Civilization as we know it is ending, prominent forecaster says

Of course if any body who says parents shouldn’t be blamed for how their kids turned out to be then nothing that person says can ever be trusted.

These people think because there are borders, their actions don’t affect anyone beyond their borders. Some fools destroy their share of land whose consequences the entire humanity faces.

I have to disagree, only a little percentage of children whether they get right upbringing or not are naturally drawn to caring about the planet and all species while rest of the children just go about their life unless they are told and disciplined by their parents. It happens in every generation but GenZ is the most dangerous batch delivered to the planet so far.

Older generation cares more about the planet?

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It’s no use hating on the zoomies. They got dropped straight into the decay without any taste of the real good times. The more you harp on them, the more they’ll rebel against your message. Most people are good, but there’s so much lying and misdirection that it’s a wonder most people can still tie their shoes. They’re doing the best they can to keep their heads above water while they’re metaphorically drowning.

Have your strong beliefs, but hating on others for not sharing them is going to do absolutely nothing for your cause.


Parents nominally raise children, but cultural institutions and economic trends shape cohorts. Individuals have some agency but not cohorts. Whether a generation is positive or negative relative to a certain value is noticeable to others. Blaming or defending them for how they are is like complaining about the weather. It passes the time but it’s not important

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Guess it should start with yourself first then?

Sure man hope you will tell that to yourself the next time you have floods at your place or your entire house is submerged.

Complaining about the weather—not the weather.

I like that one lol

Nice way to put it

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@Rocket you could have given me a chance to explain before deleting your post. Exceptions and outliers don’t dictate the dynamics of a system. Rules and laws don’t exist for the exceptions and outliers.

If you are hoping for a Mad Max kind of world that will not happen until AI takes over each and every industry and every job on the planet don’t think that will happen for a long time. You are talking like companies care whether you get your daily meal and have a shelter to sleep.

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If you think so then can’t help you but I do have faith in humanity not in GenZs. Replay the scene from the movie Battleship where oldies come to the rescue of starting the battle ship to defeat the aliens because only oldies know how to do it.

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I will leave it to your comprehension skills man.


I’m not sure that is true.

A lot of our society’s rules are completely based on regulating the lowest common denominator. To use your turn of phrase, outliers.

In a complex system a lowest common denominator exhibits behaviour that can be expected throughout the system while outliers exhibit behaviour that don’t fit into the system, in order to make sense of the system people who are in research remove outliers.

And an exception is something that behaves differently but not so differently that it disturbs the system and is still needed to be considered part of the system.

To your point in framing rules of a society, rules come into effect when people behave out of the norm and certain exceptions are always factored in as humans can only foresee certain possibilities in committing crimes or breaking law while someone always tries for the first time something really unheard of, that is an outlier. There won’t be any law and once such a case comes up laws are updated.

In case you are wondering about an example of outlier in law, during 2007 sub-prime mortgage crisis in US, the firms that rated the financial products and banks got away with a loophole as mentioned in the disclaimer in their rating documents. People wanted them to get punished as well but they were free with little warnings.

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