Cheap mini portable MP3 player

Could you please share the link of Nokia Lumia ?

And what do you mean by Plasma Water ? Which product are you referring to ?

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You can search for them on Ebay (I got all my phones from there)

I was referring to Infrared and Plasma Light Drink Charger

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This charger, is it a gumroad audio ? Or a fielded item on teespring ?

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Thank You

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Thank you for your response!

Hello friends. If you use only a speaker for listening, is there a difference in sound quality between a $50 player and a $150 smartphone?

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Depending on the Bluetooth implementation on both ends and whether the speaker does some of its own audio processing, yes. But, that sound quality difference will only effect your listening experience, not the fields themselves.

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For $150 something along the lines of Moto g53/54/14 which should be even cheaper can be purchased. If speaking about particularly about it as a simple to use device with good performance and stereo speakers.

Use different accounts on different devices instead of just one or just login once, install all needed software, updates and then remove account, disconnect network, only copy files by wire.

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