Chondrocyte hypertrophy make cells in bones bigger

if chondrocyte hypertrophy makes the cells in bones bigger which translates into bigger bones which then means more height for us. Would it be possible for dream to makee something that just makes all the cells in your bones thicker??


Yeah this actually sounds like a great idea. When the SIK3 gene was expressed in adult mice their growth plates reopened up, and their bones grew more. Amazing stuff bro.


hey man can you post this on sapiens suggestions post?

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how do you do that? i think this would be the best and fastest way to grow taller to be honest with y’all.

if you type in ‘‘request and fields’’ in the search bar it will show you sapiens post about that

ok will do in the evening i’m already on many shitlists if i make another post now someone’s gonna snap for sure

You can make it yourself bro. I don’t know about morphic fields, but you can make subliminals that just as effective. You can even repeat it in your mantra if you are live. I am expressing my gen SIK3 and reopening my growth plates. My body and bones are expanding and becoming stronger.

Sapien has other projects he is working on, so it is a bit selfish of you to ask him to make an audio to grow taller when there are already 2 on his page. Also with coronavirus still raging on, should you be concerned that you are a midget?

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bro he’s just suggesting a more effective way.Just because you don’t have his problem and don’t care about a height related video doesn’t mean it’s not affecting him


if you ever said the word midget to my face you’d have a broken nose and wouldn’t be able to walk again. besides 5”7 is not midget anyways

I am genuinely sorry for calling you a midget. Honestly, I should not tease people around like that, but it’s pretty funny when people take the bait. I recommend you also work on your insecurities. While getting taller is good, should you not be comfortable in your skin and not care when someone calls you midget? Food for thought bro.

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i hate that word especially when i’m not a midget. 5”1 is midget but 5”7 is short it’s just short bro

is sik3 the same as sirk3? im spamming the shit out of this if this makes the bones bigger

Part of the description:

“If you do not have osteoporosis i do not suggest you look at this often, as it will thicken your bones.”

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