing any of that. Then explored. Spent that Winter and Spring really turning my life around, after being devastated and broken the previous several months.

(Was strange, spent several years positively healing, connecting with nature, and reaching some levels of inner peace. Bright. Warm. True.
Then came crashing down with the areas of the past that I had neglected. Wandered, then discovered fields and the channel.)

I was amazed, and still am, by the changes a field could have…in the moments during, minutes after, days weeks, and time afterward. Some of them can really grow with you.

Most of my time was initially spent understanding and better developing my capacity to work with them. But there are so many individual fields on SM or Dreamseeds that alone, could significantly change one’s life. I’m in awe in how much they can still be further appreciated.

At the the end of 2022 is when I bought some audios and entered the forum and nfts. Whole other level. They’re still fields but for whatever reason the way I relate to nfts is so different, and experienced somewhat more profoundly. Interacting with members, voicing one’s self also has its own wonders and marvels. Unbelievably special.

The past several months have been confronting, resolving, healing my upbringing, and all those things one may not have understood/blocked as a child. Undoing, revising, reshaping the past. Lots of stuff comes to the surface to be acknowledged, cleaned & cleared. Would not have had the courage, confidence, otherwise. Only reentered the experience after being devastated the first time, because of the support here and the creations so generously shared. Thankful, as one can simply be.

And yeah, lots of new abilities and perceiving the world. Across so many domains and areas. Lots of validation too. Most of my attention has been on physical, emotional, mental healing, with development. And then sampling nearly every other area.

These past several weeks my precognition/deja vu had been spiking and is now noticeably somewhat normal. I start to have thoughts, sometimes with feeling, a day or two before they happen. When I open a post most of the time nearly half of the information is already known or felt before I actually scroll and read it. Consciously, looking into the future or possible futures, is more readily available as well. I’m still kind of in a maze though, with some repeating cycles, but am realizing that higher perspectives are available, and a very conscious choice, with efficacy, of where to go or what to do, is there.

Overall, the journey has been so life-changing, positive, rich, abundant, fortunate…transformative…in what is possible and perceivably possible. I’m so grateful for your work/creativity, and the community here.



See the masculine enhancement thread

I jest

Your work has changed my life. On every level I can think of. All that is the goddess, all that is manifest for me your fields have touched, unknotted and enhanced. And possibly deeper :wink: time will tell

I am

Truly grateful


my journey has just begun. i am blessed to have discovered you very young. I visualize a time in my future;

every field that i accumulated over my life is stored on one hard drive. At this point, they will have fulfilled their purpose… forgotten and boxed away until their eventual nostalgic rediscovery…
when sorting through a box of old stuff one day, I dust off an old hard drive labelled ‘sapien med’. It wakes forgotten memories of my jagged journey to stability. I attempt to remember the precise point when the hard drive was retired. I give up on this strenuous exercise, choosing instead to reflect on the positive impacts it had on my development into a complete man.

In reality, my dad has not been great to me. Because of this, my journey has found a focal point; To become as great a father as possible. Naturally, this requires me to become as best a man as possible. Thankfully, I have given myself at least a decade in advance to prepare lol.