Kings fall, Kingdoms fall; yet there is this invisible force behind all POWER that never falls.
Lurking in the shadows, Pulling the strings, Influencing people and their opinions, making leaders and politicians their puppets, a Puppet Master? Perhaps, calling them the KINGMAKERS is more apt.
In the Democratic era, the Government is just the mouthpiece of these hidden KINGMAKERS, policy makers are just policy writers but the ideas are birthed by these KINGMAKERS.
They can become Kings themselves but they choose to stay in the shadows, controlling media, banks and every other institutions. Amassing wealth for themselves, changing the heads of the Governments at their will if they disobey.
Imagine having all this power, being that massive force!
Imagine having all the knowledge, skill and traits required.
Those with this power can be perceived as being malevolent! So, why not grab this power and change it for the better.
Be the change you wish to see in this world - Gandhi
Having all the knowledge, skills, traits and the external support, embark on a journey to seat yourself in Highest Positions of Power!
Using Woven World elements, inspiration from the Journey of the Chosen One, Astrological Support and much more, the field will make you the Ultimate KINGMAKER .
Perhaps, you are tired of the shadows and want to become the KING yourself, leave it to the smart energetic armor that creates an aura torsion field of fame, popularity and nobility on command to achieve that while you and your family being protected in all aspects.
The detailed description of the nft as submitted to Captain:
Copy count: 14
Audio + Mandala.
Thanks @Dreamweaver for making this a reality.