Business Loan Approval

I have a business loan pending with the bank for over 30 days now. They are neither approving nor rejecting.
All required documents furnished.
All queries and objections clarified and rectified.
The only thing halting the disposal is the laziness of the bankers involved (if you know Indian bankers you would know).

Abundance, luck, probability, money, wealth etc related fields ain’t helping, getting other money results regardless. Suggest any field/s or nft that can help.



Tell your Angels

If you have this NFT

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Thanks. I appreciate the suggestion.

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Ganapati yagna.


Duly noted. Thanks for the suggestion.

Angelic intercession - the free version.
Helped me countless times


Thank you. I tried the intercession audios, I will try again.

Unexpected gifts…alright it isn’t unexpected but since it gives momentum to people to help you…there was a field that did this (woven world contentment?) in general, not for gifts.

Or go to the bank with lion+Thor mandala xD

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Thanks for the advice. I will try them out.
I went to the bank yesterday after posting, the officer in charge went on a leave and the simple answer I got was, ‘can’t do anything until she returns’ :upside_down_face:
I guess, I have to take the issue into my own hands, planning to go to the higherups, worst case scenario, it gets rejected, then I could try another bank. The bank is notorious for being slow, the only reason we applied here was at the time of application, a friend of my dad was the manager at this particular branch, he got transferred unexpectedly during the shuffle and left us at the mercy of the evil bank lords.


Two suggestions:

  • Mahaganapati Yagna - no one can resolve issues as fast as my chubby, cute guy. He is the best and the sweetest. He has complete mastery over physical realm and unlike other higher powers, he does not play by rules and goes out of the way to help those that invoke him. You have him on your side, you have the power of both Shiva and Shakti.
  • Angelic Intercession

Yup works like a charm!

I had a connecting flight at Frankfurt to get to San Francisco and was almost sure I missed it. Looped Angelic Intercession a few times earlier this week - pilot got sick, some runaway issues, blah blah, the my second flight was delayed just enough for me to make it lol…


I had the same experience with connecting trains.

Ah I remember the Frankfurt airport. That really king connecting tunnel downstairs. I ran through it several times


Ha ha, that tunnel system has cost me some nerves too…

When the sign says:

“Estimated walking time from Gate A23 to Gate Z56: 10+ minutes” :laughing:

Then also adding Border Control somewhere in between (+10-20 minutes) :laughing: :laughing:

But at least, FRA it is a modern clean airport.
Unlike SFO, which looks like they never changed the carpets, the waiting seats and the lighting since the 80ies.


Thank you for the suggestion. We celebrated his birth here a few days ago, it is a 11 day long festival for us, Ganesh Chaturthi :innocent:. He is the Obstacle Remover, success and wisdom giver.
I will keep all the suggestions noted for another rainy day as for now I guess taking things into hand worked, met the superiors complained and the stagnant file has finally moved :four_leaf_clover:

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