Buying a Field on Sapien Shop

i don’t think you need to create an account to buy his products on sapien shop

Has anyone had such a situation? I bought the project message from PayPal, the transaction was successful and I didn’t get any money and I didn’t receive any notification What should I do to buy this nft

Your suppose to get a email from The Sapien Shop to claim your mint NFT if you bought it from the Sapien store

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I haven’t received any money. I don’t know how to buy it

I’m not sure but you don’t received money when you buy the NFT. You just go and claim your NFT after it’s purchased you received a email from The Sapien Shop to claim your NFT and Audios . And you must have a digital Wallet like Phantom to claim your NFT . But i’m not sure what you mean by not receiving money?

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can someone explain to me step by step how to buy this nft What is a digital wallet

First, have sufficient funds in your PayPal account.
Then in the shop you will have to add this NFT in your cart.

Currently there’s a generous sale (thanks Cap!) At check out, don’t forget to type in the discount code.

When the transaction is successful you will receive a Claim email.
Follow the steps from this


I downloaded from this I don’t understand wallet does the sound and image work without the wallet?

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Congratulations on your purchase @AngelaTaka! :slightly_smiling_face:

It has to be in your digital wallet.

So if this is your first time, set up one as shown in the image.
You will need a paper and pen to write down the set of password they’ll give you (to safe keep).

@AngelaTaka I suggest to move it to DM, so as not to spam the thread. :slightly_smiling_face:


I don’t speak English I can’t connect nft to my wallet How to do it I don’t understand Isn’t it enough to download it?


As I recall reading your posts about your situation on this thread and another thread u panicked and deleted either the wallet, the NFT or both.
Also I think I read that u didnt write down the group of passwords, which u need to access your wallets contents. (Even though they warn u how important it is to do so)
Quite frankly if u didnt have the passwords, I dont understand how u could delete the NFT or wallet.

The good news:
Since u paid for it, it will still work for u. U can connect with the NFT and listen to the audio and they should work. But u cant sell or trade it in the future since u deleted the NFT.

Via Google translate:
Kiedy pamiętam, że czytałem Twoje posty na temat Twojej sytuacji w tym i innym wątku, spanikowałeś i usunąłeś portfel, NFT lub oba.
Wydaje mi się też, że przeczytałem, że nie zapisałeś grupy haseł, których potrzebujesz, aby uzyskać dostęp do zawartości swoich portfeli. (Mimo że ostrzegają Cię, jak ważne jest to zrobić)
Szczerze mówiąc, jeśli nie masz haseł, nie rozumiem, jak możesz usunąć NFT lub portfel.

Dobre wieści:
Ponieważ za to zapłaciłeś, nadal będzie dla ciebie działać. Możesz połączyć się z NFT i słuchać dźwięku i powinny działać. Ale nie możesz go sprzedać ani wymienić w przyszłości, ponieważ usunąłeś NFT.

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Are there any delays? I bought it but it hasn’t been debited from my account yet and I don’t have any confirmation

This is a community project and open to the public so any one can buy it.

i didn’t quite understand your comment . Because what i was saying was that you could buy this NFT even if you aren’t in that group project . So whether it’s on gumroad or Sapien shop it wouldn’t matter

I am talking about minting, waiting 3 to 48 hours to get the actual product, possibly sending mail to Solana etc. It is so much convenient to buy stuff on Gumroad. That’s all.

From your post #11 on this thread it looks like u bought this NFT # 4/250 and the audio. The audio doesnt go into your wallet, u download it onto your computer.
U should have been sent an e-mail to the e-mail addy u gave, as confirmation that u bought both.

U may have to make another wallet so u can download the NFT into it.
Nowadays most things require passwords, even an e-mail addy, so its not a rare occurence.

yes, I know, but I don’t speak English and the message isn’t connected.
The captain has already written to me that it will work ;)
So I’m very healthy
You need to start your purchase with a cheap nft to learn how it works
I greet you