Buying NFT Guide

The following was gathered to help new users on buying NFTs if they wish to do so.

  1. Upon purchasing an NFT, The page would give you the option to claim your NFT right from the Order Confirmation page…

…or via the email you receive, that has a “Claim Your NFT” button in it.

  1. Upon clicking the button, you will be taken to the Claim landing page.

If the purchased NFT had an audio attached to it (not all of them do), it will look like this, with the music download section and claim button combined into the same page:

  1. Next, you will be prompted to connect your crypto wallet, or directed to create one.

  1. Once you have your wallet connected, you will be able to transfer the NFT into it. The entire claiming process only takes a minute.


Thanks @Zen for creating this guide! :pray:


Hi, do you mind explaining…
Do you need a Solarno wallet?
Is this the only wallet you can have to buy one of the SM NFTs?
What about Metamask?
Sorry if these questions are basic!!!

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Ohh i knew i had seen a post like this haha, i couldnt find it *facepalm. Now i see it.

@Divine_Lotus or @SammyG whenever you have time, i created this post today when i couldnt find this one here made by Zen, but its pretty much the same lol and much better and cleaned presented :sweat_smile: can you please close it and delete it for me?

How to open and transfer NFTs to a Phantom Wallet

Maybe @Zen could just add the how to transfer to other wallets part? :D

Thank you!


Can u tell what app or wb sited is this and what wallet app in have to use ,bcs this thing is complicated as fuck no ones is helping not even helping correctly ,like is this only for the richiest or what ??:face_with_monocle:

my apologizes, In this tutorial the app “Phantom Wallet” is being used. It’s free and can be downloaded here:

It doesn’t have to be complicated, break the ‘problem’ down into smaller pieces.

No it’s not only for the ‘richest’ anyone can create a wallet… you’ll than need to purchase a NFT from the stores (our community stores ( or the Official NFT Buying/Selling Thread

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Thank you ,so every NFT when buying it stored in the phamton wallet? And donwload from there to the phone?

  1. you find the NFT you like to buy
  2. You add some SOL (Solana network token) to pay your small fee to the network to the wallet you just created
  3. Transfer the NFT to your wallet.

The tokens how much they cost?

At this time $158. BUT you dont need to buy an entire SOL. Buying $4 is WAY MORE than enough for most people just transferring.

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Dammm,so for 4 $ is enough for the sapien fields ?

SOL need is depend on the location and the product i buy right ?

Sorry for so many question

When you said token I was referring to 1 actual Solana token not Sapien NFTs.

Its not dependent on location. Product yes. Some NFTs are on the polygon network.

I suggest understanding more about got to have some form of basis so you can formulate your questions better to get appropriate assistance.

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Thanks your help man​:pray::facepunch:

Thank you so much for making this Zen! I referenced this back in December when I bought my first few NFT’s and it was a big help in easing my anxiety about the process.

I just bought an NFT today, and had to reference this because it’s been so long!

I would like to add something helpful for anyone else trying to figure this out. This applies to those of you who are using Phantom app for their NFT’s and have Google Chrome web browser on their phone:

Open the “Claim your Digital Collectible” email using your Google Chrome web browser. After selecting “Claim your NFT” you should be re-directed to a page with has the Phantom app icon. Select the Phantom app icon and you will be asked to begin transfer. Once you do, it will automatically transfer your new NFT into the Phantom app installed in your phone. One transferred, you may need to wait a couple minutes. Refresh the pages in your app, and your new NFT will appear!

Before I figured this out today, I was struggling with using my Brave web browser which did not have a way to automatically connect with Phantom. It was asking to connect to an existing wallet, which required that I input a name and address, and I was so afraid I was going to blow it and lose my NFT!

Hi @Zen I plan to gift my parents each an NFT from Sapienshop. I’ll be seeing them on Sunday, to set up Phantom wallets on each of their smartphones.

Is a newly minted NFT kept safe before it is claimed? In other words, is it safe to buy today, but wait four days before claiming and transferring to their wallets?

Im not Zen but yes


Thank you @anon73693188 !! :slightly_smiling_face: