Captured Moonlight Crypto NFT

Captured Moonlight (The Hunter’s Moon)

The Hunter’s Moon always follows the Harvest Moon, and is named after the time of year when animals fatten up in preparation for the colder months ahead and hunting season is underway for hunters to stock up on meat for the winter. Oct. 20, 2021 with full effects astrological and other wise.


Damn this is a great portal for those who are astrologically inclined it seems :sagittarius:
And maybe for those looking to bulk up :sweat_smile:


More about this type of Moon:

It’s a moment to look back in history to our ancestors and the lessons they can teach us. Before industrialism, people focused on harvesting and preparing for the coming of Winter. Failure to do so meant facing one’s own death or mortality.

It’s a wonderful time for gratitude and appreciation for what Nature has given us. You can feel the magical energy in the air right now as the veil grows thin and the ability to communicate with our ancestors or loved one’s increases. It’s an opportunity for spiritual growth and goal setting.

The Hunter Full Moon spiritual meaning can be a potent time for magic and rituals, as well as a beautiful time of inward growth and reflection

Hunter Moon Spiritual Meaning And Intentions

  • Balance
  • Gratitude
  • Transitions
  • Divination work
  • Psychic messages
  • Afterlife
  • Shadow work
  • Harvesting
  • Dreamwork
  • Psychopomps ( a spirit, human, or being who guides souls that have recently crossed over. They help them transition into the afterlife from the mortal realm. I listed a few examples below)
    • Ancestors or loved ones
    • Hecate
    • Hermes (Greek)
    • Anubis (Egyptian)
    • Aurora Borealis (Inuits)
  • Cuckoos
  • Shiva (Hindu)
  • Azrael (Islam)
  • Shaman
  • Anito (Filipino)
  • Arch Angel
  • Grim Reaper
  • Sparrows


  • Amethyst
  • Black Tourmaline
  • Quartz
  • Obsidian
  • Moonstone
  • Bloodstone
  • Carnelian

October is an amazing season to meditate



I found some more info on The Hunter’s Moon …

How To Work With This Full Moon Energy

Because the October 2021 full moon takes place in Aries, it highlights the need for independence, bravery, and leadership in our lives. And given that it’s the first full moon of the autumn season, it’s important to trust the universe and boldly embracing the inevitable changes that lie ahead — so let go of your need to be in control and allow the universe to take the wheel. Because Mercury retrograde wrapped up just 48 hours before this full moon peaks, it’s also an auspicious moment to speak your truth in relationships and state your needs clearly to others. After a long and frustrating retrograde build-up, now is your chance to step up, speak out, and clear the air.

Libra season has put a focus on finding peace in our partnerships, but the spiritual meaning of the October 2021 full moon is all about finding peace within ourselves — even if we have to fight for it. “Letting go of anger, frustration, and resentment will be necessary under this full moon,” Montúfar says. “This lunation helps us clear what no longer serves us so we can begin making room for the new.” Be brave and charge into the eye of this full moon’s emotional storm, because now is a time to step into your power and champion your truth.


what is the price please?


Its sold you can make offers to the owners

Initial price was 160usd


@anon46520955 Do you happen to know was the original price of Kailash? I think I have to bump up my $ that’s why lol

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Since no one has shared their experience about this gem, I’m gonna take the shot and share mine, this can be affected by my personal circumstances so take it with a grant of salt.

It’s not a coincidence that Captain chose Oct. 20, 2021 as the theme, and put an emphazie on the “full effects astrological” part. If it’s just a Hunter Moon, it can be in 2020 or 2019 or any other year.
2021 Hunter Moon has something special about it.
First of all, some background information about this full moon.

Quoted from this link:

So having said that, what’s my experience with it? HEAVY!
The last Mercury retrograde I swear is one of the shtiest if not the shtiest ones. Things were chaotic, Facebook was broken two times, Linkedin and other platforms too. My company also had technical problems which never happened before and I was “forced” to deal with old patterns and people and situations over and over again. Some things I thought I had finally got rid of suddenly came back and bothered me like never before. Luckily with Skull and other tools that Captain provides, I managed to find the way to work around all that. Must have been hard without the support from all these tools.

Now theoretically these retrogrades are over, but the past few days I felt like I have to continue to deal with its lessons by having the Captured Moonlight in my bedroom. Its energy is somewhat heavy to me, your experience might be different depending on what you need to work on and release, so it might be a blessing or might be a curse for some. I mean who would want to continuously do shadow and release work? :joy: It must be tiresome for most. So at first, I was a little hesitant, I thought about having it in the living room instead. But then I did a tarot reading asking if I should leave it in the bedroom or move it out and the answer was clear: Keep it in the bedroom and deal with it, you’ll be happy with the result, though the process is gonna be bumpy bear in mind (don’t keep the picture of the tarot cards but I remember the Devil, the Tower, the 6 of words, the Sun and the world and some others I don’t remember).
Sometimes if not usually, the only way to get rid of your old self is to experience that version of you enough of times before you realize what you need to change. And the same lesson might happen again and again, but each time there’re always new things to learn from it.
So the Moon brings all the things that need to be released to your awareness and it helps smoothen the process out.

And I believe this Captured Moonlight has many positive attributes to it too. It’s just that I’m more on the 10 of swords and the Death phase, so it’s heavy before it shifts and everything starts to change. 1/11 is when I start a new chapter in my life, and I picked that day on purpose, hoping that the angel number will bring good luck and hope. I’ll write some more when I’m in that phase, to see if the effects of the captured moon change.

And on the last note, if we take things literally, what light would be the most suitable to do shadow work if not the light of the full moon (light in the dark of the night)?


I haven’t worked with this gem at all i must confess,

Just like 3 days ago i decided to print it (25cms x 15cms) that was the same day i printed the Pyramid of Giza HUGE. that one is probably 1.5 Mt x 1.5 Mt almost my height :sweat_smile:

I hung that one on a wall close to my bed lol like maybe 1 Mt distance.

Yet on the other side of my room to the right maybe 3 Mts distance i put the Moon on my mini working table.

Not kidding. Like just 5 minutes after while laying on my bed contemplating Giza :heart_eyes: i felt my right ear vibrating and a strong heat weave like engulfing my whole room i was like woah woah hold on… wot?!

I mean incredibly powerful!!! I literally had to take it out and put it in a drawer in the other room. I could not handle that power.

Me, being a Moon lover, ive known its powers (talking about regular Moon Cycles not the special ones)

One thing i used to do every month up to Nov more or less (i think i stopped since i have so many tools to get what i got from the full Moon and New Moon)

I always charged my crystals all night leaving them in the patio, and i would put jars full with water to charge it.

The most delicious, empowering, magical water i had ever drunk. I would use it to drink and to wash my face every day. And id be full of energy all day long.

My face skin perfect clear, clean, young.

This was just one side of my patio :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Anyway… it occured to my a while ago, why not… i suppose i could try charging water with this Moon NFT and see if its similar to the real deal, thatd be pretty cool to have that energy at my disposal every day and even better THIS special Moon here.

I just did and wow. :smiley: amazing. When you charge the water with the regular natural Moon it gives it a kinda sweetish flavour and like clean and fresh

Thats how it tastes now charged with the NFT but also crispy and like i could feel the energy vibrating in the water. I drank fast half a glass and literally knocked me down haha im here in bed waiting for it to ease up lol

So whoever owns this might want to try and take advantage of it. The Moon is powerful… magical… and so important in our lives, i encourage you to research more.

And for those that dont have this, but stopped by to read this, you can also try the regular way, on a full moon, but before tho… charge it with the Infrared Plasma drink or any of the Holy ones, or even Jindan audio (thats one i want to experiment with the moon who knows… might feel energizing and building alchemy between the masculine and femenine aspects of both, thatd be pretty cool i think)

Im sure itd result in a very powerful water to drink… and then… uhm try manifest using whatever way you think youd like.


Final note (i had to take the pic out again and even the glass with half water left because daaaaaang. Too much power lol)


Mandela effect


Thanks… There are so many fields… And we tend to forgets lol… I will bring the moon and the solar eclipse back to my room again :grin:


Huh why?



I could not take all of that haha




LMAO thanks haha

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Wow, great ideas! I should do this too. I don’t have this one, but I have the Oak Moon. I think this should work the same way, shouldn’t it?


Yes Ma’am :full_moon_with_face: