Capital Governance

A general wealth stack of
the mindsettings album
the attract wealth,
probability alteration and luck (maybe the new 777 field),
Higher self connection
And the main blockage removal audios / point of no return stack should work for most people first.

And do the work of course.


Yes i agree; you could also use it after a long time; I bought this field for a few weeks but I have not used it yet, as well as others in the past, such as BPIL that arrived on the penultimate day of 2020, I started wearing it after more than 4 months, but after receiving it I had planned by the end of summer 2021. I mean the purchase does not always coincide with the personal storyboard: you may have seen or desired that track for future use, and unwittingly bought it immediately.


What about Kubera’s Blessing?

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Sure, I have that, my point was that you can put together a stack from the free ones. It’s just my opinion though.
I feel like a lot of luck/wealth audios have come out recently, I guess that’s not a coincidence either 🤷


Got it. What do you think is the best wealth stack with all the free and paid audios available?

I’m more conscious about where I spend my money and what I do with it.
I find that I look for discounts and opportunities to make the money work for me. I feel like my relationship with money has improved. im more disciplined and calculative and financially literate… doing all the smart things necessary to grow wealth.
I just so love the girl talking. infinite gratitude!


I hired my inner capital governor during the last sale period. It was my first time trying to trust my higher self to choose which fields to buy, and it didn’t disappoint :+1: . This field is like having a full-time financial advisor that works for our best interest. Its price is fantastic, as it is the same as doing a consultation with a human financial advisor for only an hour (an hour versus a lifetime is a big difference :moneybag:).

When it comes to personal finance, I have the tendency to read, take course, attend seminars, but do nothing about it. This field is great for me to tackle this problem because it always annoys me in the form of voices in my head “do it now, do it now, do it now!”. It doesn’t want to back down until I do something :smirk:.

My experiences so far with this field:

  • The inner voice guides me to choose which payment method is the best for certain transactions.
  • I just know where to purchase things in order to get the best deal.
  • I have started to track where my money comes and goes, and it doesn’t feel like a chore. It is as if it is a habit that I have done for so long.
  • I have an idea on where to invest my money in. I haven’t done anything about it, though, because it feels so big and scary, but the inner voice pokes me all the time. I feel more comfortable in starting a new business, as it is something more familiar to me, but maybe this new investment idea is the best for my current situation for my capital growth.
  • Not 100% sure if it is related, but after having this field, I don’t feel comfortable about leaving dirty dishes in the sink overnight.

I had this experience too last Saturday evening. A locksmith fixed something in my apartment, and he didn’t want to get paid somehow. I am so lucky :grin: :four_leaf_clover:.


Good! What’s your listening routine?

Usually once a day. I couldn’t listen much because in the beginning I felt burning sensation in my heart when I listened to this, so I decided to listen just once a day, and the result is still great.


Hi Dream
Wanted to buy this field but there was something items in the cart previously, and i couldn’t find a way to remove it from the cart. I clicked on the cart-like icon on top right but the page taked forever to load
Please look it this.
Thank you

Just bought it a couple hours ago, listened for 30-60 min:

Very interesting field. I solved what I considered to be my n°1 mindset issue. Something I would do but not wholeheartedly, now I totally embrace it. Seems natural and effortless.

It’s a bonafide realization like the ascension but for business.
Not sure if it’s the field’s mindset being downloaded
or it found what I was working on and changed it
or is it being detached that allowed for a more rational thinking ?:thinking:


Re-read the description, I must be experiencing that part


Think it’s redirecting my focus toward a certain legal/theoretic aspects of assets, securitization and getting more into debt/leverage.
There is “knowing” and mastering the loop for exponential growth.

Funny, I had been thinking about Michael Burry (guy who inspired the movie “The big short”) when I bought this one. Thinking about the advantage of designing your own financial instruments at the base instead of always relying on an existing market. I’m considering more tailored alternative that I would have been reluctant to use and didn’t even bother studying beyond the informed amateur level (there are too many to learn them all anyway).

I think that’s what someone who reach the ultimate financial maturity does instead of always relying on the stuff 99.99% of the people deal with on the public exchanges or standardized contracts. Having a strong confidence and a relationship with the professional to create something unique and not being intimidated by the bankers :ghost:. Being open to having a back and forth.

Lol, cuz Warren gets his stuff tailor made, the biggest banks in the world DM him to get loans :joy:


Did you listen to it alone or in a stack?


This, imaginarium and immune reversal, psoriasis, collagen and HGF and skin regeneration and weight loss combo. Lol, I tried to be thorough



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This helps with day trading correct?

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This field is really like a person around you listening to all you want/ need and whispering/nagging you for what you should do :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Ive been for years on and off getting into the stock market business but since its a process that can take long to learn and master, ive pushed it away for “later” and focus on other stuff.

I got a new opportunity at work for an extra income but it requires me to have a laptop at home if i wanted to take the chance, i dont have computer/laptop at home because i always use phones or tablets, so i knew i had to get one eventually… “eventually” and “later” are def forbidden words in Capital Governance land :nerd_face:

Last night i kept seeing adds about certain things (business) i wanted to explore, and then i was like, ok i def need to get a laptop “next week” lol (because ill work until late these days)

Welllll… this “friend” cant wait no more lol

I was casually talking literally killing time waiting on something with the guy from contracts (which i never ever do) when suddenly he said “agh i need to sell my laptop i need money” :flushed::joy::joy: im still laughing!! Sooo apparently he has a laptop he bought some time ago and had never used, … end of the story:

I dont have to wait until next week when i have time to go buy it.
He is bringing it to work tomorrow
Hes asking half price for it :partying_face::partying_face:

Next step in this story going up…

About to start :sunglasses::muscle:t3::eyes:


Nice feedback, and nice of your new avatar too :ok_hand:


Tremendous idea!!! There’s always room for improvement!!! Thank you for this creation!!!

I just got My beautiful NEW laptop which i paid 250usd for :smirk:

And then the one that sold it to me got it put all products and apps, programs etc installed for free through the company’s IT under the same license etc lol

:partying_face::partying_face: obv Ashta Lakshmi put her touch of luck too :two_hearts::sunglasses:


Beautiful, HP that I like so much
Great, good!
:ok_hand: :+1: :100: