Cat peed on water dispenser

My cat peed on my water dispenser and me and my family been drinking the water… We just found out the smell after lifting the water gallon :sob:my mom been having muscles soreness same thing with me…
Idk what to do. Any field recommendations?


Probably bacteria, virus and parasite destroyer


Remember to drink a lot of fresh water while you are listening to this.


Do you think that help with any dangerous viruses? Omg I’m literally scared lmaooo this cat is fuck up :joy::sob::sob::sob:


It’s got both Poxvirdae and virus disruptor 2.0 and antioxidants.


You should be okay; I wouldn’t worry about it because your body will take care of everything and filter it out. Cat urine though is highly concentrated in ammonia and can cause a toxic reaction if drank in high doses (which you haven’t done) but if you want to put your mind at ease, then by all means go see your doctor or get some antibiotics. Give the detox fields a loop while you’re at it too so it cleans everything out of your system.

Believe me there’s more harm in the food and drink we consume in our everyday life than just some trace amounts of cat piss… not to mention the over polluted air we breathe daily. You should be fine, I occasionally on Saturday night give my liver some right abuse. So, you can’t get anymore toxic than what I usually put away and I’m still standing…well barely. :laughing:


Yea I’m already on antibiotic now. Just went back from clinic. My feet swollen. And the doctor gave me the antibiotic. Sigh

Use bacteria and fungi apocalypse a few times straight if you have it


Yea I have that. I’m scared of this antibiotic the doctor gave me after reading the side effects :grimacing:

So I think the fungi and bacteria one will be looped


There was a period of time where I kept getting conjunctivitis or smth similar and that always saved me

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But is it safe to loop though?

I would recommend 3-5 times, then go grab a yogurt or something with probiotics if u have them. If you’re playing it on your phone, pointing ur phone speaker at the area u want to target more may help, from my personal experience with conjunctivitis


This is the cat that peed on my fckn water dispenser!


Smiling and feeling sorry at the same time :joy::sweat_smile:

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Full detox field

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I dont understand, where on the water dispenser did the cat pee? The spout where the water comes out? (How did it get up there?)
Or just the outside of the bottom of the plastic dispenser, not near the spout?
If its on the bottom, then dont worry, its just the outside of it. It didnt contaminate the water. It’s just urine after all.
Sometimes cats are attracted to pee becasue of the smell of the plastic.
When I was a pre-K (under 5) our family cat would often pee inside my dolls plastic carriage (where I didnt put dolls but my stuffed and plastic animals.)

Do U keep the cat’s box clean?
They will pee somewhere else if their box isnt clean enough.

U need to really wash that area well and deodorize it. Deodorize with mixture of vinegar and water. Read article for other suggestions.

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I kinda feel bad for laughing. I wish you and your family well.

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I laughed like a fool…
Sorry. :pray:
Wish you and your family all the health you need.

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