Celestial Merit Invocation

Automate your ritual

This field seeks to evoke blessings and deeply honor your main deity and ancestors using a combination of powerful methods. By fostering a strong bond with these higher beings, you can experience profound intercession in your life, clearing the path for deep peace and abundant blessings.

In Buddhism, ancestor rituals often revolve around the concept of merit transfer. By making offerings to the Buddha, you simultaneously honor your ancestors, ensuring a bond between the living and the deceased. This practice is common in various Buddhist cultures, such as the Japanese Obon festival, where offerings of food, incense, and flowers are made to ancestors, and the Chinese Ghost Festival, which includes elaborate ceremonies to appease and honor the spirits of the deceased.

Zen Buddhism, in particular, emphasizes the importance of daily offerings of rice, incense, tea, and flowers. These offerings symbolize the body and the earth, creating a spiritual alignment with the unseen and invoking the wisdom of ancestors who have walked the path before us. By incorporating these rituals, you tap into a deep well of ancestral knowledge and support, guiding you towards inner peace and enlightenment.

In Hinduism, ancestor worship is known as Shraddha, a set of rituals performed to honor the deceased and ensure their soulsā€™ peace and progression. Key components of Shraddha include offering Pinda (rice balls) and Tarpana (water offerings) to ancestors, typically performed during the Pitru Paksha period. These rituals are believed to bring blessings, remove obstacles, and ensure the well-being of the living family members.

Additionally, the Hindu ritual of Pitra Tarpan involves offering prayers and water to ancestors, seeking their blessings for prosperity and protection. The rituals are often conducted at sacred rivers and pilgrimage sites, believed to amplify the benefits and ensure the ancestorsā€™ contentment and liberation.

By integrating these profound Buddhist and Hindu rituals, you can establish a holistic practice for deity and ancestral blessings. This practice serves as a Buddha field, enabling you to present higher beings with visualizations that include mental and emotional offerings, fostering your spiritual growth. Additionally, it strengthens your connection to the path of devotion, known within the guru yoga, and prepares you for more advanced offering practices.

With this blend of rituals, you harness a powerful combination of spiritual practices that enhance your ability to receive blessings, navigate challenges, and achieve freedom and prosperity in life. This unique harmony of rituals, all automated, honors your heritage and empowers you to thrive with the guidance and wisdom of those who came before you.

By integrating these powerful Buddhist and Hindu rituals, you can create a comprehensive ancestral blessing practice. Works on a far deeper level when stacked with the guru yoga of the monk path as there is a far deeper connection and understanding, therefore a higher area of effect

This skill is designed for those who seek a deeper, more esoteric experience for their journey. By incorporating authentic spiritual practices and vivid visualizations, ā€œCelestial Merit Invocationā€ offers a unique and enriching part of guild experience that emphasizes both personal growth and communal support. Of course this audio benefits all but stacked with the guru yoga of the monk path as there is a far deeper connection and understanding, therefore a higher area of effect.


the rate at which Captain is releasing new fields is truly astounding.


Itā€™s not a coincidence he released productivity powerhouse and resilience + recently :rofl:


:rofl::rofl::sweat_smile: good one


Itā€™s incredible all the releases weā€™ve had, however Iā€™m a little anxious about the guilds and so many fields that have come to light, I canā€™t buy them all and Iā€™m worried about not being able to keep up, monk guild I think it will be my choice because the spiritual path is the most important thing for me, I just canā€™t keep up with this intense pace of releases. Maybe many feel this way, but I guess itā€™s normal, the forum and the paths are changing, I just hope there are opportunities for growth for everyone. Beyond that, I am happy to be here and to share this path with the people who are here


End of the day there is no rush buy them at the pace you can afford and just set a plan of which ones will actually deeply benefit your current situation not the ones that sound cool or have no relevance to your current set of fields


So be it dear rocket, my interests are spiritual growth and my physical and emotional health, so the monkā€™s guild or esoteric guild will be my choice. I am also very interested in developing mastery in my healing skills to put them at the service of the community, to be able to work on it at some point


From what Iā€™ve seen the monk path it deffo the one for you enjoy :blush:


I think so! Esoteric guild has interesting things too, I will wait for the new announcements, I would like to know what each one consists of to make a decision. But I donā€™t want to put pressure on the Sapien team, I can tell they are working hard on this new direction


I am a member of this guild already very good is all Iā€™ll say :zipper_mouth_face:


No doubt about it! One question, are the guilds already up and running or has recruitment not been done yet? Itā€™s a bit confusing for me to know that


Brain guild is beginning recruitment and esoteric you can DM Rose about then dream has said heā€™s not really having a proper guild as such


Thanks for the clarification! I thought Rose were going to make some new announcement about esoteric guild, well Iā€™ll try to think about it, esoteric calls my attention a lot but monk guild does too, I feel that both can boost my spiritual work, just from two different approaches


This field is not exclusive to my guild itā€™s ā€˜open to everyoneā€™. However, there is a synergy between this and ā€˜Guru Yogaā€™.

In my guild, we may explore this field with a bit more depth.

This field has a ā€˜alternative applicationā€™ with its implementation. A function that individuals may encounter or find useful.


Path Of Infinite Echoes series is great, the concepts are really deep, I just canā€™t buy them all right now, so Iā€™ll have to wait to make a decision if I can join the monk guild

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was that a subliminal?


Will there be space to work with deities in esoteric guild? The mystic path is an infinite universe, so I imagine that it could be a possibility, to acquire esoteric knowledge from other realmsā€¦ an infinite possibility of expansion :woman_mage: :mage:


Nope itā€™s poor spelling lol I meant which :sweat_smile:

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A child that went young after suffering illness & torturous medical treatment, will she not find peace in the afterlife without the proper death rituals?

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The Tibetans wrote a whole book about it.

That being said, you want to facilitate a smooth transition to the next life.