Guys we should watch out, our cult might get busted soon lmao
Don’t scare me like that, brother.
I knew this day would arrive
It was only a question of when.
Now we all know that dream’s real identity is
“Supreme commander of the galactic sapien force”
I’ve read plenty of youtube comments and I’ve never seen Dream be rude or disrespectful to anyone. If this person was attacked for asking an honest question, that’s not right. However, I’ve seen this behavior in the subliminal community too often. People hate it when someone comments that something didn’t work for them. They believe this negative comment plants a seed of doubt in their subconscious and will therefore impede their own results. So they take it out on the person who put that comment there in the first place for “ruining” this field/subliminal for them.
Hail Sapien, hallelujah
The Characteristics of Cults
Really good video I watched recently. Helpful for anyone ever actually entangled in something that horrible. It’s easy to joke about. But cults destroy lives.
But back to the real subject at hand. I have a lot of gratitude towards Captain Nemo but I wouldn’t do anything for him that violated my conscience. And I don’t think he would want anyone to do anything that violated their conscience either.
Etc etc
I don’t see anything bad just a girl that didn’t get any results. I guess the 4 years is a lie or it seems an exaggeration because nobody waits four years to say “I don’t have any results”, the opposite is happening with everyone. Five minutes in the audio and they are like " woah I feel the power ".
People are pretty odd sometimes, I don’t see how random commenters = sapien cult,
But anyways, large breasts are mostly fat.
there seem to be some people who cannot put on much actual adipose tissue.
She may have better results with weight gainer a bit then using that.
(if she is skinny)
But just as most real life medicine works for 90 percent of people, and others in varying degrees.
Each body makeup is different so some people may need specialized treatment tailored for them.
Plus there’s this
I can’t even get you guys to follow 22 weeks of Star Exercise where anyone feels results ASAP.
Chances of her doing 4 years of one audio without results are nil.
Lol I read it and thought the same.
I went to the youtube video for Sapien’s Breast Enhancement Ver 2.0 and looked at all the comments that received more than 20 responses in order to read for myself the comment the Redditer wrote on youtube and the reactions to said comment.
On Reddit the person wrote “So I listened to sapien medicine breast enchantment for almost four years.” “Man, the abuse I got from these people” “I was too scared to read past the twentieth comment.”
I am assuming that the Redditer is referring to the Breast Enhancement Ver 2.0 on youtube when they wrote “sapien medicine breast enchantment”.
None of the comments that have at least 20 responses is a comment saying the audio did not work for the user nor do these comments have multiple abusive responses directed to the original commentator.
I expressly avoided using either he or she pronouns as the redditer did not specify themselves. When I read the Reddit post I just assumed a woman wrote it but then I realized that the person can also be for example a transgender woman or a man. If this is the case I do not know if the audio would get them the same results as a woman would.
Where is Captain_Nemo???
Not active… Hope he is safe and good
He is around
@Nikita Captain is Dreamweaver :))
He is present on the forum.
As @inf1nity said, he’s changed his forum name from Captain Nemo to Dreamweaver.