Calorie Intake Bomb

Sapien is on a roll with these audios! He has a lot of audios that are related to fat loss but barely any audios on weight gain, I wonder why that is! Totally appreciate of everything he does though. @_OM do you think Sapien can help us skinny people with a Calorie Intake bomb audio? For some reason his first weight gain didn’t work and his second one hasn’t worked either, and for me there are no blockages or anything.


I like the idea, I wonder if he really can do that,… Calorie intake bomb , hmm interesting…, so basically we don’t have need for eating, like feeling full but in same time having calorie bomb, would be nice, or even some food field, or field which replaces some foods lol that would be interesting:)


here is a track for gain weight

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I know he has a weight gainer but his first one didn’t work and his second one doesn’t work… sadly. Lot of people have not been getting results even after a long time of listening.

use the plasma protocol all the 3 audios then use again the weight gainer

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Ok no problem, that’s what I will be doing. I’m currently on the Internal organs and it’s my first day, will be listening to it for 6 days and the move on to the muscles, joints, nervous system for a week and then finally hair for a week. Question btw, can I listen to the weight gainer right after I listen to the internal organs plasma protocol 3 times? They said it could basically be a booster for the weight gain field. @_OM @Psimindset

Can we listen plasma in same time with gainer or only one after another

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Ok sorry if this is an obvious question, but do you eat enough to gain weight?


Maybe that’s why he asked for calorie intake bomb field
I would like also that


I eat a lot that’s the sad part, and can’t gain shit! That’s why I’m listening to the weight gain audio and that’s why I’m listening to the plasma protocol

Extra calories are needed because everything I eat just passes so quickly

some people needa eat mountains to gain weight


So that’s why we need that field sir:)


One after another, that I know for a fact, not at the same time, but that was my question, can I use the gainer after I listen to the internal organs on my first day (3 times)

Trust me, that’s why we need the field ahha


i understand
im one of you ppl

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Ah ok, I thought maybe you have a digestive issue why you cant.
Have you had blood work done/ do you have other symptoms of thyroid overfunction? In that case probably hormonal audios could help (as well as plasma)

I even after feel more hungry and then I use hunger inhibitor even lol sad but true


lol ive been eating like 3-5k calories this week and still barely putting on weight


That’s the reason I’m listening to the plasma protocol pack, I don’t know what disease I have and don’t want to know because I know this pack can heal whatever I have, and today’s my first day and I already feel so great, can’t wait for the future and see what it holds with this plasma protocol pack