Chapters 6-11 (Acceptance/Reintigration Section)

General discussion for Chapters 6-11

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The meditation with the void field took me there quicker than any other technique. So blown away… :exploding_head: :star_struck:


On chapter 9… really feeling the work. Like i have less inhibitions and I’m working with a cleaner windshield, so to speak… I’m using in conjunction with ME and SLDv3. Quite the combination.

And the structure feels right. First accepting the whole. Feels like a new level for wholeness/oneness/shadow work.

And yes, the void and waves of acceptance meditations really took me there. So powerful.


I’ve been having the weirdest dreams as I’ve been going through these chapters. I guess it’s all the hidden emotions/situations coming up in various dream scenes.

Is anyone else?

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The mirror affirmations are very powerful. It’s a different experience to say them while looking into your eyes in a mirror versus just out loud.
‘I accept my past decisions’ and the dam broke :sob: :sob:


Haha I’m glad the mirror affirmations are powerful for ya. It definitely changes things when you affirm 'I am __'while looking yourself in the eye. It gets very personal :sweat_smile:

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@SammyG Yeah, it was harder than I expected. There were more emotions and resistance coming up as I was stating the mirror affirmations.

Question- when that happens, should I just say ‘I accept x’ while also saying the affirmations? For example if resistance is coming up in the middle of a statement, I should also say I accept that resistance?

Yesss!! Say ‘I accept this resistance’ as it comes up. Accepting resistance dissolves resistance.

I should add that. Thanks!


Ok thanks for clarifying that! :pray:

Hii! :wave: