Can anyone feel if this pendant has good energy?

Hi, I bought a pendant called Sensor V, from an inventor called Patrick Flanagan, a few years ago but I have not used it much. Can anyone sense if it has good energy?

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Well I can feel it has energy, in fact feels quite intense for me personally. I feel something sort of in the entire energy body, not localized to a chakra etc.

I am not able to tell what it does, but I find it interesting - also pretty! I’m curious what other have to say about it.

Edit: I just looked it up and still don’t understand what it does :D

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Thank you @MonkeyOwl, yes I think that is mostly what it’s suppose to do, to strengthen the aura field and give protection sort of. The sellers don’t really say much about what exactly it’s doing and what the benefits are.

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I’d be curious what some more experienced members here have to say.
OM wrote here and there couple of times that a lot of people can make things that you can “feel”, but it doesnt mean it’s good nor that it’s really doing what is advertised. (and vica versa, other fields are there and still work even if you dont feel them etc).


Hi, I bought a pendant called Sensor V, from an inventor called Patrick Flanagan

Read Dr’s Patrick Flanagan bio, please; made important scientific breakthroughs and worked for US state systems and high-level agencies, with unpublished discoveries.
Based on what I have read, therefore on trust, I would say that it is valid.

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Watch this video there is the Mac pendant!

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