Colors more vivid? Is this from brain fields? Eye field??

Somehow it’s as if I see colors with new eyes, mostly on my phone and TV, but I have watched those a thousand times, what is going on lol?
The colors are better, idk how to explain this; is there a massive update on youtube or something, is everything much more clear(er) Or am I actually seeing much vivid colors; have I actually had a condition (brain or eyes or something) that I did not even know? Perhaps after the meningitis, many years ago - and I did not realized it?

Has anyone ever experienced something like this?


Quite a few brain-related things have drawn on this idea :man_shrugging:


Yes, I observed this in the last few days, since using many brain fields.


ISIRB has a photographic memory component to it. Synthesia and Visual Processing sound like good candidates for this effect, but there are other fields that might have this effect


I had the same with Eye Protocol field of @Psychic_University that I had the impression the colours were more vivid. But only during really concious moments…

The latter is on my daily playlist. I had a LASIK operation about 10 years ago, but I notice my right eye is detoriating…

I had with the enhanced visual processing of Dream that indeed I had also a more vivid imagination like the abilty to vizualize and zoom in on certain stuff.