Chakra Sensing and Chakra Clearing - locations?

I’ve been going through the exercises for a few weeks now, and am having some great insights. My awareness of situations, mannerisms and places has gone through the roof.

On week 4, the exercise sheet says to do “Chakra Sensing” - 3 days and “Chakra Clearing” - 2 days. I can’t seem to locate these in the videos. Can someone help point me to them?


I haven’t done the training regimen yet so this is just a guess. On week 3 it says to do Chakra sensing of the root and naval chakras 2 days for 10 to 15 minutes per session. I think that is just sensing the energy in those two chakras. (pages 10-11) Then in week 4, you sense the energy in the solar plexus and heart chakras for 3 days and clear the base and naval chakras that you “located” by sensing last week and clear them using the tear method. (page 12). Does that make sense?

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