Hey Guys, I see lot of knowledge, enthusiasm and cooperation in this forum which is truly great to be part of.
I have been thinking of an idea why don’t we all participate in an experiment to create a morphic field ( let’s say create a Page in forum for wishes or healing page, or a sigil or item or servitor etc. ) for some concept like unconditional love, or acceptance or healing or anything that u suggest. Let’s say some may use strong intentions, feelings, prayers, affirmations etc to use the method they know.
Just throw your suggestions on this idea and later can see how to proceed. Most of us can be at different levels of understanding of morphic fields and concepts etc., but I thought why don’t we start small and experiment…Each drop maketh an ocean.
@SammyG, post ur ideas too. However the course is also coming up, might be a good practice. What’s say ? Don’t know how this gonna turn out at the end … Lol. @El_Capitan_Nemo can check our creation to review and feedback… lol.
you already do this all the time.
all those ‘meditation’ videos and a few other channels.
While maybe not intentional, (or some maybe are)
The similar thoughts and feelings of others get associated with the audio, so when you use it you feel effects. (because a lot of people will think about the same thing when using it, say they put, self healing, 999 hz or whatever, each person thinks of some form of healing, they way they interpret it and this adds flavor to it, which over time others experience as a field on the audio.
But these are easy for simple things, like emotion based things etc.
I do try protect the ones I make from that kinda influence because it can easily ruin a field or what you created.
I wonder if more and more people get result from let’s say testosterone field on yt, the more easier it will be for other new people to gain result. I saw alot people complaining that older audios were better than new ones, so i remember that monkey experiment you write on enlightened states and this thing come to my mind. Does it have logic, or i am wrong?
the fields are designed to grow over time.
so the age is why it seems so,
but I specifically design them to not do that, as this can cause a lot of bad effects over time.
(bad intentions etc)
One more question - Are there fields inside the audio or items which can control the other than known effects on the body to avoid dangers of over usage or side effects ? Example, if u created an audio field for say some skin disease with many steps internally acting information like a ->b ->c ->d . But there could be some persons with issues in converting c->d or bcz of limited research or lack of research on exceptional cases etc. Let’s say there is some side-effects for few set of persons where this creates a problem and no research available. Then how do u design the field to counter act this ?
My question is how do u deal with these one off cases, or this missing information zone when creating the fields. Do u also add other fields wherein individuals won’t react to fields when it’s not suitable for somebody or ‘no side-effects’ field combined in each audio or do u think it’s not necessary ? This is coming from the point where I haven’t seen negative effects to the listeners and no side effects to anyone. I was thinking if there is any field additionally that gives only beneficial effects to listeners and without any adverse effects.
Hope I am clear in putting up my question…