Hey Guys, I see lot of knowledge, enthusiasm and cooperation in this forum which is truly great to be part of.
I have been thinking of an idea why don’t we all participate in an experiment to create a morphic field ( let’s say create a Page in forum for wishes or healing page, or a sigil or item or servitor etc. ) for some concept like unconditional love, or acceptance or healing or anything that u suggest. Let’s say some may use strong intentions, feelings, prayers, affirmations etc to use the method they know.
Just throw your suggestions on this idea and later can see how to proceed. Most of us can be at different levels of understanding of morphic fields and concepts etc., but I thought why don’t we start small and experiment…Each drop maketh an ocean.
@SammyG, post ur ideas too. However the course is also coming up, might be a good practice. What’s say ? Don’t know how this gonna turn out at the end … Lol.
@El_Capitan_Nemo can check our creation to review and feedback… lol.