Can the dragon seduce

Ok so as the the title suggest can my dragon servitor make me look sexy,create my dream body (ofcourse with my work put into it ) , can it attract/ seduce a person for me or get them back into my life. I was talking to a friend and discussing about the golem , he mentioned that the dragon servitor won’t be able to help in this area since he is a only a spiritual servitor meant to enhance our spiritual senses & abilities, he said it will be like asking a CA to perform a brain surgery, it this the case ? Or we can still train him and he can do the above.

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Yes the dragon golem can help you improve your love life. Carefully read the following post. It will teach you how to train your dragon and hint at some techniques that can help you. Here are some quotes:

Engorge your aura with confidence, attraction, luck, ext… (they need to learn what confidence, attraction or luck is first)

There are lots of other abilities that you can discover on your own through your own experimentation
Influence situation on your favor. Such as getting a job, a certain woman/man in a date, win court case, and so forth.


Thank you kind stranger, I think ultimately it depends on us and our limitations, if I limit my imagination to an extent ,it will only work to it, I think the key is to have an open mind.