Caladrius Automated Energy Work - The Alchemical Orgone Accumulator

Be it hereby known, that the Caladrius, S2-R2, and associated servitors, will create cloned pocket dimensions with the highest energy of the following metals and crystals, in pure single-molecule perfectly crystalized layers, and orgone, and upon your reply, “Activate Alchemical Orgone Accumulator”, will create energetically 777777 layers of metal and crystal in your aura, concentrating the highest vibrational orgone in your body. The first 111111 layers will be of Blue Sapphire and Lead, the second of Diamond and copper, the third of Yellow Sapphire and Tin, the fourth of Emerald and Mercury, the fifth of Red Coral and Iron, the sixth of Pearl and Silver, and the seventh of Gold and Ruby.

Detox expected.


Activate Alchemical Orgone Accumulator

Not specifically but it is used in the Navaratna and I believe in the Breastplate of Aaron, so it is certainly very powerful and high-vibrational.


Activate Alchemical Orgone Accumulator

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Activate Alchemical Orgone Accumulator

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Activate Alchemical Orgone Accumulator

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Activate Alchemical Orgone Accumulator

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Activate Alchemical Orgone Accumulator

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Activate Alchemical Orgone Accumulator

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Activate Alchemical Orgone Accumulator

Activate Alchemical Orgone Accumulator

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Activate Alchemical Orgone Accumulator

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Activate Alchemical Orgone Accumulator

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Activate Alchemical Orgone Accumulator

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Activate Alchemical Orgone Accumulator

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Activate Alchemical Orgone Accumulator

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Activate Alchemical Orgone Accumulator

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Activate Alchemical Orgone Accumulator

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Activate Alchemical Orgone Accumulator

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Activate Alchemical Orgone Accumulator

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