Caring for myself/breaking free

So I’m officially breaking free from my loops and taking control over my body. At first my body was really fighting me. It still is but it’s learning to submit. I’m officially done with thc no cravings any more even turned down a cart. Honestly have no regrets and my travels are getting deeper and I’m really feeling my vibrations and chakras like I’ve never before. I’m going somewhere tomorrow where I know I will be asked and this will be another test and I will say no even if i feel a pressure I’m going to say no. The reason I’ll be in this situation is due to being paid to clean a neighbors house and their a cool person but they smoke and I usually smoke with them and this is the first time seeing them since I quit so their reaction will be a surprise and I know this relationship is going to leave shortly after lol.

I started brushing my teeth again (using Tom’s fluoride free toothpaste). I honestly stopped caring about myself for so long I can’t even tell you where it truly began at this moment. It’s just all from depression that I’m finally breaking free from. My teeth are feeling and looking so much better as well as my gums. I’m also using sapiens fields for this. Thank you 🩷

I’m gaining more control over my emotions especially my anger. I hold a lot of rage in my heart but I’m learning to turn it into something positive. I’m not flipping out in dreams or anything anymore lol.

Starting to care less and less about sugary stuff. Honestly I can’t really handle it anymore. Just a little sugar and I’m zooming which never happened to me before. This is coming from somebody that used to take loads of caffeine lol.

Seeing numbers more now since I started doing what I’m doing. I stopped seeing numbers for a long time so I know im on the right track now. The numbers I’m seeing mean good luck, end of a cycle, and new beginnings