Hi there
the situation in Israel is beginning to be worrying, Now I’m not in a good ones bad ones belief
I Know it takes 2 to Tango, but is it possible to send peace and love vibes over the whole area of Israel and neighboring countries?
Nobody is right, and the only thing War has is loss, from both sides… I don’t believe in winners in those things, I believe in getting to agreements…
Please, don’t make this post political… it’s really not the idea, the idea is to send love vibes to the whole area, all sides…where the bleeding is happening.
You can choose one of these if you like, play the QL audio on loop, while meditating on it.
Or anchor Servitors asking to continuously depattern the energy around and re pattern it with the Quantum Love energy and then spread it and infuse it in and out the area and the people.
I’m doing alright… I think
I’m safe, my family is safe🤍
Everybody is very tense these last few days,
Its hard navigating the waves of anxiety, there is no dull moments, we were in a collective shock the first few days,
I’m trying to stay away from social media because it’s just horrific hearing and SEEING what’s happening in the field…
Truly devastating, many people are dead and the numbers always rising… There is no time to comprehend or process what’s happening…
A lot of civilians are giving their share, donate, volunteer… So there is a sense of unity… That we are all in this together
Hopefully my body will calm down, the anxiety comes in waves and it has taken a toll on my body, my chest hurts even when my heart beat goes back to normal…
But I can’t complain. There are people who actually suffered through these horrible events (and I won’t describe them here… And you guys, I highly recommend not watching the graphic videos running around, it’s almost impossible to unsee it.)
Remove the little human ego self and practice discernment. Wake up, Observe closely and deeply at what is going on. Take a seat with the higher self and watch. Doesn’t this look familiar?
Haven’t we had enough of repeating the same patterns and seeing the results on a global scale?
After thousands of years, aren’t we just sick of the same game? Left vs right, blue vs red, etc etc.
Why do we always have to compete? Why can’t we for once collaborate and create a new constructive world.
What is playing out is humanity’s polarity. Hopefully we purge this from our consciousness soon.
Some people will say hey this conflict is actually really complicated etc etc…
Really its not. It just takes a person to wake up and be honest with themselves no matter what other people say and decide that they are not going to choose sides anymore but will love and accept both unconditionally.
When enough of us makes that internal shift, reality must change as we are the creators of it.
Yes it takes courage to change your deepest beliefs about the “opposing side” but that is what it’ll take for us to break out of this pattern and take our power back and create a better world for our kids and grandkids and our future incarcerated human selves.
And with that, I absolutely agree to send unconditional love to the entire region and pray that the people from each side will go out to the streets and say we’re sick of being programmed to “hate” the opposite side. We’re done with this and want to live with you in peace.
The more Israelis and Palestinians unite for peace, the more this becomes a catalyst to the rest of our world and shatters hate all around. Unity can accelerate at an incredible rate.
I totally agree, even the ones who seem cruel and inhuman are part of ourselves and have to be forgiven, they always come from somewhere, it can be from transgenerational suffering that create a skewed view of reality, where torture of others has rational and emotional justification.
We may not be able to understand and accept what they do because it has swayed too far from our own set of values which creates painfull tension in our feeling body bringing us to tears. But the fact that they are there is enough to tell us this whole thing is a lesson we need to go through, as much as we think and feel we have to fight them and it, it is there and it is talking to us, and if it is it means it has to be listened to, embraced and loved.
I believe in us and in our unlimited powers, even the power to give a warm hug to the most frightening and “disgusting” monsters and to hoponopono them.
The leading monsters at the top of the food chain and the ones at the bottom.
I agree that this conflict is not that hard to understand,
But you need to be given and look for the right information between all of the misinformation out there.
So this is the thing people get wrong,
Its not Palestinians vs Israelies…
It’s Hamas(aka isis) vs Israelies/jews(and tbh, everyone)
It’s a very distinct and important nuance.
A few weeks ago I might of agree with your approach way more. But at time of ACTIVE war… You simply can’t just watch innocent people die in inhuman ways from the side.
When your life is at stake, and your body goes through dis-regulation, survival mode kicks in, and this is the reality you have to deal with in the present moment.
The only thing that is complicated is the amount of people that are affected right now by this.
It’s happening right now as we speak, in the present moment. It can’t be paused like a game, a song or a YouTube video. It’s happening, no questions ask…
The polarity had to be stopped years ago. Not when everything went south. But I guess it’s really easy ignoring things until there’s no way back…
At the end of the day,
The polarity isn’t the only thing that needs to be addressed.
There are too much people who morn their loved ones who need support.
There is still active treath on human beings, that are scared and anxious.
There is so much happening in real time,
And every person has a different job. One can help calm the anxious, one can give food where it’s needed, one can spread the truth…
So while it’s not complicated. It’s extremely complicated.
(polarity… I guess)
And what’s worst. Because Jupiter is retrograde in bharani. Lot of death is expected. Yama is the ruler of this star. Yama is the God of death but there is new beginning to all of this.
Intuitively saying from myself. There will be lot of new start coming a head of us. The chaos indeed is scary but without all of it. How can we move forward?
Yes it Is sad. It is painful. It’s a promise from the system itself. That new things will soon arrive. A brighter future with hope joy and happiness.
Why do you always assign everything to astrology?
Don’t people have at least a little free will?
Assigning everything to astrological effects is just a cheap way out of personal responsibility.
It is a typical excuse for people in a victim mindset.
People should stop giving away their personal power to external circumstances (e.g. stars and planets).
Just because something has an effect on someone, does not mean that they have to fully give over themselves to these effects.
Just because my reptile brain likes to eat potate chips does not mean that I now have to eat potato cheaps everytime the reptile brain craves them.
Being aware of what’s out there will guide us and aware what’s really going on with the energy. I’m just sharing it. So that people aware of the energy. Why things happen. And when it stops will ensure that there is something. From all the chaos that is happening.