Chronic pain in teenager

Hi! I have a sick child , i think it might be HPV vaccine injury- her nerve system is damaged so she has chronic pain in her legs. What sound tracks to listen to? leaky guts she certainly has;


Nerve healing, its on Patreon
Stomach and Intestine ulcer might help with the leaky gut (u can find it on youtube) , the new intestine audio might too (also on YouTube) oh and there’s one for ibs that might also help with leaky gut, on patreon
Try pain control for the pain

Hope she feels better soon. Much love xx :heart::pray::two_hearts::slight_smile::sparkling_heart::hugs::heart_eyes::blush:


Thank you so much! one more question please: Do you may be have a sound file for Ehlers Danlos disease/ collagen weakness, not only in joints and bones?


Yes, there is an Experimental Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Treatment field.

There is an audio file on Patreon here and it is available at the YouTube link below.


@SammyG @Captain_Nemo …


Yes! I hope the child feels better very soon.


Thank you for your thoughts. The EDL video seems to provide the right dimensions for her, played other videos, but twice playing this one made already some shift… . I am shocked. We will play the video as suggested a few times next days. I will let you know.


If you are not opposed to “higher help”, this audio can be miraculously helpful in aiding healing, along with the EDL:


will listen to it. my daughter is very ill. if this helps I send a letter to the pope.


Believe me, this audio is not really “religious”, but is “spiritual” and has nothing to do with Catholicism :slight_smile:


And the Pain control audio can helper her to cope with the pain


thank you. my daughter feels rather severe nerve pain when she listens to the tapes and its not at all comfortable she says. Her nerves are oversensitive. I am desperate. It looks like gardasil vaccine nerve damage, may be vaccine damage already earlier on as a baby.

What kind of testing has she had done? Has there been a nerve conduction test performed? MRI? What kind of labs? Also how is the EDS field working for her now?

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no, the orthopedic and psykiatric doctors say her nerves are normal, no conduction text done, the MRI does not show any abnormality. All frequencies that target her nerve system just trigger her pain reaction and hurt, also EDL.

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Maybe she could listening while toleterating the pain for a short time (At the same time taking some pain killers) until the audios start healing your daughter?
Maybe the pain while listening the audios shows the audio are working.

hej , regular pain killers are not helping at all with severe nerve pain she has; yes she can go a little bit into the pain to heal but not too much; the pain management tape is also too strong; that is what i do; kortison is a pain killer, i try the cortisone tapes that seem to be effektice; and detox tapes as it can be toxins that cause the damage

Has a sleep study been done to measure brainwaves during sleep etc? Is the pain the same in both legs? 24/7 pain? Does it lighten up a little bit ever,? Or is one more in pain than the other? How’s her cognition? Tired all the time?

yes it varies, the pain, not stable; she is tired but not all the time. why do you ask?

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things aren’t always as they appear. I recently came across this Dr. Might find this type of information useful . Don’t know but watch it never the less.

This is a great binaural beats audio for pain management, which has a nice and pleasure music.
This could help her. Tis is a substitute of pain killers, not for healing.
I bought some audios from that store and are good.