Caffeine/energy advice

I need some advice for energy. I’m tired of feeling tired. It’s more of mental fatigue and it makes you feel like crap and I rage so bad when I’m like this. I’m sick of this cycle man. I was finally back to “normal” awake, happy, motivation to grind my business like I’ve been then boom the past like 3 days I’m feeling so mentally drained and I’m tired of increasing my caffeine intake for it to do nothing now. It’s going to end up taking me if I keep taking it daily the way I’ve been just to stay awake. My business is really growing and it’s hard to even work on it the past 3 days. I don’t know if this is a test or just something wrong with me but I’m tired of this cycle and if it is a test it needs to stop as I keep failing it over and over again and getting sick of the same stuff happening. I can’t seem to break free from this cycle. I guess I just have to stop taking caffeine and find a way to stay awake normally. I don’t believe in substances but getting bad thoughts in my mind thinking of trying dumb ways to stay awake. It’s like I broke free from everything else now a new “habit or addiction” is trying to work it’s way in. Im starting to believe it’s mind control as my whole city/county even is on substances and no way I’m going down that crackhead road. I’m tired of feeling this way. I’m tired of these thoughts I never had before. I guess I just have to stay strong and block it and try to release as much as I can. I guess the advice I’m truly asking for is what’s the best way to do this? It’s just getting louder and louder and I’m tired of taking all these caffeine pills, energy drinks, and coffee. I swear I do about 1500 mg of caffeine every day and a half or two days depending how you look at it. It’s even starting to block me up and bloat me causing digestive and gas issues. I’m just so frustrated I was doing so good was so happy had no stress. Now I’m stressing over this and it’s like I’m starting to realize Im so used of the cycle of taking caffeine that’s all I’m thinking about and see myself doing in my mind. It’s getting annoying

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If you planning to cut down caffeine do it slowly. Having cold turkey the next day is not nice. Reduce your intake slowly.


I do plan to fully cut caffeine out eventually. It’s not good the way I’ve been taking it. I don’t want that to be the reason I pass away lol. I know I’m protected but that doesn’t mean to push it. I’ve been looking into stuff a lot especially frequencies and I’m going to be making my own fields and see if that will help. I feel like I’m at the point now where I just need to go with myself and make my own things. I love these fields don’t get me wrong their amazing they really did wonders on me but now it’s time I try and do the same for myself and for others. I just keep getting called to this. I’m doing a business that has nothing to do with spiritual stuff but plan to turn it spiritual when I get it big enough. I want to try and help guide people. I think I’m ready as that’s all I’ve been able to think about for a while now. Maybe it’s a calling? I’ve definitely learned how to release emotions as I barely lash out anymore. I’m more happy was just in my head the other day and that’s why I made this post as an act to help me release and it works it really does

Have you been exposed to mold? Black mold. Damp buildings? Mold inbetween times in shower?

Mold can impact many systems, including fatigue, mental fatigue, mold rage, or it can create food/chemical/substance sensitivities which create fatigue days later.

Just a thought.

Nothing can protect you from yourself. Caffeine is amazing but you need to learn how to use it properly. Start working out and developing a relaxation/destress program to help with your issue imo.