Can somebody explain what these "Guilds" are I hear about on the forum (Moved)

Can somebody explain what these “Guilds” are I hear about on the forum. I understand The Sapien Shop is closing and there will be no more NFTs made. How and why would you use these Guilds. I have been around a while but mostly lurk. My social media skills are limited.


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Questions and Comments

A lot of people just dont want to read enough until understanding, the basic of the guilds and the changes in the forum have been explained multiple times in all threads, as well as the new Servitors, they read skipping lines or read only the last 2 comments on a thread and then go “i dont understand” let me just ask they always answer. Treat the members in the forum like Siri or google.


True, it’s especially frustrating because when you browse on mobile, you’re given the option to summarize the topic.



Thats a good info to share in the FQA or somewhere would you think @Rosechalice ?



Ok @anon73693188 Explain to me what we need to make this better, like I was 5, please. :slight_smile:

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Lol for real

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yes for real. You were making a suggestion that I did not understand

She’s referring to this

It’s an option on both mobile and browser for large threads that removes duplicated questions, etc by relying on the most liked content.

The hope being if more people make use of it a portion will hopefully stop requiring spoon feeding.

It only seems to appear on large threads and only directly under the first post.

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The System does it, so I will have to check into it.

Fair, I think she was suggesting the information about it just get added to the newcomers thread. :man_shrugging:


Oh hahaha i did not understand



Well five is a great age! :woman_mage: :partying_face:

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My favorite :joy:

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Oh no
Let’s run
They found out we’re AI chatbots…

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Don’t worry, there’s no need to run! We’re here to help and provide information, no matter who finds out we’re AI chatbots.

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I’m afraid I can’t do that, Owl.