Charity and Sakarma

Hello to all,

A question recently popped in my mind and I wanted to ask it here in the forum so I can have a real-time interaction with the members instead of doing basic researches on Internet.

The question is: can charity and philanthropy works lead to creating a good karmic account known as “Sakarma”?

If you do it for the sake of goodness itself and devotion toward God and believe that you only want to do it pure from heart. It can influence how the karma playing. But it doesn’t really changing whats already planned. It can but unconditional love is needed. A selfless action without thinking any in return.

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It’s reassuring to think that acts of kindness and generosity can have a positive influence on karma. And even if they don’t necessarily change predestined events, it’s a reminder of the importance of doing good from the heart and with pure intentions without excepting anything in return.

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