Can listening to field drain your energy levels?

I have been listening to Sapien Med fields and i feel drained. Is this common? ive never felt so low in energy before.


Perhaps you are hearing more than what you can take…?

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im listening to normal amounts oro the recommended amount.

What are your symptoms? Just drain in energy? Headache? Dizziness?

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I’m facing the same problem with Sapiens’ high booster. I’m trying to grow taller, so I listen to it 5-6 times a day, along with Bone marrow and HGH (sometimes).

But the height booster makes me really sleepy. Does that mean that it works or that I’m overusing it?


Eat more, get more nutrients.

Work on your energy body as well.


Welcome to the forum!


What I mean by that the two choices in your question are not mutually exclusive. Your field could be working for you AND you could be overusing it.

If you’ve read our Official Sapienmed FAQ (Updated)*, you’ll remember that permanent structural changes to our bodies are taxing to our energy systems. (That’s one of the reasons why babies sleep so much. They’re creating all sorts of stable physical changes to their bodies.) So, that alone can account for your sleepiness.

Separately, you could also be overusing your field, which could account for your sleepiness.

Or you could be overusing your field which is working and both of those together could account for your sleepiness. In this last instance, it’s sort of a 1-2 punch.

What’s been your experience when you dial back your listenings?

*If you haven’t yet, then by all means, check it out. There’s lots of really good stuff in there for you.


Hi, black_candle. Our energy systems are precious commodities and everyone’s has a different capacity. Take it slow enough so that you can tell the effects a field is having on you. Oh yeah, and


Thank you for your replies :slight_smile:

I’ll do my best! Can’t wait to see the new me haha

actually in my opnion the more i do fields the more energy to the point i’ve become tolerant to actually feel the senstivity of energies, a way i do it is differently in a way

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I have had discussions with Sapien before. He did tell me that you do not want to “tax” your body by over doing it. Only do what your body can handle. :) So maybe do a bit less for now. We are also going through major shifts and changes in our bodies with The ASCENSION…dna upgrades etc…intense energies…so rest perhaps and do less of them. He had also recommended before to do only 3 different “areas” of the body and no more than 3-4 different fields a day if im not mistaken. Someone had replied in a comment that they do a whole list…of course if it works for you and doesnt drain you it must be ok,. but he did also mention it is best to FOCUS on one area to put ALL the energy there as it takes longer to see effects if you “spread” out the energy into many different areas yes? ;)

Nah that most have been an old conversation lol with all the NFTs and fields to grow our energy systems, chakras, strengthen the aura, integrate faster and easier, and make our whole being super robust that we have access to nowadays, majority of us are now wearing several mandalas and playing lots of audios and even looping while sleeping.

However its been a journey for us to get there.

If someone is new to all of this then yes better start on the safe side…

Also now audios are very short in lenght therefore the stacks dont get that long so we can have more spread out throughout the day/night

Right now i have 13 mandalas on me (while some are new and i integrate them i wear/carry them 24/7)

Plus like i dont know 40 fields (audios) a day probably.

And i have no issues. There are certain fields/mandalas/NFTs that help to speed up our tolerance to more energy