Can you guys sense the dragon servitor in this?

How can I teach her to move things around?

What do you mean move things around?

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Like for example if she really is there.
Can she rumble the water a little for proof?

U could try but servitors are suited for dealing with energetic things. When reading about them, I dont remember seeing they posses telekinesis,pyrokineses etc.
Ask her to scratch palm of ur right hand if she is there.
If u arent energy sensitive, dont bother with testing if she is there/listening or not. When speaking to her, focus on doing it from ur heart to the object which she is imbued to. That is all.



For now I didn’t feel anything. Is there anyway to improve her abilities?

U probably mean improve ur ability to sense her? Mana circuits audio, animal empathy/telepathy(safe to loop),K2 stone(try loopinf for 20 mins and see how u react)
Paid options:IPF audio or tag, energy awakening course on enlightenedstates website.


Keep training her. Tell her to always be analyzing your conscious and subconscious thoughts and the concepts behind them, as well as the concepts behind your words.
You can explain things to them, show them videos, read to them, etc. Be creative.

And yeah what @shadowhunter176 said for energy sensitivity. Conceptual Realizations will really improve communication with your Servitors as well.


Thank you guys, also what happens if I made too many dragons? Will they die or simply exist at all times?

Not sure about that. I know you can make multiples but wouldn’t that be really time consuming to be training them all? Don’t wanna create them and ignore them.

Do as told here, let her learn from others, she will be able to duplicate if u want her, then she can be there for ur famly members 24/7 etc. No need to make more, if u did, they stay in dormant state until called upon by u.

Can you use your dragon servitor to release hormones in your body for example?


I saw something kind of like this. Not this kidified version of it though. Mostly black with some orange scales on it’s chest. Like maybe when you made it you were mostly looking for protection and a little bit looking for help with making connections or something related to orange - sacral chakra.


I also noticed brighter colors between yellow and orange. Bit like tequila sunrise

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OM’s “script” approach works very well! A super practical way to work with your servitor.


How can I hear his voice ? How long will it take?

Communication is primarily conceptual.
I guess some people may “hear” it but honestly it is more likely you won’t.

It is up to you…
If you have some serious psychic “powers”, maybe you will “hear” something. (But even then it will be you picking up on the concepts in this form. )


You need to rather improve your abilities.

Have you used to search function on the forum to learn about what members have shared before on the forum?

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So if I ask the dragon to open my third eye will it happen instantly? Or is it a process, because so far I didn’t feel anything when using the techniques.

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It also depending on your current life plan. If your higher self not allowing it then you can’t. Always ask your higher self first. And see what the answer you got from it then use your sevitor to energize it slowly. Don’t just open right away. It already opened anyway. Just more blocked and that need to energize to function it perfectly

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