Celestial Immortal (Community Project)

looking to start working the subject, extremely interesting area of study

anyone selling a copy of this NFT please contact me

@Bultar @LittleOwl Greetings Fellow Daoists…I Love Meng Hao Too…But My Favorite is Wang Lin from Renegade immortal.

As for Desolate Era…it is a very good novel for explaining Cultivation levels especially the critical difference between Internal Qi-Cultivation and External Body Refinement…but it suffers from super-Slow and sometimes stagnant plot development.

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Greetings fellow daoist, “The God” Wang lin is indeed a worthy son of heaven, unfortunately I do not think the novel was completed when I read it many years ago. However he made an appearance in the newer novels written by the same author, which I read later on.


If the novel doesn’t move forward
Will it affect this NFT? Does it seem like he’s basing his description on that novel?

I think you should ask this question to Little Owl as it is his project.

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If the novel doesn’t move forward
Will it affect this NFT? Does it seem like he’s basing his description on that novel?

If you are referring to the desolate era novel at the bottom of the description that is as mentioned, purely an inspiration. It is not a part of the project submission whatsoever.

Besides, I really doubt anyone will be able to achieve fully even the first part of the characteristics and capacity of the novel’s description so it really doesn’t matter. (Would love to see someone prove me wrong with a few decades of consistent use of the project/other cultivation projects and their own cultivation)

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