Cant function without fields

sorry for asking so many questions but yeah basically I take a break from fields once a week on sundays as I don’t have work or anything on that day and the whole day I just feel lethargic with no energy at all

I need to take a break for nervous system reasons tho lol but I just end up doing fuck all, watching tv and scrolling youtube all day and I’m kinda scared of going outside without fields bc they give me a lot of self confidence, Ik its sad but what can I dooo

thx for the all the advice guys


Sounds like time to give some gratitude to your nervous system for doing such an awesome job for you. :slight_smile:


I would take a break during vacation days when you have less responsibilities.
I do a short break every year (1-7 days). Helps me re-evaluate which fields I need


but u listen 7 days a week ? do u not get overwhelmed

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yessir always grateful :D

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I think it’s really cool that you have acknowledged your sensitivity and taken the time to not input more, to give your being a rest. You are still a field of your own of course, and continue to transmit energy signals from the residual essence. This way there is time to assimilate. I wonder what would happen if you took a few seconds to just feel how you feel? Nothing big, just time for an inner smile maybe.


Sounds to me like you could use some dopamine system healing.


oh yeah I defenitley do smile a lot inside on my break and I feel fine mentally its just that for some reason I become really lazy and my social anxiety comes back to the point where I don’t feel like going outside

just looking for ways I can still function normally on my day break, i think its just a case of going out and doing it no questions asked lol even if its uncomfortable

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If you have an affinity for nature you could ask trees and air and grass or whatever is around for support



Activate this card a couple of times during the day. It’s great for your nervous system! :slight_smile:

Also combine with kinetic quasi crystal audio + instagram energy overload audio for more energy


oh yeah i do all of that, thank you its just i find i get more results when I take a break once a week and let the energy assilimate idk

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Your body must be thanking you for doing that :slightly_smiling_face:

This. :point_up_2:
I do it, too. The night prior to break, I’ve already listened to essential protection, energy refill that I think could last me awhile.
And just like Rose said, if nature is available, best feeling ever. :leaves:


thanks every1 <333 always so helpful


Plan things to do for that day. Books to read, exercises to engage in and learn, knowledge to explore and attain, events to plan, challenges to overcome … etc etc. Go out with friends/family.

Meditate without fields… do yoga … try to help others who seem genuinely in need.

You can’t focus on receiving all the time, friend, you need to give to expand your receptive capacity, sooner or later




Make a new goal, take on a new hobby, read a book, etc. Don’t listen to any field or only listen to the 30 minutes energy body cleansing field on loop.

You got this :mechanical_arm:


I couldnt agree more.
Try to focus on somebody human , animal even plant that would benefit from Your attention.
It will rise your vibe also.

Maybe somebody needs a friendly conversation?
Maybe you have animal that’ would accept some help?
Dog shelterr? If You have one near You engage to take dogs for a walk.
Take care of some plants and watch them grow.
Go for a walk into the nature and hug a tree.

Once a month i go to my favorite forest to clean plastics and bottles etc. Trust me i don’t need fields for more than a day.

Give something and then receive but gratitude.
Nature gratitude can be strong af.


I listen and wear fields every day other than this yearly break, Im fine :stuck_out_tongue:. The two fields that overwhelm me first listen are Tap into Collective Consciouseness and A Taste of Vaikuntha Loka


A Taste of Astral Intravenous DMT